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Why Is Our World So Polarized?

Previously, we have discussed the Universal Law of Polarity, how to integrate polarity, and how to defuse duality by exploring different perspectives, which is helpful. But now we are due for an update, because some days it seems like the world has gone crazy. What’s going on? Why is our world so polarized?

What is meant by duality vs. polarity?

“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” – The Kybalion

According to Guy Needler, the whole point of the physical universe is to experience duality or the yin and yang principles. But we live in a reality where we can also experience a whole spectrum of things — not just black and white, but all the shades of grey in between. The “opposites” are really two extremes of the same thing with a gradient or a sliding scale between them (below).The yin/yang principles are found everywhere from the basic building block of matter (Anu) to the human body (gender) and the various archetypal states of consciousness that we can explore in human form. But we need our ego or personality to anchor us to this reality.

  • When we look at ourselves, there are some parts we like (skills/talents/soul gifts) and other parts we don’t like that we tend to deny or push underground (shadows).
  • It’s not easy to go beyond our personality or beyond the ego’s filters and limited perception. As JG Bennett (“The Dramatic Universe”) observed:

“Sleeping man lives in a dualistic state. He is eternally the battlefield of two opposing forces, the desire for something better and the inertia which keeps him where he is. He is not merely self-centred, but centred in an imaginary self, in his picture of what he imagines himself to be, or wishes other people to think him.

But the Law of Three helps us see things differently. It operates on all levels and is represented by a triangle with affirming (+), denying (-) and neutralizing (=) forces. The interaction of these three forces or qualities creates an event. The problem is that humans are “third force blind” we see two forces at play and choose one side or the other.

The Law of Three teaches us to use triadic thinking, which is the ability to see what connects things or reconciles contradictory positions, such as proton-electron-neutron, hydrogen-oxygen-water, thesis-antithesis-synthesis. It shows us why and how events occur and the role each element plays in creating the event. It also shows us they are part of the whole (circle, oneness).

Why is our world so polarized?

Earth is a highly polarized world, because we are at the bottom of the universe. We can experience the extreme conditions (e.g. black/white, hot/cold, fear/courage, stress/bliss) at our level. But the higher up the frequencies we go, the closer the poles get, which means the experience becomes less intense or more nuanced, according to Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”). She explained:

  • For example, at the 9th frequency level, both poles are subtle variations of medium grey. It’s much less polarized than our level. They still have disagreements, but they’re not going to kill each other over it.
  • We are moving through a sector of space with bands of “photonic energy” or higher vibrational light particles, which is activating everything that has been suppressed, so it can be transmuted and cleared. It gives us an opportunity to elevate our consciousness and integrate all our lessons.
  • This can create drama, wars and conflicts, which are meant to awaken the collective consciousness. Eventually, the lower frequencies will move towards the higher ones, because nature wants balance. Everything naturally wants to gravitate to love and balance and connection.

Lyssa Royal (“The Golden Lake”) said our Sun takes about 26,000 years to cycle relative to the center of the Milky Way galaxy. This grand cycle is split into two 13,000 year cycles:

  • A projective/masculine part, in which civilizations go to sleep and experience the most separation in third density, followed by an integrative/feminine part, in which civilizations move into fourth density and start to awaken and heal.
  • We have now moved out of the Atlantean cycle that finished around 2012, and are starting a Lemurian cycle that propels us to ascend toward integration. If we resist it, some people will get stuck in the drama of fearful negative scenarios. The pressure turns inward and creates inner pain, mental illness and physical disease.

According to Nora Herold, this coming together of light and dark, yin and yang, male and female represents and reflects back to us our truth as whole beings, comprised of All That Is, Love incarnate, which is genderless in nature. She added:

  • When we live in a polarized reality, we’re programmed to have contrasting ideas or opinions about everything. It’s this or that, either/or, which keeps us disagreeing with one another and stuck in a polarized reality. This is played out as racism, antisemitism, misogyny, islamophobia, etc.
  • The beings running your world are masters at magnifying the dark. It’s meant to trigger you and activate you to transmute your trauma. But remind yourself that the polarity of light and dark is no longer evenly distributed in your reality. You are running somewhere between 60-70% light and 30-40% dark.
  • The U.S. has served as a melting pot of different soul ages and collective energies on Earth, just as the Earth has served as a melting pot of collective energies of this universe.

Moving forward, we are asked to let go of aligning with just one truth, one belief or one way of seeing things. We are invited to play with everything being this and that, to embrace both/and thinking, to see and feel ALL points of view as valid in the moment. That’s how the costumes fall away, while we step into Oneness, where only Love rules and reunification occurs.

Guy Needler said if you and your friend are at the opposite ends of the political spectrum, for instance, it’s showing how duality can work, because you are the yin and yang of each other that create the whole. It’s to do with having the capability of having alternative thoughts, but still working together. So one’s wider thought processes, expectations, desires or wants can be completely opposite, but as long as you can be on the same page with your spiritual work, it doesn’t matter, as the end goal is the same.

Final Thoughts

According to Martin Gladwin, the human view of the world is created through three elements: How we think, move, and feel. He explained:

  • What you think is a result of how you feel, and where you are.
  • How you feel is a result of what you think, and what you’re doing.
  • What you do is a result of how you feel, and what you think.
  • If any of these three elements isn’t right, then look to change the other two. Once you get all three working together, your options are enormous.

In a recent lecture (“Clarity To Embodiment”), Matt Kahn talked about the next 10 years in human evolution. He described our global ascension in three waves of ascension in this way:

  • The first wave of ascension are the spiritually aligned way-showers or conscious pioneers, who are pulling in new energy to the planet. They are the anchors of this new unity consciousness and entering “5D” consciousness first.
  • They are the ones who have spent the last 10 years doing inner work, facing their shadows head on, clearing their field and conditioning, opening chakras, clearing out old DNA, making peace with past lives, etc. They are the sensitives, the empaths, the exhausted ones, who are learning to reclaim their power and embody their own highest potential.
  • The second wavers are all about revolution. They have one foot in 3D and one foot in 5D. They are inspired to take to the streets, rally and take action to work out their unprocessed shadow that the first wavers have already cleansed and purified. They look to the outside world to determine where we are on the inside. The downfall is that people tend to take action that is equally destructive that they’re fighting against, but in the name of a higher spiritual truth (spiritual ego).
  • The third wavers are the technology zombies. They are the last group to ascend into 5D consciousness. They allow outer technology to take over their consciousness. These are the types of people, who are addicted in frequencies to their computer, to their phone, etc. That type of communication replaces interpersonal communication.

Over next 10 years, the themes of growth are about embodiment, integration, diplomacy, and groundedness. While the first wave anchors peace and diplomacy, the second wave insists on going to war, and the third wave is distracted by outer technology. What we see in the outer world is a mishmash of the first, second and third wavers working things out, according to Kahn.

All is choice. We’re here to learn how to choose and to choose how to learn. – Michael Entity

Finally, here is an image analogy to illustrate the wave patterns generated at different levels of creation by Source (one eye), individual humans (two eyes) and collective humanity (multiple eyes). The waves can either amplify each other (light bands) or cancel each other out (dark bands) to create an interference pattern (below). No wonder life can be confusing!

As Lyssa Royal explained, we need to remember that we are more than a polarized reality. There is One Eye behind the lens of separation and that’s where we all come from. We can choose to exist in polarized disharmony or in harmonized duality. All is choice.

I can stand in peace in the midst of chaos. – Wendy Kennedy

For more information, please see:

Three Initiates: The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, 1912

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019

JG Bennett: The Dramatic Universe, Volume 1, 1950

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies & Pleiadian Tools for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos – Higher Frequencies

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home

Lyssa Royal-Holt: The Golden Lake: Wisdom from the Stars for Life on Earth, 2019

Matt Kahn: Everything Is Here To Help You, 2018, Whatever Arises, Love That, 2016 & Clarity To Embodiment (lecture presented on 9/17/2019)

Martin Gladwin (cited in): Rule of Three, Power of Three: It Worked for Thomas Jefferson, Steve Jobs, Julius Caesar, Many Other Gifted Leaders… Try It.

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Guía Espiritual a Nuestro Multiverso, 2018 (Spanish edition)

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

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