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Are We the Creator Or the Created Or Both?

In previous posts, we discovered that we are multidimensional beings that are smaller units or “Mini-Me’s” of our Source Entity/God, who created entities of all types (human, nonhuman, energetic etc.) to explore the multiverse at different levels. Are we the creator or the created or both?

Are we the creator or the created or both?

The figure below illustrates one way to imagine (from my human perspective) how we might fit into the bigger picture.

  • It is based on an image called “Ascension Fractal”, which represents a still frame of a constantly moving fractal hierarchical pattern, which is energy in motion. 
  • This fractal has been called a “BuddhaBrot,” because it resembles the sitting Buddha figure.

This is my human interpretation of this figure:

  • The Source is the golden figure at the bottom from which everything else emanates.
  • Our True Energetic Self/Oversoul is the “Mini-me” of Source at the top, which is vertically connected to the Source at all times.
  • Our soul aspects are sitting on the moving branches that go left and right of the vertical pillar. The branches can be dualistic or multiple in their fractal iterations.
  • Each smaller replicate on the branch is a soul or a smaller shard incarnating in sequential or parallel lives, which are numerous during the expansion phase.
  • Eventually, all these parts return back to Source during the contraction phase of our multiverse.

“I am my Creator; I am One with my Creator; my Creator is One with me.” – Guy Needler


“I am in the realm of the physical, because I desire a contextual field within which to experience what I know of myself, and to experience it fully. You are the caller and the called. The creator and the created. The beginning and the end. The alpha and the omega.” – Neale Donald Walsch

What is a contextual field?

Neale Walsch said that the function of the universe is to provide us with a contextual field, in which ALL experiences are made possible.

  • We live within that contextual field, where all contrasting elements or dualities (e.g. dark/light, hot/cold, up/down, male/female etc.) exist, so that we can experience what we are and what we are not.

Physicist Noel Huntley, PhD said: “All energy and knowledge are contextual.” That means everything that we detect (with our senses or instruments) is in the context of who is doing the observing and what their perspective or vantage point is.

  • Your perspective influences the reality you will see. That’s why Wendy Kennedy said: “Truth is always colored by perspective.”
  • That means there are as many versions of reality as there are beings to interpret reality. Some people say this is nonsense, as if nothing is real. But it’s closer to the truth than you may realize.

Guy Needler has described a much greater contextual field  for us to consider.

  • The Greater Reality includes the omniverse (totality of Origin), our multiverse (made of multiple universes) and the physical universe (the bottom dimension of our multiverse), where we incarnate as humans/other forms to learn, experience and evolve.
  • We also use the special functionality called “event space” to play out multiple versions of events, to learn about the cause and effect of every possible choice.

What is a fractal?

The term “fractal” was coined by mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975. He showed that fractals are patterns of infinite self-similarity.

  • They bring “a degree of order” to things that may appear rough or chaotic (e.g. clouds, plants, blood vessels, cluster of galaxies, stock market charts, etc.).
  • No matter how many times you break down a fractal shape, you can always fracture it to smaller and smaller copies of itself, which are either identical or similar versions of the original form (shown below).

Image: Various fractal patterns found all around us in space and in nature.


Neale Donald Walsch explained that we (like all life forms) are defining and re-creating God in every single moment, since life is a tool for God to turn concept into experience.

What is fractal hierarchy?

Physicist Noel Huntley described a simple tree model to explain our multiverse. It is designed in a fractal holographic configuration that has organization within organization. He said: “It is as much a work of art as a great machine or computer.” Huntley explained:

  1. The first fractal level is the outermost twig level, which corresponds to our Human level of consciousness. Our perception of the universe is limited to the twigs. That’s all we see in 3D. Our ego consciousness is a closed-loop system, which can become distorted, because it is cut off from its higher aspects and higher intelligence.
  2. The second fractal level is made of the small branches, that correspond to the Soul level. The souls perceive themselves as interconnected and will not harm each other (unlike egos).
  3. The third fractal level is the larger branch level, which corresponds to the Oversoul level. It has an even greater awareness of the whole. For an average tree there are about seven fractal levels.
  4. The tree trunk represents the Source level of consciousness, from which all information and energy are continuously flowing to keep the twigs and branches alive. In one sense, the Source has fractured its consciousness into smaller branches and twigs, much like white light gets split up by a prism into a rainbow of colors (spectrum of frequencies) to experience different levels of Itself, according to Huntley.


During evolution (ascension) of the Self, the lower parts (outer fractals) merge into the higher parts (inner fractals) in increasing degrees of order and return back to Source.

As Arnold Keyserling wrote: “Conscious beings are like fractals evolving to ever greater scales of magnitude. Along the way we follow the same basic patterns, but at each stage there are some unique variations. This variety adds spice to life.

But if you know what to look for, the key fractal structures, you can look beyond the millions of trees and start to see the forest, the unity behind the great diversity of nature.”

What is God?

Neale Donald Walsch said: “God is a process, not the result of that process, but the process itself. The process of creation is never complete, never done. And you are part of that process. God is the energy, which you call life. Nothing stands still. Everything is energy in motion or E-motion.”

When we understand this, we can develop respect for all life and reverence for all creation, including every atom, rock, tree and being.

“I have created you, so that you might re-create Me. This is Our very reason for being.” – Neale Donald Walsch
