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Does “A Course in Miracles” Correspond To Spiritual Science Or Not?

I am writing a book with Guy Needler to summarize the Questions and Answers from all the World Satsangas held from 2012-2021. Since I came across this question (from September 26, 2020), I thought it might be useful for my readers, because it teaches us about discernment or how to use currently known spiritual science to evaluate metaphysical teachings. Does “A Course In Miracles” correspond to spiritual science or not? 

Does “A Course in Miracles” correspond to Spiritual Science or Not?

Background: “A Course in Miracles” is a 1976 book by Helen Schucman. The underlying premise is that the greatest “miracle” is the act of simply gaining a full “awareness of love’s presence” in a person’s life. Schucman said that the book had been dictated to her, word for word, via a process of “inner dictation” from Jesus Christ (Wikipedia).

Can you comment on the basic premises of “A Course in Miracles” listed below? If these statements are generally true, then who did create this world and for what purpose? It seems that we are all guessing, creating belief structures to replace our ignorance and in the end everything we think we know is pure conjecture? 

  • This world is an illusion, because only what is of God, Love, is real. 
  • There is no world! This is the central idea this course attempts to teach. 

Guy Needler’s answer: “Well, there is a world, because even if it’s a temporary reality, that’s created by us collectively to allow us to experience something. That collective creation creates an environment to exist within—whether it’s a universe, whether it’s a galaxy, whether it’s a planetary system, whether it’s a planet, whether it’s an island, whether it’s a country, whether it’s a city, whether it’s a village, whether it’s a house. It is there while we’re working with it. So to say there is no world is incorrect, because we create it collectively to be able to work with it and experience, learn and evolve and evolve through it. 

  • God did not make this world, if He did, God would be cruel.

We are part of our True Energetic Selves and our True Energetic Selves are smaller, individualized units of God. When we create something, we create it, because we are part of God and we are God. On top of this, the Earth is part of a structure associated with the multiverse and the multiverse is a function of the structure of the Source, so it has to be part of God. Again this is an incorrect assumption, because Source allows anything and everything to happen, because it’s all experience. 

Those things that are suboptimal or negative—if you want to call them that, but I prefer suboptimal—are allowed to exist, because it gives us the correct duality. It gives us the correct benefit of diverse experience. It’s no good just being in an incarnation where you’re only experiencing the good things, because it’s biased. It doesn’t give you the full detail of what’s happening. That’s why the Buddha moved away from being a prince to being a pauper, so he could experience the yin and the yang, the duality of this environment we’re in now.

  • God does not know we are here in a world that is apart from Him. He knows and Loves us as an integral part of Himself, as one with Him and His creations.

Well, how does that work? So those two lines don’t work, don’t they? The one contradicts the other, so we can write those two off, because of being unable to be understood properly.

  • The only Reality is God, and this is why all of the above is true.

Well, that’s true. The only reality is God and it’s created of the Origin and the structure that they are both part of. Because the Origin is an element of polyomniscient sentient self-awareness within a larger, vast energetic structure, it’s trying to understand itself. But everything is there, and the only reality is that—the greater reality basically. Some part of that statement is acceptable, because the only reality is God, which is true. But all of the above is not correct, because there’s contradiction in there.

  • The only purpose of the illusion is to forgive it, not to love it, not to embrace it, not to change it, or condemn it. 

Well, I don’t agree with that either, because the only purpose of the illusion is to understand it’s there, work with it and love it as being a modality for our evolutionary progression. When we embrace it, we work with it. When we love it, we understand it. When we change it, it’s because we change it to make it better. When we condemn it, we realize that what we’ve created isn’t acceptable and we look at how we will improve it. 

Some of these statements are back to front, upside down, left and right. They don’t fully concur with understanding who and what we are and what we exist within and what our role within the Source is, as part of a level of structure that is super divided or individualized levels of sentience and energy to investigate one’s Self. In this instance, the Source is investigating itself in minute detail through the creation or separation of the first part of its structure and giving some smaller parts of itself the opportunity to go investigate that structure. Those smaller parts have decided to give even smaller parts opportunity to go into finer detail, which is what our souls or aspects of our True Energetic Self are.

I think there’s a lot of contradictions in “A Course in Miracles.” But with all these things, as a discerning seeker of the truth, you have to expose yourself to them to understand which is truth and which is manmade conjecture. Once you can sift out the truth from the conjecture, you know each time you pick up another book, see another video, talk to another individual, which is the correct path to navigate down to keep getting truth, truth, truth, truth, truth, rather than truth, incorrectness, truth, human thought process, truth, human preference.”

For more information, please see:

Where Do Souls Come From? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

How Do We Jump Timelines? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

Is Life a Virtual Reality Game, Illusion Or Dream? – Big Picture

How Do We Know Things? (Video 1) – Big Picture Questions

How Do Our Left and Right Minds Influence Our Reality? (Video 2) – Big Picture Questions

What Are Beliefs vs. Truths? (Video 3) – Big Picture Questions

What Are Conscious vs. Unconscious Beliefs? (Video 4) – Big Picture Questions

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Health, 2022