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What Is New About the Earth Experiment?

Here are some questions I asked in the July 28, 2018 World Satsanga with Guy Needler’s answers. My questions were centered on the Earth Experiment, specifically about the limited numbers of physical vehicles, what population this planet can support, backfill people and individualized free will. Since we learned a few new things, I wanted to share them with my readers here as well. What is new about the Earth Experiment? 

What is new about the Earth Experiment?

From: World Satsanga 28 07 2018 (Transcript) & Guy Needler 7-28-18…World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture (Recording)

Why are the physical vehicles limited in number in the physical universe, so the Higher Selves have to queue up to send souls to incarnate? Why couldn’t some Higher Selves create more bodies for souls to use at any location or any point in time (meaning event space)?

Basically, there is a certain amount of, shall we say, bodies or vehicles that can be supported by a particular planet. And so from our perspective, there are only a certain number of individuals, who can be created to support that. And certainly on Earth, from an Earth perspective, there has to be a level of governance associated with the number of individuals, because we’ve all got individualized free will. And this individualized free will is unique to the physical universe basically, and it’s unique to any universe within the multiverse apart from obviously, when we’re energetic, we are normally part of a larger collective of our Self and Source.

But from an individualized incarnate perspective, all planets have the ability to sustain only a certain number of vehicles. Some of them are in tens of billions, some of them are only in hundreds of thousands. It just depends upon the type of environment that’s there and what can be supported, and the way in which those incarnate individuals within those vehicles they have can interact with that environment as well. For instance, the Earth right now has roughly I guess about 7 billion inhabitants. It has been significantly lower down than that — it’s been in the hundreds of thousands in the past, it’s been in the small millions as well.

What we are supposedly enjoying is a population boom right now and that’s happened certainly in the last 400-500 years. But the Earth can only support a maximum number of incarnate individuals as well. I’m being told that’s probably around, I’m being told, it’s between 12 and 14 billion is the maximum the Earth can support, provided we are working together to support the Earth in supporting us. The way we’re doing it right now, it can only support another 2 billion, up to 9 billion inhabitants. But if we worked together and supported it and everything was recycled and we didn’t waste anything and we created things and we worked with the planet properly, it could support between 12 and 14 billion. So that’s why there’s only a certain number of bodies available basically in this particular environment.

And it’s also why there’s not so many in the rest of the physical universe. And also don’t forget that the other incarnate vehicles in the rest of the physical universe are governed by some form of collective consciousness together, whether it’s fully collective or whether it’s individualized free will that has to work with the governance of being collective as well. It’s a different thing, whereas we have fully individualized free will that doesn’t need to work with a collective. So I hope that answered that question. It’s simply because of what’s able to be sustained on the planet that they’re working with.

Please see: What Is the Human Being Project? – Big Picture & What Will Future Earth Look Like? – Big Picture

Why did they have to transport different vehicles or racial forms to our planet from elsewhere in the universe at different time points? Why were they not created right here (in situ) to begin with as needed?

Well, the first ones were created here in situ. They were created as a result of the higher frequency period that we were in, and the human vehicle has been adapted a number of different times. But there were other human forms, and there are other human forms even now that are around the physical universe, that are naturally of a higher frequency, or in this instance, they were naturally of a lower frequency.

And so it was more effective or efficient to import these vehicles from other locations within the physical universe and other galaxies that were able to support and work with and be supported by the environment of the Earth, and also more importantly, exist within the reduction in frequencies. So they were imported, because it was easier to do basically than create new bodies. Sometimes it’s better to import a vehicle, like a motor car from another country, than it is to redesign one yourself. It’s the same sort of thing.

It was basically, there’s other human type vehicles around that were capable of existing in lower frequencies, because our Earth was dropping down the frequencies, and the existing vehicles couldn’t cope with the drop in frequency, and that was the reason for that.

Please see: What Are Human Root Races? – Big Picture & What Are Common Misconceptions About Creation and Evolution? – Big Picture

In the last Satsanga you said that unless WE humans can master individualized free will, other incarnating souls will NOT be given individualized free will to accelerate their evolution through the physical universe?
  • Haven’t we done this Earth free will experiment twice already in our previous multiverse cycles? Or is this the first time WE are given individualized free will in the third multiverse cycle?
  • Is the individualized free will only given to souls from Higher Selves that are fully sentient (i.e. human level), not to backfill or animal, plant or mineral level entities? Or do they all get it at some point in their incarnate existence?

Individualized free will, I’m being told, is a function of this particular evolutionary cycle and it’s only a recent addition to the evolutionary cycle, I’ll have to say is what I’m picking up now. It’s only in the last million or so years where it’s been used or been introduced into this particular location within the physical universe within the multiverse.

So it’s a unique thing in all sorts of ways, and because it’s unique, it has various different evolutionary opportunities, which were discussed at a higher level. And one of these functions of giving ourselves individualized free will is that we would drop down the frequencies, but we could also go up the frequencies and become something much bigger and much better.

The issue with it is that we are currently dropping down, but we have the capability to reduce this and stop this drop and increase and benefit from experiencing lower frequency thoughts, behaviors and actions and apply governance of ourselves whilst incarnate to ensure we don’t go down these levels again, and we learn and subsequently evolve from being in the lower levels, because we can see how difficult it is and how damaging it can be to others, who incarnate in the environment around us.

The only other souls that are allowed to have individualized free will are those souls that are in between, or should I say, those souls that have sentience, which is the quality of sentience that is in between the human and the animal. Now they [backfill people] are only a recent inclusion, even more recent than having individualized free will.

And the backfill people have only been here no more than 50-60 years. So they are specifically being allowed to incarnate to allow those of higher quality of sentience to ascend into the higher frequencies whilst still being on Earth, so they’re here to help us. Because they’re a lower quality of sentience, they do get sucked into lower frequency thoughts, behaviors and actions. But they will also benefit from the ability to incarnate and have individualized free will as well, so eventually they will evolve as well.

Addendum 8/25/2018:  Individualized free will is reserved for the Earth. As we ascend and go through the different frequencies associated with the Earth, our individual consciousness becomes more connected, so that will by default make us more directed towards working as a collective. We’ll start to operate more as one body, rather than lots of little bodies.

That free will would be individually directed towards working with every other incarnate entity that has individualized free will for the benefit of the whole rather than for the benefit of the one. That’s a more evolved level. It will be with us all the way through the different frequency bands up to FB 12 or the top of the physical universe, according to Needler.

Please see: What Is the Free Will Experiment With Humans On Earth? – Big Picture & What Are Backfill People? – Big Picture

Honor the Earth with gratitude for our evolution.

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. – Chief Seattle

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016

Guy Needler: Recording of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 28th July 2018 In Association with The Moore Show|Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (Recording) & World Satsanga 28 07 2018 (Transcript)

Guy Needler 8-25-18…World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture

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What Is the Free Will Experiment With Humans On Earth? – Big Picture

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