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Gordon Phinn 1-10-20…”The Inner Voice & Awkward Answers”

Here is an insightful blog post, entitled “The Inner Voice & Awkward Answers” by Gordon Phinn, who is an incarnate Master. In my view he has earned at least an “Honorary PhD” in Astral Traveling with his extensive exploration and writing about the astral realms! His post will make you think twice about your soul’s inner voice and the discernment we need to exercise to differentiate between various astral entities, such as earthbound spirits, true spirit guides or guardian angels. Enjoy!

The Inner Voice & Awkward Answers by Gordon Phinn

“Continuing our examination of that place of knowing and the inner voice which emanates from it, let me be clear on the various tags that have been applied to it.  Conscience, intuition, “guidance”, guardian angel, spirit guide, soul, spirit:  these are just a few of the names we comfort ourselves with.

And comfort is not always what we achieve in communication with this inner voice.  In fact, discomfort and annoyance is more likely to be the result.

Hearing that your current challenges and difficulties are (a), just what you chose before birth, (b) some details in your karmic adjustment program, (c) willing service to another soul who asked for it, – these are not the ego satisfying signals your daily irritation is seeking.  Hearing that your deceased father is not “with” your deceased mother, but playing the field in some astral beach side resort where the pleasures of vanity and the flesh are indulged in with the same enthusiasm as their counterparts on earth but without the risks of unsightly waist lines and STD’s, this man who was a dedicated and selfless father and provider on earth, it’s not exactly what the mourning son or daughter wishes to hear.  That your smart, high achieving agnostic brother has decided that the afterlife is living proof of Jesus’s teachings and become a devoted Catholic in Catholic heaven can be a bitter disappointment, raising the spectres of cynicism and despair in a life that was smooth and fulfilling just moments before.  That your high school buddy, derailed by earthly tragedy into a dissolute and criminal lifestyle has not mended his ways but has somehow continued his reprobate activities in some lower astral purgatory, easily described by the psychic you’ve consulted for a second opinion whilst still in shock.  While not generally as ideal destroying as the experiences of disabled and addicted war veterans, such signals can disrupt a hard won personal comfort zone for quite some time, until denial builds its walls or acceptance pulls them down.

I have met many Christians over the years who tell me that an inner voice is clearly heard when they devote themselves to prayer.  Listening to their tales of applying compassion in appalling situations or unconditional tolerance of bad behaviour is not so different from hearing the reports of meditators and yoga practitioners, whose voices are sometimes a parade of images that tell a story, sometimes a story of a past life ended abruptly with a road ‘accident’ whose perpetrator is now a friend or relative who always seems to be watching over them with care.   The advice, while genuine and heartfelt, often goes along party lines.  While everyone seems to hear the gospel of unconditional love, a tune I’m rather fond of myself, the new-agers tend to hear it wrapped about karma and past lives, while the religionists tend to hear about dealing calmly and effectively with the hand that God has dealt you.  Then there’s the dance between one church and another, one pastor to the next, one spiritual practice to another, – they often reveal either a search for that prized inner voice or another attempt to run from it.

And where is the voice coming from, some ask.  I certainly did myself in those formative years of seeking that preceeded my current mystical-philosopher-and-internet-pulpit performances.

There are, without doubt, spirit guides and guardian angels, whose chosen task is the care and guidance of earthbound souls in human form.

In my experience they are mostly ‘dead’ humans, choosing to remain in spirit while others of their acquaintance plough through the school of hard knocks.  Some, I will admit, seem to have graduated to actual angelic status, while others appear purely angelic without human roots.  And yes, some report the presence of archangels such as Michael and Gabriel with impressive displays of swords of light and the like.   Whether they are dazzled or deluded is for your own discernment, and as I seem to have had a couple or three encounters with the cosmic being we call Jesus and at least one ascended master, I am not about to brag or criticise others.  For the more human connected spirit guide, the choice is often a selfless and often unrewarding task, the ignorance of the incarnate being determinedly renewed with every dawn, when dreamers return to the dungeon of three dimensions.  It is a given for such shepherds and is usually, in my experience, handled with a jokey camraderie, not that different than surgery room nurses, whose giddy banter has charmed the socks off me from time to time.

Other versions of the inner voice of knowing include ‘the soul itself’ which seems to reside within you, patiently waiting for you to pay attention as you giddily lurch from desire to fear to ambition, prompted by all those culturally approved carrots dangled just beyond your reach.

And when I say “within you” I am ackowledging that the bodies beyond the physical, the astral, the mental, the buddhic, etc, each more refined than the previous, have a reach that transcends all our notions of form and boundary, linking us by the most tenuous of threads to the realms beyond all heavens where knowing, direct knowing without doubt, is but one more attribute of the godlike being we are but usually deny or forget.

A voice to watch out for is that of the earthbound spirit, – too confused, ignorant, angry or fearful to move on – who hangs about looking for a safe haven.

Sometimes that safe haven is a place of worship, of gambling, of major league sports, theatres and concert halls, stock exchanges, any gathering place where that soul has attended and habituated over the years of earth life.  Other times it’s individuals they feel a bond with, – the timid, the perennially weak willed, the depressed, the ambitious, the resentful and angry – and they tend to hook in with the energetic vibration they are familiar with, which includes any of the above and more, settle in and share the emotional ups and downs of their new buddy, pumping them up with bravery when fear strikes, or pushing them to gamble or drink more as the buzz is downright contagious.  Their voices can sound legit and powerful, but watch carefully their tone.  Perhaps sly, probably deceitful, often full of praise, the kind of praise that encourages vanity and pride, the kind of cheerleading that champions only the winner.  At worst they glom onto schizophrenics who go off their meds to become one more in that demented chorus of voices demeaning, attacking, larding on the paranoia and ofttimes insisting on violence.  Having their psychic slaves shove some poor bystander under the tracks is a victory, and I have sometimes seen them tormenting the newly ‘dead’ soul, still shocked from the sudden transition.  And it is not uncommon to find one or more spirit guides at these urban incidents, employing their power to shoo away the tormentor while guiding the victim to the light.

It is unlikely that any of you reading this will be moved by such a voice, but I relate these possibilities so you can understand how these ‘like attracts like’ situations can be dealt with if the opportunity arises.

Make no mistake, some of these voices can be quite convincing, especially to the battered human feeling desperate.  The most common of these dire situations collect around alcoholics, drug addicts, gamblers, suicides and the congress of loveless sex.  Trust me you’ll know it when you see it.  For example, that lonesome nine year old who stays in her room reading gloomy books and staring out at the rain, who was pretty much a happy camper months before, she’s likely under the influence of some other nine year old suicide or accident victim who’d been looking about for a buddy and has attached to her aura.  And that soul could have wandered in from just about anywhere, bringing with her bad attitudes on a number of issues, perhaps including bullying or sexual abuse, that could be unconsciously sucked up by that carefree kid of just weeks ago.  That influence could be temporary or of longer duration, leading to suicide attempts at worst or sudden crazy family squabbles at best. Another example would be the family member, – a brother, a cousin, an uncle’s –  sudden descent into obsessive boozing, gambling or promiscuity, who just last christmas seemed a happy and balanced individual.

If you experience the inner voice and wish to question its legitimacy or source, just ask.  The malicious earthbounds will prevaricate, boast and lie, but your well meaning mother, grandmother or ex spouse will likely fess up and let you know how much they care.  That care can be confused with interference, and often is, but maintain your balance and sort it out.

The activation of discernment is strongly advised.  One does not have to abandon love and compassion whilst leaving that bullshit detector switched to on.”

For more information, please see:

Gordon Phinn: You Are History: The Soul, The Higher Self and Our Share of Divinity, 2015

Gordon Phinn (email): You can contact him at: or

Gordon Phinn (blog): Anotherwordofgord’s Blog | Just another weblog (see Describe Me – I Dare You! | Anotherwordofgord’s Blog)

Gordon Phinn: Eternal Life and How to Enjoy It: A First-Hand Account, 2004

Gordon Phinn: More Adventures in Eternity, 2008

Gordon Phinn: Confronting Your Immortality: Beyond belief and into eternity – living the ascension, 2013

Gordon Phinn: The Word of Gord on the Afterlife (The Word of Gord Series: Book Two 2), 2014

Gordon Phinn 12-10-18…”Consciousness Exploring Consciousness” – Big Picture

Gordon Phinn 4-18-18…”Observing the Integration Of the Races” – Big Picture

Gordon Phinn 2-18-18…”The Endless Opportunities Of Incarnation” – Big Picture

Gordon Phinn 10-8-15…”Meditation As Mini-Incarnation” – Big Picture

Gordon Phinn 8-30-15…”The Vision Of Evolving Perfection” – Big Picture

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018 in Paperback and Kindle versions

What Is the Afterlife Like? – Big Picture

Is There a Heaven Beyond Astral Heavens? – Big Picture

What Is the Radiant Void Or the All? – Big Picture

Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

What Are the Five Levels Of Higher Selves? – Big Picture

How Do We Plan Our Incarnation? – Big Picture

How Do Souls Justify Their Incarnation? – Big Picture

What Is Meant By Soul Age? – Big Picture

Are We Having Accelerated Lives? – Big Picture

Why Do We Revisit the Same Old Issues? – Big Picture

What Is the Difference Between a Universe, Multiverse and Omniverse? – Big Picture

How Does Life Begin and Evolve? – Big Picture

What Is the Human Being Project? – Big Picture

How Does Reincarnation Work? – Big Picture

How Detailed Is the Soul’s Life Review? – Big Picture

What Is Meant By Nowness? – Big Picture

What Is Meant By Holographic Space Or Entities? – Big Picture

How Does Event Space Change Your Perspective On Life? – Big Picture

What Are the Different Levels Of Event Space? – Big Picture

What Is the Big Picture? – Big Picture

Featured Image: Fantasy Artist Josephine Wall – Art of the Imagination

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