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How To Cope With the Current Global Reality?

Here is more loving support, guidance and perspective from Nora Herold into the Coronavirus crisis that’s in our midst. Many of us have been on an emotional roller coaster throughout this period of unprecedented change and uncertainty. I have summarized the highlights from her presentation, which has a lot of practical, relevant and healing information for all of us: How to cope with the current global reality?

How to cope with the current global reality?

My summary of Nora Herold, Jon Wilk, and The Pleiadians – Covid-19 and the Current Global Reality March 26, 2020 – YouTube

Nora Herold said the coronavirus is still operating as a truth teller, helping you see many, many truths and helping others to wake up to truths that feel very new to them. It’s not that it’s forcing certain beings to TELL the truth, but it’s allowing you to SEE their lies and manipulation, and helping you view your truths and use your voices to speak your truths clearly. You are going through huge shifts in your throat chakra.

It’s still operating as a heart chakra activator, pulling you all into your hearts, because the virus does its most damage in the lungs. It’s pulling you into your hearts, as you have responses, reactions and feelings about the moment at hand, which is terror inducing for all of us individually and collectively. Period.

  • There is no getting around that. You are not any less spiritual, if you’re feeling afraid. It is appropriate that you are afraid. A lot of it is centered in memory from other incarnations and/or earlier experiences in this lifetime. Some of it absolutely is about the unknown future, how what is playing out right now will affect you in the next moment and the one after that.
  • As we are breaking down this reality, we have breakdowns. We all need to be doing it. That’s the highest gift we can give ourselves. If you find yourself trying to imagine all the awful things that could happen, take a breath, pull yourself into the present and feel what needs to be felt in that moment.
  • Give yourself permission to feel whatever it is (e.g. fear, anxiety, grief). Use the Feel-Observe-Accept-Love (FOAL) technic to transmute the trauma as often as needed on a daily basis.

The disease we call COVID-19 is also operating as a boundary setter, in part because it has become so necessary for your physical safety in your bodies, for health and wellness, to set boundaries in place. We need to say no to that which does not feel safe and be clear about it. But it’s about physical, not social distancing.

This crisis is also facilitating in a really BIG way the deactivation of your enslavement reality.

It may feel a bit counterintuitive in a way, since you’re all stuck in your homes with a certain lack of movement in your world. But by bringing your reality, your economic reality, your governmental realities, your businesses, your friendships and lives to a screeching halt in the way that you have done collectively, you are giving yourself permission to bring it ALL to a screeching halt, so you can sit in the moment of nothingness.

  • You’re used to a very busy reality and a lot of you are trying to emulate that. We’d say to you: Stop! Busyness doesn’t prove to yourself or the world around you that you have value. You’re not workers. You’re not producers. You’re love incarnate — this is your inherent value.
  • You are moving out of the emotional roller coaster as the fuel for your 3D creationary process and moving into your higher operating system, which uses frequency and vibration for your 5D creationary process. The pathway through is the neutral point, the zero point, where you get off the emotional roller coaster and sit in neutral for a while, feeling like a car that is idling. This is what is happening in your physical reality.

Your reality is built on enslavement — your corporate reality, your economic reality, your governmental reality — all are built on the foundations of enslavement.

First, via the enslavement contract put in eons ago, and second, as literal slaves or building blocks for much of your reality. All have operated on some level as slaves. It doesn’t look like that to a lot of you, it looks like you’re free, but there are real limitations in place.

  • All the busyness, all the work, all the enslavement — when it comes to money and survival, you’d say: Yes, I am and have been living as enslaved here. This time out is allowing you to get in touch with that, how dependent you all still have been and are on those systems constructed via those enslavement contracts.
  • This time out is allowing you to tune into that and the versions of you that feel enslaved, suppressed, oppressed or repressed. You’re supposed to sit in that right now. It’s about disconnecting and deactivating from it all.
  • A lot of us are feeling pressure that we should continue to be productive in this period of time, that we’re supposed to write something amazing, create amazing art and do all these amazing things we never had time to do before. But you’re not supposed to nor should you do that. Do what you need to in the moment.

You are using this experience in part to facilitate the deconstruction of age old enslavement systems and enslaved ways of being and the construction of an entire new reality.

  • Let yourself tune into your third or solar chakra and feel into any “hook” or “implant” (meaning thought-form, idea or program) you still have there that keeps you plugged into systems that were created via enslavement contracts. Feel your anxiety or heaviness that sits in third chakra and any feelings of lack of self-worth, a devaluing of self as nothing, as no one, just a cog in the machine.
  • Feel the anger associated with all of that and say NO to a reality of enslavement, oppression, suppression or repression that wants to keep you a cog in the machine. Inhale green light into your heart chakra to activate compassion and exhale that into the third chakra to activate confidence. Feel your inherent power from within.

Say no to any and all beings who would like you to continue to play that game.

Take a moment to tune into the enormity of this project that you’re in the midst of! It is enormous and you all are experiencing it as enormous. That is as it should be.

We see that there are those on the world, who are wishing to change the conversation around the enormity of this, who want to make this moment smaller than it actually is. That’s some of the message, directed by “The Powers That Were,” because they would like to keep you all in those enslavement contracts.

  • Some are doing it, because they can feel their power slipping away. They can feel what has held them in power suddenly dissolving from beneath them. They don’t like that.
  • They want to keep power and go back to the density, to the reality as you have known it all throughout this incarnation and prior incarnations. Some are doing it as a reaction to their own fear.

Get your head out of the future, because all you’re going to want to do from a place of fear or exhaustion is to project into the month of June the reality you were living in January. But the month of June from our perspective looks NOTHING like the month of January. We are not going back, we are moving into a new phase. This is our new normal now.

  • If you try to force June to look like January, you’re going to give yourself an approximation of that reality and MISS OUT the many, many open doorways, pathways and possibilities for realities that you just can’t yet see (see How Do We Shift Realities? (Video) – Big Picture Questions).
  • Don’t try to see. Don’t try to predict, because you haven’t yet constructed or been really able to imagine the new reality in practical, physical ways. You don’t have to know what’s happening tomorrow, next week, next month.
  • As we completely deconstruct a reality that is outdated and over and build a reality, a new reality, a higher reality from higher vibrational information at the same time.

Sit in this moment of intense healing, transformation and at times discomfort. Sit here, breathe, feel and connect with your loved ones energetically, verbally, vocally and on social media. We see there’s much more social engagement happening via the internet, phone and other kinds of media that allow you to connect virtually in a very social way. That is bringing a lot of joy to all, to connect socially in that way. Allow that to occur in virtual ways, while maintaining physical distancing.

  • Physical distancing is allowing you to take a step back and to ask: Okay, what is my truth? What do I really believe outside of the day to day regularity of my life within the corporate construct? What are my truths? What do I believe as I’m physically separating out from collective?
  • You’re also using this moment to work within yourself around your construct of time. The enslavement program says there is not enough time or that you’re running out of time. Deactivate that program, pull yourself into timelessness, into this now moment and ask yourself: Is this how I truly desire to be spending this moment?
  • Having this physical time out (illusion of space and separation) allows you to get in touch with yourself and deal within with trauma, feelings, beliefs, patterns of behavior, your shadow, darkness and also your light, the brightest aspects of you in ways that you haven’t been able to fully confront, because of your constant interaction and busyness.

Why are so many people choosing to leave now?

As this crisis continues to magnify, accelerate and grow, there are some other things that you’re becoming aware of. People are contracting COVID-19 and leaving their bodies as a result of the virus interacting with them. That’s their path at this time, their exit point out that they have chosen (see What Are Soul Exit Points? (Video) – Big Picture Questions).

  • It’s not that there is a vibrational incompatibility or that these beings would not be able to experience or survive the new reality, it is that when a group of beings leave on masse in this kind of way, multiple portals open up that also allow new energy, light and information to come. The portals are a two-way street for entrance and exit points.
  • As a big group leaves, as in a major war event, where a large number of beings leave in a short amount of time, then afterwards there is redevelopment, reconstruction, new ideas, new ways of being and new consciousness coming in. That is in part what is happening here.

How can we feel more capable in creating this new reality?

We’re taking in so much that feels so new in relationship with the virus itself, the medical information, metaphysical information, and potential new realities that we can’t physically actualize or visualize yet.

  • We would say there is not a single earthling that feels capable at all times or even 50% of time yet, when it comes to creating these new realities. Don’t have any expectations about yourself and your abilities right now. Be exactly where you are and give yourself whatever you need in the moment, because you’re shifting into a reality that will be constructed more and more moment by moment in a more obvious way.
  • The more you can retrain yourself right now during this time out to exist in the moment at hand, the more capable you’ll be in integrating those higher pathways and operating in a higher way.

A lot of you have been operating as systems busters or beings that have a long history of incarnating into dysfunctional systems and pointing out the dysfunction loudly through your voice, action or behaviors. You could see that the reality was not working for the collective, so you started shining your light on the problems that others didn’t want to notice. That was your job, but it was not solution oriented before.

  • Since 2012, you have been both systems busters and new systems creators, so you’re doing both at once. You’re pointing out the dysfunction on the one hand, while creating something new on the other hand.
  • What you’re doing right now is the deconstruction of a dysfunctional system and creation of something higher that supports the collective. It’s not anything you’ve done before in this or other lifetimes, where you were either a systems buster or systems creator, not both at once like now.

You’re so much more than these physical forms. You operate as guides, healers, channels of energy and game changers (systems busters and new systems creators). Celebrate that!

Exercise: Just breathe in this moment individually and as One. Your breath is connected to the breath of every other being tuning into this transmission. Connect into your heart chakras and let yourself feel anything and everything there is to be felt in this moment.

Take in a transmission of green light into your heart chakra, feel it opening as the portal it is. Each breath allows you to receive more love, light and support into your heart chakra. Each exhalation allows you to direct that light anywhere it’s needed within your own structure first, throughout the emotional, mental and energetic body.

As you’re breathing, you’re going to find yourself feeling lighter, centered, grounded, so stay in your body, as you’re running this energetic exercise. You cannot shift and transform, if you’re not inhabiting your physical body. You’re going to find now that you’ve taken in more light than you need.

As you feel yourself brimming with light, offer that green light into the collective via the palms of your hands, as you begin to engage with all around you, as you operate as the incarnate guides and healers you all are. And now you’re also operating as a game changer from within the context of the collective. Each breath allows you to receive more, and each exhalation offers that love and light to the community. This is something that we recommend you tune into any time you need to.

Please see my short video on Realities that relates to this post.

The Changes… | The Creator Writings

Imagine being in a dark room for a very long time then suddenly you walk out into the bright sunlight.  You stand there for a moment, blinking while your eyes adjust, then you start seeing what is really around you.

When your Earth finishes moving through this challenging time, you will be walking into a different world.  Perspective and ideologies will have changed.

What was important will seem minuscule in comparison, human connections will be celebrated.  Now is the time to expand on this base change, adding whatever else you would like to see for yourself and the world around you.

This is your chance to be the change you would like to see in the world! ~ Creator (via Jennifer Farley)

For more information, please see:

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home & Nora Herold, Jon Wilk, and The Pleiadians – Covid-19 and the Current Global Reality March 26, 2020 – YouTube & Nora, The Pleiadians. and Ursula -The Global Reality – March 14, 2020 – YouTube (free video)

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