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How Is the Coronavirus Serving As a Truth Teller?

Here is a totally new and bigger perspective on the Coronavirus pandemic given by Nora Herold, who published a YouTube video with a lot of insights, healing and truth about the coronavirus and its bigger purpose on our evolutionary path. How Is the Coronavirus Serving As a Truth Teller?

How Is the Coronavirus Serving As a Truth Teller?

By Nora Herold on March 14, 2020:

Nora Herold said first and foremost, this global pandemic is meant to be a heart chakra awakener, a heart chakra opener and a heart chakra unifier on your world. It is about integration of new information in your heart chakras. This is why it’s having such a dramatic effect on the lungs of some beings. She explained:

  • The coronavirus itself [which is an RNA virus] is simply “information,” as is everything in this reality. We are all consciousness and information is just a form of consciousness.
  • In that sense, the virus is not an enemy, not something to fight, not something to be defeated, not something to kill. Why? Because you want to gain what there is to be learned from the information contained from within. Okay!?

What are we meant to learn from this pandemic?

Part of the drama is about discarding of the illusion of separation and the accessing the truth that you are all connected as inhabitants of this planet, this galaxy, and this universe. Let yourself feel into that connection.

  • The information given by your governments (as a way to deal with this virus) is to isolate yourself, to give yourselves some space from one another to slow down the rate of physical transmission of the virus (by self-quarantine and social distancing). That is fine.
  • But the last thing you need to be doing right now is disconnect from the collective. Do NOT shut yourselves off emotionally, energetically, mentally from all the beings on your world. Why? Because from an energetic standpoint, you need to stay even more connected than ever before to every speck of consciousness existing on your world.

Feel your energetic and telepathic connections with everyone around you via your heart chakras and feel the heart chakra as the conduit for healing in this experience.

You can still physically interact and show higher levels of affection to all the beings that are already in your living space, whether they’re in human or animal form without any fear of transmission. You can also have direct contact with nature, connecting with the higher vibratory energy offered by the Sun, elementals, devas, plant life, air and elements.

  • It’s also really important that you all slow down, because this pandemic is triggering a tremendous amount of deeply held, untransmuted traumas and fears, much of which originates from other lifetime experiences.
  • That’s causing a lot of you react and respond really quickly, race about your reality, trying to get things all together and get all things in order, in alignment. We’re saying: Just stop, take a breath, breathe into your heart, and find that higher vibratory experience within your own body. Move slowly throughout your day.

You are creating on some level a “Collective Time Out” for yourselves. 

This is giving all of you the opportunity to heal, transmute trauma, and tend to that what needs to be tended to within your energetic structure. It is in part facilitating all of you syncing up with a higher timeline that you landed on during the winter solstice at the end of December 2019.

  • This is where you begin to collectively create a higher reality that is more harmonious for all of consciousness, not just humanity, but your interactions with the natural world, plant life, animal life, elements, all of consciousness in the way it’s expressing itself on your world.

To address the fear piece, find your fears in your physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies related to this global pandemic that have to do with death, disease, disconnection, suffering, pain, loss, grief, and hoarding of food and toilet paper, etc.

  • The beings who are hoarding are clearly having a bad experience as a response to their fear.
  • The hoarding is a manifestation of unhealed trauma within them, most likely from lifetimes, when they did starve or die of some kind of disease or were in wartime or witnessed another person die. That can help you feel more compassion for them.  

Right now the potential looks like it’s going to appear to get worse before it gets better, so it’s for your highest good to take care of yourself and your family in this moment. Trust your guidance on what to do (or not). But the less you leave your homes for a period of time, the less physical transmission of the negative effects of this virus will be.

The more you surrender to this moment at hand, that is saying it’s for your highest good to stay put, to STAY AT HOME, to stay grounded within your home space, AND yet still fully connected energetically, emotionally and virtually to all of collective humanity, the more quickly you’re going to move through this.

The physical reactions to this coronavirus are really varied. Some earthlings have a very mild reaction or response to it, while others have very dramatic responses to it. A lot of that has to do with karma and individual timelines.

  • There are some beings, who are simply using this as their means to exit their bodies, so this is their exit strategy (see What Are Soul Exit Points? (Video) – Big Picture Questions).
  • Those who are already compromised physically in different ways, and those that are aligned with older bodies are struggling with this, as they would with anything else.

One of the things the virus is showing you all are the many, many dysfunctions in your global systems no matter what country you’re living in. 

This virus is acting as a highlighter for information and the need for global change: economic change, climate change, restructuring of all of your systems and a higher respect for human life, a higher respect for consciousness, including the planet itself. 

  • So it’s operating for you all in that way, so it’s not bad. It’s not negative, it’s love incarnate (as is all consciousness), but it’s certainly showing you these distortions in your reality.
  • The distortions can be interpreted as dark, shadowy or manipulative, as seen in the U.S. media that was blatantly lying to the population saying it’s being contained, nothing to worry, go spend money, do what you want, to try to quell the economic fears.
  • That was a manipulation. That was not to encourage us to be in a freer space, but to encourage people to continue to spend in the stock market, so there wasn’t a big economic panic. But that’s not the truth. That was suppression of information, manipulation and lying.

Knowledge does not make things worse. Never. You’ve got to shine a light on everything right now. So the virus is really operating in a lot of ways as a truth teller! 

  • In that way, it’s been very effective for us all. We see that there’s certainly going to be a major slowdown on your economic reality for a period of time in your reality, just as there’s going to be a slowdown for everything.
  • As far as a total breakdown in your services? No, that looks very unlikely at this time. It does not look to us right now like that is the timeline you’re running (see How Do We Shift Realities? (Video) – Big Picture Questions).

It’s looking like the more of you tune in, the more of you that jump in your hearts, the more of you that begin to connect energetically around using this experience for the greater good of humanity, the less likely it’s going to be there’s going to be that kind of bigger disruption.

This will be used to facilitate the creation of higher systems for all of you. There is a strong likelihood of that. It’s one of the reasons again the virus is existing – it’s a truth teller.

  • It’s letting you all see what works and what does not on your world. Much of what has been happening on your world has NOT been working, so this is something else for you all to be aware of.
  • Look at how quickly most of you have fallen in-line here. You all just have nodded your heads in agreement with: Yeah, we need to stop our lives right now and readjust. It’s like a reset for re-evaluation, reinvention, recreation and restructuring.

You’ve been waiting for something like this for quite some time now, and you’re getting ahead of it, a lot of you in your consciousness already. You’ve already done a lot of work to pave the way for these higher systems to come online.

  • They will create all of consciousness equally, where you see a dramatic reduction in the polarity and a real valuing of consciousness, whether it be expressed in human form, plant form, animal form or otherwise.
  • So just breathe into that right now, and let yourself feel a sense of gratitude in this moment that you (1) are willing to accept it all, that you’ve all stepped into acceptance as quickly as you have, and (2) it’s opening the door for real physical manifestation of higher systems.

The other recommendation is: Be as helpful as you possibly can to one another. That will raise your vibration, put you in your heart chakras, and that will keep your immune system stronger.

  • When you need help, put that request for help in your energetic field, like you’re broadcasting in your transmitters. Whatever it is, put that request out there and then notice the door opening, the opportunity, when it arrives.
  • Don’t expect it to arrive in a particular package. Be open to it arriving as it does, then give yourself permission to accept it, to receive it, and to say thank you.  
  • Then when you are in a position to be of service to another, being of service to another is not going to make you sick. That will never make you sick. Again you can’t screw any of this up!

Be the highest versions of yourselves that you possibly can be right now! If you do physically display the symptoms of the virus, that will not have happened, because you were the highest version of yourself or because you helped someone. Know that you’re going to give yourself exactly the experience you need to have here (see What Are Parallel Selves? (Video) – Big Picture Questions).

Final Thoughts

In spiritual circles, we’ve been talking about “The Event” for many years now – an event that would raise the consciousness of humanity as a whole. Some people thought it could be ETs landing on the White House lawn. Others thought it could be a catastrophic event, like an asteroid hit or some End Times scenario. But Sylvia Browne (“End of Days”) predicted this event:

“In around 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.” – Sylvia Browne

In that book, she also predicted the end of the U.S. presidency (replaced by a reorganized government), the end of the stock market (IRAs, mutual funds, pension funds and retirement plans), massive structural changes in the educational system, great strides in health care, especially mental disorders and much more. Perhaps that’s where we are headed (at least in some parallel timelines)? As Sri Prem Baba said:

“Every crisis is an opportunity for growth. Through crisis, we have the chance to recognize our errors, and this can be the start of a great transformation. Oftentimes, there are evolutionary leaps after a great crisis, either on the personal or social level.”

Let the beautiful pink and green hues of Nature activate Love, Compassion and Connection within all of us to connect all consciousness as Oneness!

For more information, please see:

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home & Nora, The Pleiadians. and Ursula -The Global Reality – March 14, 2020 – YouTube (free video) & The Coronavirus — A Pleiadian Perspective – Nora Herold – Medium

What Is the Spiritual View Of Coronavirus? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

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Coronaviridae – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

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