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How To Create Sustainable Balance With Earth?

Reposted from 2020 in light of this week’s heat apocalypse:  Previously, we have talked about Future of Humanity, Future Earth in 100-200 years and 3,000-4,000 years and what Great Civilizations are like. In this post, we’ll take a look at our current status as custodians of the Earth and why we need to change the way we operate here. How to create sustainable balance with Earth?

How to create sustainable balance with Earth?

Here is a compilation of questions and answers from Guy Needler’s previous Satsangas (summarized by me).  

There are so many chaoses happening recently, such as the big fire in Australia, the plague of locusts in Africa, and the coronavirus epidemic outbreak in China [which is now a pandemic]. 

If you look at it all, you’ve got flood, drought, fire, plague of locusts, pestilence (which is coronavirus) and famine. You’ve got everything specified in the Bible and other religious texts that have happened in the past, because we haven’t been looking at how we’re dealing with ourselves, how we’re managing ourselves.

  • We’ve got governmental incompetence, not just in the UK or in the United States, but we’ve had it in some of the African countries as well. People hanging onto power too long, thinking they can do what they want to do, thinking of themselves rather than the general populace that’s put them there to govern them.
  • But obviously, they’ve reneged on that particular agreement.

Now the Earth is fighting back and its weather system is changing for a number of different reasons:

  • We’ve also got the potential for pole shifts happening quite soon, which is a natural phenomenon. Over a period of about 12,500 to 13,000 years, things change. The magnetic poles of these areas of Earth have changed from north to south to south to north, so that’s going to affect us and the weather.
  • We’re coming out of a minor Ice Age, so you’ve got weather changes associated with the change in temperature. Then we’ve got the change in the axis of the Earth, which is putting the poles or one of the poles closer to the Sun.

All these things are happening because of one thing: Mankind is not being mature enough to govern itself properly with the level of power that it is being given right now. So everything that’s happening, which is all those fires, droughts, floods, plagues of locusts, the coronavirus and the potential famine that we’ll put ourselves into, if we’re not careful, are basically there to wake us up.

Go back many thousands of years and you’ve got a similar thing happening in Egypt and Atlantis and in the Sumerian period and in other civilizations before the Sumerian period. All of these things are warning signs for us to pay attention. We think we’re in control, but we’re not. And if we’re not in control of ourselves, then other forces will come along that will cause us to have a reboot or a restart in computer speak.

  • We are being given lots of different warning signs that we’re potentially putting ourselves in a position of, I’m not going to say extinction, but of a complete change again — as happened instantaneously at the end of the Atlantean period to create the Egyptian society and the smaller societies around it.
  • The whole point of being on Earth is that we can see how our individualized free will can benefit us and how it can accelerate our evolution. But right now our individualized free will is causing nothing but self-centerednessmaterialism and carelessness. All of these are causing us to drop down the frequencies.

We went through a fantastic stage, just after the 1960s and 1970s, where we were starting to understand that there was more to existence than the material worth. The Second World War and the Korean War made a big difference, so we were starting to come out this sort of almost medieval thinking process.

Right up until about two years ago, we were looking very good. Everything was becoming transparent, and people were working together in a more objective, collective way. Then all of a sudden, a couple of leaders came to power and it became very personally “couldn’t care less as long as I’m okay” sort of mentality. Those individuals who are lower frequency backfill people and therefore have lower intelligence or lower levels of evolutionary content latch onto this and everything drops down very, very quickly!

My thoughts and feelings were that we were going to come out the other side and I still think we will as a result of this virus. Coronavirus is bringing us together, working together on a global basis, because the other things were only localized (e.g. fire, drought, floods, locusts, famines). So all of this is going to make us think about how we interact with ourselves and others. We will come out the other side, but we need to start acting in a reasonable and responsible way. We need to sit up and pay attention.

  • It’s not an End of the World notice, although it could be, if we don’t behave ourselves. So be vigilant, be high frequency. Become more mature and reject ineffective management of ourselves.
  • Become more caring and loving in how we interact with each other and in how we interact with our environment and the things within it, the flora and fauna located in that environment.
  • We’re damaging our environment, so we’re being told to stop, think, behave and act correctly.

Nurture ourselves, nurture the Earth and start to think of ourselves as a world population rather than little populations on different islands or continents or land masses. The only time we start to work together properly is when we’re all threatened. So we’re all being told to reject our desires to have material wealth, status, being better than somebody else, and being selfish. We need to reject all of this and start again.

What happens to our gross physical Earth in the hands of backfill people, who don’t care if the Amazon rainforest is burning or if we pollute our air, water and soil through fracking, dirty coal and fossil fuels?

We will eventually have to rebuild and repair the Earth. There’s an old saying: You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s lost or it’s gone. We’ve got examples around the world of what happens, if we don’t behave ourselves. The deserts are a good example of how we’ve deforested certain parts of the world in previous eras.

  • Unless we experience it ourselves, there are times where we don’t understand what we’re doing and how it affects us, so having to experience it, then realizing what’s gone wrong, and then having to rapidly repair what we’re doing wrong, so we don’t crash and burn is part of our evolutionary progression.
  • We’re sort of starting to do that now. But the people who don’t care just say they won’t be around to experience it, so it doesn’t matter, which is completely wrong, because they’re not protecting the environment for other people.
  • We need to take hold of the possibility of a change, not politicize it. Just think, behave and act in a way, which is going to allow us to maintain our environment, so that other incarnates can come and experience it better in another event space in the future. We need to act yesterday rather than tomorrow.

What does Source say are the top three things that mankind should be doing to recreate balance in Earth’s environment? 

  1. Stop burning fossil fuels. The generation of electricity should be done in a more environmentally friendly way. Maybe we need to use some of the sacred geometry based devices to tap into the prana, the free energy or orgone that’s already there. The things that generate electricity should be created in a more environmentally friendly way as well.
  2. Don’t deforest the environment. Don’t destroy the Earth by removing the rainforests that are part of the eco-structure. Without rainforests, we start to change other systems and reduce what was green and verdant land into a desert. We need to keep our greenery and re-establish forests.
  3. Find new ways of manufacturing things that don’t damage the environment. It’s about looking at our resources and doing it in a different way. Don’t litter the Earth. These are the things that mankind should be doing to recreate balance on Earth.

Most reasonable people would agree that we should not be polluting the Earth, but there is no clear understanding of what specifically needs to be done. Is it simply that population growth is outstripping gains made in controlling emissions?

I’ve just looked at the world population in 1950 and 1970 compared to now. Right now we’re nearly 8 billion, we’re 7.8 billion in people on the planet. Seventy years ago, we were 2.5 billion. In 1970, we were 3.69 billion, so we’ve more than doubled in 50 years. That tells you how the population is far outstripping the resources that are here. So one thing we could do is stop reproducing in the way we are right now.

  • If you look at it in a different way, we are the “virus” on the Earth. The way the Earth is dealing with the virus is “antibodies.” It’s things like weather change and climatic change associated with that.
  • That’s why we’re having problems with greenhouse gases, emissions, water pollution, and stripping rainforests and polluting rivers and the sea.

Why are the physical vehicles limited in number in the physical universe, so the Higher Selves have to queue up to send souls to incarnate? Why couldn’t some Higher Selves create more bodies for souls to use at any location or any point in time (meaning event space)?

All planets have the ability to sustain only a certain number of bodies or vehicles. Some of them are in tens of billions; some of them are only in hundreds of thousands. That’s why there’s not so many in the rest of the physical universe. It just depends upon the type of environment and what can be supported, and the way in which the incarnate individuals interact with that environment.

  • For instance, the Earth right now has roughly about 7 billion inhabitants. We’ve had a population boom in the last 400-500 years. But the Earth can only support a maximum number of incarnate individuals.
  • If we worked together and supported it, and everything was recycled and we didn’t waste anything, and we created things and we worked with the planet properly, it could support between 12 and 14 billion.
  • That’s the maximum the Earth can support, provided we are working together to support the Earth in supporting us. The way we’re doing it right now, it can only support another 2 billion, up to 9 billion inhabitants.

In “The History of God,” there is a chapter that discusses how animals are helping humans and this planet. Some people think that animals that eat farmer’s crops are enemies and not friends.

If we destroy an animal’s natural environment, then we need to support them in some way, because they are part of the eco-structure. Without these animals and the insects and the flora that is part of it, we start to lose the Earth’s ability to regenerate. We do need to be very cognizant of how we affect the environment.

  • We need to support those animals that we displace. We need to look at how we invade these spaces and try to provide areas of naturalness. That means we need to have islands of environment, so they can move from one island to another with environmental corridors, so that they don’t need to eat the farmer’s crops.
  • We can farm certain areas, but if we have any crops that we can’t pass onto the customers, those crops should be fed back to the animals, to pay them back for their reduced habitat.

Why haven’t the Curators (like Waymakers) done some intervention at some earlier points to change people’s mindsets before things go from a slightly wrong direction to much worse, like from 2016 to 2020? Do we really need to play out Atlantis type scenarios all over again?

They can see the potential for growth by letting us experience a situation that could potentially get out of control, so they haven’t intervened. Now clearly there are other event spaces, where we’ve responded properly. This is the whole point of being in various different event spaces and having different realities and different parallel conditions, so that everything is being experienced concurrently.

  • This particular event space and reality is being experienced by us and another part of us is experiencing another one, which has gone slightly even further wrong or slightly better or totally better or it never happened at all.
  • So it’s all part of the total gamut of experience. And so in this particular event space, it’s considered that this is the way it needs to go for us to potentially understand a better way of working.

In “The Curators” you speak of removing event space during WWII, because of the use of an atomic bomb. Perhaps there is no need to deal with any damages to our environment, since everything seems to run as intended and we are not in total control to destroy the Earth, is that correct? 

We aren’t in total control to destroy the Earth. We’re only allowed to have our individualized free will to achieve what we need to achieve. In terms of destruction, we’d only be allowed to get to a certain level, because it then educates us.

  • As we destroy our environment, we destroy ourselves, and inherently, we don’t want to destroy ourselves. Even the ego doesn’t want us to destroy ourselves, because if the physical form doesn’t exist, the ego doesn’t exist. So the ego is another controlling factor, which is used by some maintenance entities to impose a form of self-control, so that we do behave ourselves.
  • But there are times, when certain souls/aspects are taken out of this particular event space and placed somewhere else to play it out and brought back again. There are a number of good examples through history, where something strange has happened that shouldn’t have happened or where something that was going to happen suddenly didn’t happen.

What is the best thing we can do for the Earth from the Earth’s perspective? 

Think of it as being yourself and look after it as you would look after yourself. That’s the best way to think of it. Everything you do for the Earth, you do for yourself. Don’t do anything to the Earth that you wouldn’t do to yourself. Simple as that. Be a good citizen. Be an ecologically wonderful individual and you look after yourself and your planet and environment, and you enjoy doing it.

What happens in the future?

In about 3000-4000 years we’re going to realize that we need to maintain the planet in its natural environment and we’ll move off the planet. Needler said it’s a wonderful picture. It’s quite incredible that we’re going to eventually get it right!

  • It’s to do with us moving up the frequencies, and it will all be very clear to the point that people will just drop their weapons or drop their thought processes about being greedy or demanding or materialistic. It won’t be like a mass ascension, but it will be like a sudden realization.
  • We’re going to get to a point, where we’re going to almost destroy ourselves from what I’m seeing here, but in doing so we’ll suddenly realize the importance of who and what we are and how we affect each other.

It won’t be a World War as we know it, it’ll be something else. But it’ll be something that’s going to make us turn and change the way we work with individuals and our planet, which will be returned to greenery (below).

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Health, 2022

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