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What Happens When the World Goes MAD?

Back in the January 21, 2017 Satsanga, I asked Guy Needler a question about the chance of a nuclear war. His answer at the time assured us that we are being monitored and kept under a certain “tolerance” in terms of the explosion of thermonuclear devices on this planet. But in his newest book, “The Curators” published this month, he described a totally different scenario. What happens when the world goes MAD?

What is MAD?

Mutually assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy, which is supposed to act as nuclear deterrence because:

Under MAD, each side has enough nuclear weaponry to destroy the other side. Either side, if attacked for any reason by the other, would retaliate with equal or greater force. The expected result is an immediate, irreversible escalation of hostilities resulting in both combatants’ mutual, total, and assured destruction. (Wikipedia)

By the 1950s both the United States and the Soviet Union had enough nuclear power to obliterate each other. The MAD doctrine was meant to give us global peace, but neither side felt limited by it and insisted that survival was possible. Nuclear proliferation has continued and now includes several other countries.

Here is a map of known nuclear-armed states of the world as of July 2019:

What is theorized to happen in a nuclear holocaust?

From Wikipedia: “A nuclear holocaust is a theoretical scenario involving widespread destruction and radioactive fallout causing the collapse of civilization, through the use of nuclear weapons. Under such a scenario, some or all of the Earth is made uninhabitable by nuclear warfare in future world wars.

Besides the immediate destruction of cities by nuclear blasts, the potential aftermath of a nuclear war could involve firestorms, a nuclear winter, widespread radiation sickness from fallout, and/or the temporary loss of much modern technology due to electromagnetic pulses.” That’s the theory.

What actually happened during the Second World War?

In “The Curators,” Needler described the roles and responsibilities of different types of maintenance entities that work at every level of the multiverse to optimize our evolutionary cycle. Many of them work on specific Event Space functions. For example, certain events can be moved from one event space to another. Why?

  • During the Second World War, one event space had to be removed from the Overall Event Space to make sure it would not contaminate all the other event spaces around it. It was put in isolation and allowed to play itself out autonomously. It is still ongoing but not generating any other parallels. Why?
  • In this parallel scenario, atomic weapons were developed by ALL the major players at the same time. They ALL chose to use the weapons against each other at the same time. They were not deterred from destroying themselves or most of the planet in the process. This downward spiral spread worldwide.

“In duality, as a result of the limited perspective of separation, beings will try to destroy anything in opposition. There is the belief that in order to survive, anything that is different must be extinguished. It becomes light against dark, right against wrong.” – Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”)

Just as theorized, the effect was horrible, much worse than the downfall of Atlantis!!! All the major cities were destroyed and huge numbers of people died from the immediate or after effects of radiation, which rendered them sterile and unable to reproduce. Civilization all but disappeared into a devolved state of being with rampant disease and shortened lifespans. This scenario is still playing out. Needler wrote:

“In this Event Space, the Earth is about to see the dawn of the loss of the human body as an incarnate vehicle…However, this is not the end of the story.”

The Curators that removed the WWII scenario leading to a dead end in evolution and wiping out of the human species had to change the direction of events on our planet. They inserted an Event Space where only one country (USA) developed nuclear weapons and used them in Hiroshima [and Nagasaki].

The souls in Japan agreed to sacrifice their incarnations to demonstrate the utterly destructive effects of such weapons. It was meant to be an eye-opener given to us about 75 years ago. Now look at where we are today — even more weapons in the hands of even more unstable leaders. Shocking but true!

Final Thoughts

What is the lesson here? We can and have destroyed ourselves in the past more than once (e.g. Atlantis and WWII). We cannot give all our power away to political and military leaders and expect them to do the right thing for the good of all. We cannot avoid taking responsibility for ourselves and the planet. That means each and every one of us. We need to BE the change we wish to see in the world and become the way-showers to embody more integration, diplomacy, joy and peace on Earth.

It may appear that some world leaders are trying to create a new “axis of evil” here. Some serve the interests of the military industrial complex rather than the interests of humanity or the planet as a whole. Some serve themselves by profiteering from secret business and political deals. Some are intent on rebuilding old empires by invading neighboring countries and engaging in genocide. Some are backfill people, whose sentient quotient is below that of most humans, which means they are not equipped to work with great responsibility in a responsible way, no matter how they describe themselves (“a very stable genius”).

This should make us think long and hard about what WE are co-creating on this planet right now. Are we headed towards another evolutionary dead end and human extinction? Or more polarity warring and conflict, because it’s us vs. them and the other must be exterminated? Or do we heed the lessons of our past and stop fighting fire with fire and stop being “third force blind.” As Wendy Kennedy put it:

“You exist in a dualistic Universe. You have light/dark, positive/negative, male/female. You cannot have one without the other…Here and now, in this time and space, you are shifting this belief to see that both can co-exist. One positive, one negative and one neutral — this is the true meaning of your holy trinity.”

Yggdrasil — World tree by Welsh artist Jen Delyth

“Who you are is an Individuation of Divinity. Why you are here is to demonstrate that.”

– Neale Donald Walsch

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies & Pleiadian Tools for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos – Higher Frequencies

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013

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Other related articles: Mutual assured destruction – Wikipedia & Nuclear Weapons: Who Has What at a Glance | Arms Control AssociationNuclear holocaust – Wikipedia & All you wanted to know about nuclear war but were too afraid to ask | World news | The Guardian

Yggdrasil – World Tree Limited Edition Celtic Art Print by Welsh artist Jen Delyth – Celtic Art Studio

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