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How To Deal With Anxiety In Autistic People?

In previous posts and videos, we have learned new information about Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Anxiety Disorder. Here is a question asked by a mother of an autistic son in the January 30, 2021 World Satsanga with Guy Needler’s answer, which may be helpful to those with autism and some other conditions. How to deal with anxiety in autistic people?

How to deal with anxiety in autistic people?

This question is regarding anxiety with autistic people. For example, I was supposed to pick my son at 12 pm, but for some reason I was late for a few minutes. By the time I got to pick him up, he was having a meltdown. It turns out he got really upset that I wasn’t there at 12 pm to pick him up. After that he was very violent and angry. 

  • My question, why do they have so much anxiety that leads to situations like this? 
  • More puzzling is the fact that even though they are higher frequency individuals than us, why anxiety takes over their life? Your insight is much needed regarding this. And as always I am grateful for your answers.

Guy Needler: “Well, basically put, we haven’t told them we’re late. Autistic individuals are incarnate souls, who are operating on and communicating with lots and lots of different frequencies concurrently, many more than our five senses.

So when we don’t communicate to them or with them, to advice them of something, which is outside of the parameter that we set and we said were going to do, they get upset, because they believed us. They are pure. They are absolute. And when we say we are going to do something for an autistic individual, and they can feel our energy associated with that commitment, when we don’t commit to it, they get annoyed. They get frustrated, because they can’t understand how we can say one thing and not do it.

But the thing is if we — and you can experiment on this, everybody who has autistic children, autistic friends or autistic family members — when we say we’re going to do something and we can’t fulfill that commitment, send out the energies, meditate on the individual explaining why you’re going to be different to what was broadcast to them — whether you’re going to be late, whether what you’re going to give them is not what you said you were going to give them, whether where you were going to go to is not where you said you were going to go to. 

Broadcast, telepathize that which you are going to do differently, so that when you get to them, they already know that there’s going to be a change or what that change is. And when you get to them, they’ll be calm, because they then know what that change is and there’s no surprise to them. And you are within the parameters that they now know is part of their new expectation. 

This piece of information is very useful. There’s lots of autistic individuals and people with family and friends, who have got schizophrenia or certain levels of issues associated with multiple connectivity, who will be interested to read that as well.

So please use it on the website.” Done as a preview of the Satsanga Transcript coming soon!

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