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What Is the Energetic Basis Of OCD?

Previously, we have learned about various conditions, including autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disease, anxiety disorders, ADHD and schizophrenia. Now we’ll take a look at Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) to compare the conventional vs. energetic perspectives, including some past life patterns that may be influencing this condition. What is the energetic basis of OCD?

What is the conventional view of OCD?

A condition resembling OCD has been recognized for more than 300 years, according to Wayne Goodman, who described many theories about the cause of OCD over the years that include biology, genetics and learning. About 1 in 100 adults and 1 in 200 kids/teens have OCD. The diagnosis is based on three things:

  1. The person has obsessions or unwanted thoughts, mental images or urges that lead to anxiety, fear, worry, disgust or doubts. The common obsessions are fear of contamination (germs, dirt, chemicals), losing control (harming self/others, violent images, blurting insults, stealing), perfectionism, harm (fire, burglary), getting sick (cancer), unwanted sexual or violent thoughts, and religious obsessions (“scrupulosity” about morality, sins, blasphemy). The obsessions occur over and over again and feel out of the person’s control.
  2. The person does compulsions or excessive, repetitive behaviors or mental acts to try to counteract or make the obsessions go away. The common compulsions are excess washing and cleaning (hands, grooming), checking (door locked, oven off), repeating activities (rewriting, tapping, going in/out doors) or mental compulsions (thought suppression, reviewing, counting, praying, rituals). But the relief is only temporary.
  3. The obsessions and compulsions take lot of time (1 hr+/day) and get in the way of daily activities, such as going to school or work, socializing, spending time with the family, etc. The severity of OCD may range from mild (15%) to moderate (35%) to severe (in 50% of cases). Family education and support is important.

OCD affects men, women, and children of all races and backgrounds equally. From the time OCD first appears, it takes about 14–17 years for people to receive appropriate treatment. The most effective treatments are cognitive behavior therapy (e.g. ERP or exposure to fears and compulsive response prevention) and/or medication. About 70% of people with OCD will benefit from therapy, medicine, or a combination of the two. Support groups (online or in-person) are helpful along with other therapies.

After the unsolved murder of his wife, homicide detective Adrian Monk develops obsessive-compulsive disorder, which includes his terror of germs and contamination. Monk is afraid of 312 things. These same personal struggles, particularly the OCD, are what aid him in solving cases: his sharp memory, specific mindset, and attention to detail. – Monk (TV Series 2002–2009) – IMDb

What is the energetic basis of OCD?

There are many past life patterns that may be carried over to the present life. This may be seen in a person’s soul blueprint, since each I Ching Gate is associated with a particular fear pattern. For example:

  • The fear of authority/being judged goes with perfectionism (Gate 18), fear of losing control creates a control freak (Gate 21), fear of failure creates panic over what to do or not (Gate 32), fear of lack of focus creates obsessive focus (Gate 9), fear of not protecting others creates guilt or hyper responsibility (Gate 50).
  • Similarly, the fear of missing details goes with obsessive checking and organization (Gate 62), fear of ignorance creates mental anxiety/repetitive thought loops (Gate 24), fear of repeating past mistakes creates hyper alertness to patterns (Gate 44), fear of lack or emptiness creates a hoarder (Gates 39/55), and so on.

We know that our soul blueprint doesn’t doom us. It’s just a template for us to work with. Our souls want experience a wide range of frequencies expressed as different states of beingness, i.e. thoughts, feelings, behaviors and actions. The fear states are at one end of the spectrum and mastery is at the other end.

  • When we dissolve our victim states or fear patterns, we move from the lower frequency state to a higher state of operation. We go from ego programming to soul activation. We drop from the mind to the heart.
  • Then perfectionism becomes integrity and guilt becomes higher values and harmony, and so on.
  • The past life circumstances surrounding these fear patterns will vary from person to person, depending on the particulars of their lifetime (e.g. gender, race, family setting, location, era, circumstances, etc.).

To get more insight, I asked Guy Needler to explain the spiritual perspective on some forms of OCD, such as perfectionism, losing control, unwanted sexual thoughts, religious obsessions, and fear of pandemic. Here’s what he channeled for us while on a sabbatical in Crete, Greece (as summarized by me):

Perfectionism: It’s the residual memory of the energetic, where everything is in perfection and you can create whatever you need to create instantaneously. It’s the desire to make something physical equal that perfection.

  • The problem is the desire for perfection becomes the main link with the energetic, and hence, becomes the focus and subsequent obsession. So we try to go back into understanding who and what we are through that obsession, which is perfectionism, whether it’s cleaning, looking after the self, self-grooming, or whether it’s trying to find things wrong in documentation, being overly checking and those sorts of things.
  • They are based upon knowledge that we do things in perfection, when we’re in the energetic, and these things that are obsessional are the link that the soul/aspect has to maintain to try to maintain that link with the energetic and to try to keep it going.

Unwanted sexual thoughts: The sexual side of things isn’t anything to do with previous knowledge base, it’s basically karma. It’s a function of karma that has to do with being addicted to a sensory stimulus, and the sexual act provides quite a heightened level of sexual stimulus.

  • In some instances, if it’s done correctly and we have true love between two participating incarnate entities, then a lot of the kundalini energy or the energy associated with the spinal plexuses that are associated with the chakras can also be activated as well, so there’s a little bit of that involved.
  • Although you’d think it would be part of us being within the energetic and missing that sort of feeling, the bliss state, it’s actually a bliss state associated with the physical, so it is karmic. It’s a function of being addicted to a sensory stimulus that is within the physical energies.

Loss of control: Losing control is another memory of being in the energetic, where everything is instantaneously done and there is no reference to anything that can’t be done. But losing control is also part of the ego as well, so it’s a mixture of the two, the energetic side and physical side.

  • When we go into the physical, it’s associated with losing the ability to be in control of everything that we are, because we enter a significantly reduced level of bandwidth and the communicative ability associated with that bandwidth is lost. As a result of that, we lose control of who and what we are.
  • That loss of control of who and what we are results in the creation of the ego, which manifests itself in terms of wanting to control things or wanting to be in control. So that side of it is the link with the energetic, knowing that one could do whatever one wanted to do at one’s desire, intention, thought and action, whereas here in the physical side it is not possible. And as a result of that, we tend to be worried that some other individual might be able to do something to us that we can’t stop. So again it’s a function of being in the physical, but not being able to control it, because we don’t have the bandwidth or frequency to do so.

Fear of pandemic: I don’t know if that’s OCD, but basically, it seems to be for those individuals, who seem to be susceptible to conspiracy theories or reprogramming based upon thoughts of other people. They tend to react badly, because it’s a function of them not being able to control their mortality. When we look at it from that perspective, we start to see it’s actually a karmic effect as well, so it’s associated with the ego.

  • So fear of pandemic or anything that is associated with the demise of the physical form is a function of the ego wanting to perpetuate the physical form, because if it can perpetuate the physical form, it can maintain its own existence.
  • So the ego uses this side of us that is fearful, and then creates this condition of fearing anything that might accelerate the loss of ego. Of course, the ego is never lost. It’s always recorded and the aspects of the ego are absorbed by the True Energetic Self as part of the overall personality of the True Energetic Self, when the various souls/aspects return to the energetic after their incarnations or other types of existence.

Fear of death: The fear of death, such as the fear of cancer, the fear of death by fire, death by water, etc. Although some of these things are affected by previous lives, where one may have died in a fire or being burned at the stake, one may have died by drowning or being in a flood, for example. Those sorts of things might have happened there.

  • This may also be the same for a pandemic, so there is another link there associated with a past life where one may have been incarnate in the times of the black death, the bubonic plague. The pandemic was unstoppable, because there wasn’t the medical technology there, so it wiped out nearly half the population of the Earth or maybe even more than that.
  • These days we try to stop it, but we don’t understand that sometimes these things are part of nature. So in this instance, the fear of pandemic would be a function of two things: the fear of the ego losing its ability to be in existence, and maybe a past life memory of dying or others demising as a function of the black death or other plagues.

Religious obsessions: Religious obsessions seem to be a function of one’s connectivity with the religion as being a way of creating the connection between one’s True Energetic Self and Source whilst incarnate, and not moving away from that, not seeing the potential error or the lack of clarity or lack of purity in that particular level of teaching.

  • So when people get really stuck into religion, they see that as their way home. They go to church every Sunday. They go to spiritualist churches sometimes. They become priests, vicars, rectors, bishops, archbishops, etc. So that sort of perpetuates their need to be part of a particular religion or to be a significant figure in a religious position, so they see it as their way home.
  • On top of that, there’s also a link to previous lives, where they may have been a significant figure in a religious sect or other controlling body, where the opportunity for controlling individuals may have been based upon the promise of if you follow this way, you will gain heaven on earth. You’ll be reconnected with Source or your True Energetic Self. So this obsession to be there might be a function of that as well.

So there’s a number of different ways this works. One is previous lives, where one was in a level of power, or knew individuals who were capable of connecting to the True Energetic Self, the greater reality or Source. But also maybe they were apprentices, chelas or lamas, where they knew they could do this stuff, but they knew that they needed to have a certain route or road to do it (e.g. yoga, TTF, Buddhism, etc.).

  • These individuals know that if it’s done properly, they can connect, but they don’t quite understand what lets them connect to Source. They just know that if they’re with like minded people, because that raises the overall frequency of the individual and the group of individuals synergetically, they know that they can raise themselves to a certain level, but they don’t understand the process of that. As a result of that, it’s pretty much broadband rather than narrow band.
  • Connecting with Source needs to be narrow band. There needs to be dedication and there needs to be continuous robust levels of desire, intention, thought and action surrounding things like meditation or yoga or other functions that allow the mind to be detached from the physical and connect with the energetic rather than being focused on their incarnation here.

Needler said therapy for OCD is Psycho-Spiritual Healing or karmic link removal or past life link removal. In his experience, taking medication is a short term hit, not a long term solution for this condition.

Final Thoughts

I hope this piece helps you see OCD from a slightly different perspective with energetic, past life and egoic influences upon its origin and expression in various forms. Every person is unique and different in terms of their egoic programming, conditioning and soul’s goals and evolutionary path. What works for one person may not work for another. But at the end of the day, the soul is here to experience, learn and evolve from many different states of beingness. In fact, the soul evolves more from experiencing a challenging condition and overcoming some aspect of it, rather than having an easy or “resting life” with little or no challenges.

It helps to keep in mind what Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”) said, if you’re thinking about the PAST, you will feel shame, guilt or judgment. If you’re thinking about the FUTURE, it’s usually about control, trust, security, worry or approval issues. In either case, you’re operating from the mind level (ego), not the heart (soul). When you are in the Now, you stand fully in your power to make changes in your life.

She suggested that you set aside a specific time, where you can review things daily. Then through the rest of the day, be in the NOW moment. How? By grounding yourself into the body and putting yourself into your heart center (by thinking of something that makes you smile, e.g. baby animals). Then expansion is possible.

“In truth, no issue is ever solved at level of the ego, a.k.a the operating system of the mind. Integration happens from the higher level of consciousness or the operating system of the heart.

Ultimately, every issue you have is an energetic one without exception. The solution to everything is energetic.” – Wendy Kennedy

For more information, please see:

International OCD Foundation | Brochures, Fact Sheets, & Handouts

Goodman, W. (2020). What Causes Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 26, 2020, from

Help! I’m Married to OCD | Psychology Today Canada

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic & NIMH » Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder & NIMH » Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, 2020 (in publication)

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies & Pleiadian Tools for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos – Higher Frequencies

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

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