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Is It Time To Update the Ten Commandments?

This topic has been on my mind ever since reading Guy Needler’s book, “Avoiding Karma” published in 2014, in which he interpreted some of the Ten Commandments from Source’s perspective. Some people might think it’s heresy to mess with things like this, but I think we can go forward, because we’re meant to evolve here. Is it time to update the Ten Commandments? 

Is it time to update the Ten Commandments?

Here is my understanding of the Commandments, based on Guy Needler‘s work:

  1. Our God: What we call “God” is one of 12 Source Entities. Our God is called Source Entity One (SE1) and its peers are called SE2-SE12. They were all created by The Origin, who is the ultimate creator of everything. We will always be part of our God/Source, because it created us to evolve on its behalf. The good news is Source is both within us and without us. We can never be separate from it. Absolutely everything around us is part of our Source.
  2. Our Image: Our Source created billions of Higher Selves and that’s who we really are. We are made in the “image” of our Source, because we are smaller individualized units (“Mini-Me’s”) of it. We are made of the same “spirit” or substance as our Source, because it gave us some of its readymade sentience and a body of energy to work with. As “Mini-Me’s” of our Source, we can experience, learn and evolve in many ways at many different levels of the multiverse that our Source created for us to explore.
  3. Our Name: Our Higher Selves (or True Energetic Selves, Oversouls, Godheads, Monads) are creator entities in training. The training is done by moving up the multiverse structure. That’s what we do in a multiverse cycle. This is our third cycle, so we’re not newbies at it. Now that we know who and what we are, no idols or middle men or even structures for worship are necessary. Why? Because we are always connected to Source. We are never truly individualized from it, so we cannot be abandoned by it no matter what we call ourselves. Idols were given to people 2,000 years ago as something to focus upon. Now all we need is a desire to connect to Source directly. There are many ways to do it.
  4. Holy Day: Every day is a gift given to us by Source to experience, learn and evolve in our multiversal environment. If you’re reading this, you are an incarnate entity, who is using the physical universe as a playground. Your soul is here to learn about the right use of Love, Wisdom and Power, the three spiritual forces that we are trying to master while incarnate. Why? Because one day in the far far future our Higher Selves will be Source Entities in their own right!!! But before that can happen, we have a few more things to learn. That’s what the rest of the commandments are about.
  5. Parents: The Golden Rule says treat others as you would like to be treated. That means taking care of your aging parents and other people who need help. This rule also applies to our interactions with other Higher Selves created by Source, including our planet, plants, animals, etc. We need to honor them as fellow sentient entities that are on their own evolutionary path, just like we are.
  6. Murder: It follows then that we’re not meant kill anybody (e.g. war, crime, terrorism, euthanasia). That applies to suicide as well, because we are not here for ourselves only. Every person is an individualized unit of Source trying to evolve in their own way. No one has the right to terminate a soul’s chosen path.
  7. Adultery: If your partnership is no longer serving you or the other person, acknowledge it and move on. Go solo or find another partner to reflect your behaviors and actions back to you. They are a mirror to you. Before we incarnate here, we make many types of agreements with many different souls. Some of these relationships are meant to dissolve, while others may last a lifetime. In the process, we find out what works and what doesn’t work in our interactions with other entities. That’s part of our evolution.
  8. Stealing: We don’t really “own” anything here on Earth. We are simply stewards of the resources provided by this beautiful planet. This rule applies to individuals, corporations and nations. In the future, corporations or monopolies focused on profiteering from fuel, food, clothing, housing and transportation will cease to exist. They have no place in a mature civilization that is working for the benefit of all or humanity as a whole. All decisions made by individuals and governments are meant to support all of us, not just the elite or 1% of the population. Thankfully, there will be no have’s and have not’s in our future.
  9. Lying: Instead of lying or gossiping about others, it’s better for us to focus on self-responsibility. That means taking 100% responsibility for our own desires, intentions, thoughts, behaviors and actions 100% of the time. That’s what it takes to be a co-creator with Source, which leaves no room for victims here. We can focus on what we want to create on our world instead of fighting against what we don’t want. The good news is when we work together as a collective, our creative powers are amplified exponentially. We can bring Heaven to Earth.
  10. Coveting: There is no need to covet or envy anybody else’s possessions, riches, partner or lifestyle. Everybody is on their own path with their own lessons to learn, whether it’s about greed, cheating or hoarding power vs. dealing with greater responsibility in a responsible manner, sharing resources or giving opportunities or charity to others. Death is the great equalizer. No rich man takes their riches with them to “heaven.” We’re all equal on the Other Side. Why? Because there is only One of us here. 🙂

There you have it! I hope this and other updates help you see things differently now that we’re fast approaching the year 2020! Good luck and Godspeed!

“If you were to remember yourself, you would let go of your fear and attachments.
If you were to let go of your fear and attachments, you would be touched by God.
If you were touched by God, you would seek union with God.
– D. Riso & R. Hudson (“Wisdom of the Enneagram”)

High-Energy X-ray View of ‘Hand of God’ | NASA

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Health, 2022

Don Riso & Russ Hudson: The Wisdom of the Enneagram, 1999

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