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Are We In a Masculine Cycle Now?

Here are some questions from the February 24, 2018 World Satsanga related to the previous “Toxic Masculinity” post, that go further into the global consciousness cycle, balancing of yin and yang energies and new information about some ascended and unascended masters that I’d like to share with my readers. Are we in a masculine cycle now?

Are we in a masculine cycle now?

From: Recording of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 24th February 2018 In Association with The Moore Show|Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science

Here are my questions and Needler’s answers:

Background: I’d like you to comment on the subject of “toxic masculine” behaviors and actions being exposed on our planet right now. You said we are currently in a cycle of male dominance, and that there have been cycles of female dominance on this planet as well. Now there are several movements (#MeToo, #TimesUp) that have allowed sexually harassed or abused women to speak openly about their personal experiences.

This raises several questions:

Are we now in the process of moving towards another female (yin energy) dominated cycle? OR Is this just a prelude to moving towards fuller integration and balancing of the yin AND yang energies within all of us regardless of gender?

This particular cycle of this particular civilization is quite an interesting one, because initially it was designed to be a male dominated event or civilization or society across the board specific to Earth — the male or female being generally related to the Earth location by the way.

But we’re finding that’s not really a balanced way. Neither is totally feminine either. There needs to be some form of balance between the two. And so we are, if you like, bouncing off the walls a little bit before we actually come down to the function of fully integrating both male and female, the yin and yang energies, if you want to call it that, and making everything equal and reasonable and taking the best of the each of them to move forwards in a robust way. But it’s all about we are moving in more sort of an integrated but still dualistic condition rather than individualistic condition.

How is this related to humanity now entering the Age of Energy in the ascending arc of the Dwapara Yuga in the global consciousness cycle, according to Sri Yukteswar (“The Holy Science”)?

It’s part of it. It’s almost like the beginning of baby steps, the very first rungs on the ladder, because there needs to be a recognition of self and a recognition of others as being part of Self before we go to this level of the consciousness cycle. So the start point of people questioning their reality is a start point of this Dwapara Yuga that Sri Yukteswar talked about. We’re some ways off yet, and it will only happen when we all become globally a higher frequency, and we start to realize that we are not the body, that we are something beyond the human body and that’s it.

Is the balancing of our yin/yang energies a gradual process OR does it happen naturally when we move to a higher Earth (e.g. 4th frequency level or higher), where the poles are closer together, not so black and white?

It’s generally a gradual process that moves forwards. Sometimes faster than others, sometimes slower than others, and it depends upon individuals at times, and how that individual affects other individuals through triangulation, either direct or inflational triangulation. We’re not going to get this condition by a sudden awakening process — it’s going to be a natural process.

It might be quite a “fast” gradual process, but it’s not going to be instantaneous, where everybody becomes aware and awake in one go. It will be gradual, where various different people become aware and awake, as it is now. As we start to get a critical mass of people, we won’t move into the next zone en masse, but the critical mass will spark off an accelerated level of rising through the frequencies, and therefore, expansion in consciousness.

Would you consider the Atlantean civilization a more yang-dominated era, since it was focused on outer technology, science and individualism (Power of One)? Was the Lemurian civilization a more yin-dominated era focused on inner or spiritual technology and group consciousness (Power of Oneness)? Is that where we’re headed again, as we evolve from separation to unity?

The Atlantean civilization was originally a function of the Power of Oneness, but became corrupted and ended up being the Power of One, as individuals started to become more individualistic and wanted to have status, material wealth and positions of power. The Lemurian society was more of a communal system, so it was not totally the Power of Oneness, but it was more of a case of working in service to the group to ensure that the group was collectively maintained and continued to thrive and flourish.

So the Atlantean civilization moved from the Power of Oneness to the Power of One, and the Lemurian society sort of edged towards Oneness through living in a communal sense. The Power of One working in an ashram can inflate the ego as well. Ashrams and other sort of communities that are in existence right now do tend to create a hierarchy within a supposedly non-hierarchical structure, so that’s one of the things that they will do there as well, but we are starting to go towards Oneness but slowly.

What changes can we expect to have now vs. in 50-60 years, when more White Children come here to raise our frequencies? My impression is that things have gotten worse in my lifetime — from glass ceilings and unequal pay to amoral behavior exhibited by our president, politicians, celebrities, CEOs and regular Joes alike. Are they all here to show us what NOT to do as evolved human beings?

Yes. They are providing an interesting puppet show. They are showing us what we can become if we’re not careful, because these individuals are here to educate us. They are showing us how we shouldn’t behave if we’re in leadership roles, how we should be more considerate, how we should be making sure that everything is equal, how we should be working with ourselves in service to each other and in service to the collective as well. So really we are being shown how bad individualism can get, if it’s allowed to go in that direction. And as a result of that, you start to lose control of the masses, and you start to create an individualized society that is really focused on being selfish rather than being of service.

You told us that Christ had 24 main disciples that included 12 males and 12 females. They worked as male-female pairs that created 12 full disciples (energetically). We also know that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, who was his “soul mate” according to some sources. Yogananda also said that Babaji had a sister (“Autobiography of a Yogi”).
Since Jesus is a Source Entity level ascended master from Source Entity 4, is Mary Magdalene his true soul mate — meaning did she come from his True Energetic Self or another TES?

The answer is YES! Mary Magdalene was part of the same energy. When you see an association between ascended masters and other individuals, they will become the same soul group. They’re a group of souls from the same True Energetic Self or same Godhead, because the energies are such that they can’t interact with anybody else other than somebody sort of around from their own True Energetic Self.

Since Babaji’s True Energetic Self comes from Source Entity 7, did his sister (Mataji) also come from the same TES?

The same thing for Babaji and his sister (Mataji), they came from the same True Energetic Self as well. So we get to the point, where individuals who work together, Babaji clearly had the yang, but he had to have the yin to his yang or the yang to his yin and that was his sister. And in my understanding it was Babaji’s sister, who was the one that persuaded Babaji to remain on the Earth, and actually he didn’t become an ascended master. He is still a master but an unascended master, because he hasn’t decided to ascend. He is still helping us out on the Earth plane.

Note: We will learn more about the other ascended masters in our next World Satsanga (March 31, 2018).

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016

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