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What Is the Fundamental Cycle Of Creation?

Recently, I have been busy thinking about the Tree of Life, I Ching gates, universal laws, and wisdom from various channels about conscious creation and how they all fit together. You could say that thinking is a “sport” for me, since I have the soul blueprint of an intuitive thinker! Now I’d like to present my understanding of how we create everything, which no doubt will change and evolve, as we continue to evolve. What is the fundamental cycle of creation?

What is the fundamental cycle of creation?

This ancient wisdom was given to humanity thousands of years ago via the I Ching system. The same wisdom has been “repackaged” as many other teachings since then, but it seems that most of us still don’t get it!? Here is my attempt at trying to put it all together.

  • Let’s begin with a diagram that illustrates how unity splits into duality represented by two single lines called yin (broken) or yang (solid), as described by Emperor Fu Shi (below).
  • The lines can be combined to create four different bigrams (two lines). When a third line is added, the bigrams can create eight different trigrams (three lines, click to enlarge).

Each of the trigrams expresses one aspect of the whole, which is made of different energies that represent different categories of experience. Emperor Fu Shi arranged the eight trigrams in a circle, where the polar opposites sit directly across from each other (below, left).

He also interpreted the eight trigrams as eight steps in a cyclic process (above, right). The cycle does not go around the circle, but is thought to start at Creative (most yang) and to cross the center between Thunder and Wind to make a figure 8-like infinity loop that ends at Receptive (most yin). The same stepwise sequence is shown in the two configurations below.

How does this apply to creation?

In my previous posts on conscious creation, 3D and 5D manifestation, and the Law of Action, we learned about the sequence of creation and manifestation from the energetic perspective.

  • Guy Needler (“The Anne Dialogues”) said that the creative process starts with Desire, which leads to Intention (to create the desire), and to Thought (on how to create the intended desire), and Action (creation or manifestation of the intended desire).
  • Nora Herold also said that manifestation is based on holding the intention of what you desire, then from a state of oneness accessing the frequencies that go along with the reality you want to be experiencing (e.g. freedom, creativity, passion, peace, joy, etc.).
  • Neale Walsch (“What God Said”) said the “sign” from the “gods” is your intuition, wrapped in your desire. Life functions on a Be-Do-Have paradigm (not Have-Do-Be), meaning first you must be the thing you want, then you start doing things from this place of beingness, and soon you’ll have the things you wanted to have. “Just do it” is all backwards.

My interpretation of this is that the creative process doesn’t start at the most yang Creative step, which is pure energy or force (red “1” below). The creative cycle starts at the most yin Receptive step (blue “2”), where we feel unity or oneness with everything around us.

  • That’s where we can go within and access our Higher Self, our soul’s Desires and be the Source ourselves, not just energy, which is just a tool we use at the Creative step later. That means everything begins on the “Being” side before we can go to the “Doing” side.

The Fundamental Cycle of Creation (click to enlarge)

The next step is our Intuition, which is the Wind step. We can follow our gut instincts or listen to the intuitive hits or whispers from our soul, guides, helpers, Higher Self or Source. That’s where we get inspired to proceed gently ahead without fear, hesitation or recklessness.

  • Then we have to take a leap of faith and dive into the Water step without knowing what’s ahead. We have to make a choice, say yes to what we (not others) want, and commit to experiencing it. This Intention takes both perseverance and trust in the universe and self.
  • Then we need to be still and pause before acting. This step is the Mountain, which represents Inaction or energetic stillness. This is where we pulse out the frequency we want to experience and maintain it and hold it with Thoughtful concentration.

Then we go back to the center void where we can receive the forms that the universe is providing to us, based on the frequency we pulsed out. Let go of expectations of form. The universe may present completely new structures and paradigms never before seen by us.

  • Now we can use and harness the energies in the Creative step, which could be in the form of creative ideas, insights, power, material resources, outer strength, focus, etc.
  • Then we need to step into the Lake to greet the experience itself. We can do it with joyful vitality and appreciation or with dissatisfaction, greed, struggle or self-indulgence.

Next we step into the Fire to recognize the emotions, feelings, ego desires, attachments and karma associated with the experience. Life is often not what we expect it to be. Whether we feel hope or pain, this step initiates the yearning for change.

  • The next step is Thunder and all about Action. It’s about initiative, innovation, invention, nurturing, loving self and others, growth and finishing things. In its lower expression, it’s about being anxious, shocking, controlling, stuck, etc. which calls for more change.
  • Then we cycle back to the center to sit in the void to start a new cycle with a new desire. We keep cycling from Being (more yin) to Doing (more yang) back and forth all day every day, which allows us to experience, learn and evolve from everything we encounter.

Some people may get stuck in one or more steps in this or other lifetimes, which brings out the low expression associated with that step (e.g. greed, fighting everything and everyone). My next post will go into that and more.

Final Thoughts

I hope this helps you see how we have to use both yin and yang energies to create and manifest things in our lives. We’re constantly cycling from Being to Doing in many areas of life (e.g. relationships, career, hobbies, chores, etc.), often changing our desire, intention or commitment to an experience, as we go through our day. We may come back to something a couple of hours later and engage with it at that time. All is choice.

Interestingly, Richard Rudd (“Gene Keys”) said there is strong evidence that the oldest versions of the I Ching began with the Receptive (Hexagram 2) that represents the prime yin. It is speculated that the patriarchal systems that translated the original text must have swapped the prime yin for the prime yang! He said it makes more sense to begin with the feminine, which represents the universal field, oneness or unity.

As Needler taught us, the greater reality is amorphous or formless. It is purely latent in every way, shape and form. But even the amorphous has an intention to be something, to be structured in some way, so that we can play with it, manipulate, change and work with it to understand it. That’s what our souls are doing here on Earth in human biosuits as well.

“Form is emptiness, emptiness is form; emptiness is no other than form, form is no other than emptiness.” – Heart Sutra

“Stay Light, Be Light, Light the way for others.” – Guy Needler

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home

Neale Walsch: What God Said, 2013

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013

Stephen Phillips: The Mathematical Connection Between Religion and Science, 2009

Richard Rudd: Gene Keys, 2009

Chetan Parkyn: The Book of Lines, 2012 & The Book of Destinies, 2016

Mondo Secter: The I Ching Handbook, 2002

Karen Curry: Understanding Human Design, 2013

Ra Uru Hu: The Complete Rave I’Ching, 2001

Lynda Bunnell & Ra Uru Hu: The Definitive Book of Human Design, 2011

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