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What Is New About Realities and Timeline Jumping?

Here is a question that my friend and I asked in a recent private session with Guy Needler. Since his answers are always fascinating and add to our existing knowledge about event space, realities and “timelines,” I wanted to share them with my readers as well. What is new about realities and timeline jumping? 

What Is New About Realities and Timeline Jumping?

Background: In “The Curators,” Needler defined some nomenclature for us in more detail (p. 342). This is important for us to know, so that we’re all on the same page. I have tried to simplify the definitions a bit to make them easier to understand:

  • Space refers to an area or volume localized within our Source (SE1) and its multiverse. Everything is happening within our Source’s area.
  • An event space is an area or volume of space within the Source that exists as a parallel function of that space. Myriad event spaces can exist in the same space. It’s like space overlapping space or space within and without a space.
  • A parallel condition is created after a new choice is made, which is usually one out of many possibilities. Event Space copies or creates a new, but similar event space that is independent of the original event space. It doesn’t divide us, it copies us. It allows us to experience a new series of experiences in a self-contained parallel event space that can fractally expand and contract within its own space to suit the needs of one or more people and their choices.
  • A reality is not the same as event space. A reality is something we create with our mindset. It is generated by an entity or a being that is perceiving and interacting with an environment and/or other entities or beings in the same environment. It is a perception-based interactive condition that exists within an event space.
  • An alternative reality is where an individual or a group of people choose to create their own reality, because they don’t want to interact with a known or standard reality or environment (e.g. a political situation). They simply ignore what they don’t want to believe or interact with, even though their alternative reality (e.g. cult or narrow mindset) exists within a standard reality (e.g. global or wider mindset) created by entities with similar or more compatible desires, thoughts, behaviors and actions.

That means different groups of people can and do exist in different “reality bubbles” within the same event space. In my understanding, these reality bubbles are created based on people’s belief systems or subconscious programs that often reflect their “soul age” and level of immersion (“unconsciousness”) in the incarnation. What we see reflected in our collective reality is a “soup” of subconscious programs and mostly fear-based old stories that people buy into (e.g. any cataclysm, financial collapse, coronavirus epidemic, etc.).

What’s the potential problem in the Information/Digital Age?

As Matt Kahn observed, when we are unconscious, we can get addicted to technology and become technology junkies. We use it as a surrogate replacement for our own consciousness, which is the only reliable technology we have. Physicist Noel Huntley, PhD (“The Original Great Pyramid and Future Science”) also noted:

“Ideally, technology is supposed to be an extension of mind/consciousness. It is not supposed to impede the development of consciousness or replace it. Abilities within the species should develop, replacing technologies…as an aid to the expanding consciousness – Noel Huntley

Each of us has a responsibility to become sovereign and well-informed citizens, which means not getting all our news from just one source, echo chamber or filter bubble. Why? Because every entity (individual and corporate) has an agenda. The collective media is competing to win our thoughts to create realities that sustain them and their sponsors. As truth seekers, we need to be more discerning than ever (below).

Needler said a good example of this is what’s been happening to our political systems on this planet right now. We know that we didn’t want certain things to happen (in the UK, US, Hong Kong, China), but for some reason we collectively have not been able to change the way in which that locally individualized reality (created by a small group of politicians) has moved forwards. If we, the people, buy into their reality, they exist. But if we decide to not accept these realities, then they can’t exist. The problem is most people don’t even know that they’re creating a reality, or that they could create new mindsets and completely new ways of governance.

When we do “timeline jumping,” you wrote in “The Curators” (p. 361) that it is both a frequential and spatial move. In other words, the movement from one frequency to another is achieved by either jumping or being ejected from one frequential sphere to another in a different spatial location. Are we constantly doing “microscopic timeline jumps” spatially speaking from one event point to another? Or are the changes in spatial location and frequency always tied together?

GSN: No, we’re not constantly doing timeline jumps. They affect us when there’s a need for it or when we have a desire to move into a different space basically. And so time and space or space/time, as the scientists call it, is one and the same thing. It’s not space with time or time with space, because time doesn’t exist. It’s just events and space within the events.

So if you move from one event to another event, or one event space to another event space, we move from one particular environment or reality that’s created by it to another one. But although it’s in the same space and the same location, so to speak, geographically, it appears to be slightly different. 

Is the environment adjusted or individualized for each entity, depending on their desired move? How does a collective jump work frequentially and spatially?

So one of the things we need to understand is everything exists concurrently in the same space or volume. And things can be individualized or collectively, as said. That definitely happens. So we can have individualized and collectively and globally and galactic sized and universe sized and multiverse sized changes that could be microsized or macrosized, as the case may be.

Are we consciously able to do that? Are humans consciously able to do that, to make a conscious shift, not an unconscious or accidental reality shift?

Needler said: “When disincarnate, the answer is yes. When incarnate, it happens, but not consciously. And this is why we sometimes think, How did I get here? This type of things, okay.” That’s interesting, but note that it can also happen to us when we’re in our head and ungrounded, not heart-centered and fully present in life.

Briefly, just to give us a picture: How do you see the spheres within one universe arranged? Are there various size spheres or amorphous shapes arranged in a regular or irregular pattern? Does it vary from universe to universe?

In terms of how I see spheres within one universe, the separation of spheres is something that we have to use as individuals, who are incarnate in lower frequencies to be able to understand something. It’s called linearizing it. But when we see it properly, it’s all together in one. And the only way we can separate it is by focusing on one particular sphere or frequency, for instance.

Think of it like watching television and then changing the channel. You’re in the same space watching the same screen, but what’s on the screen changes, because you’ve changed frequency. That’s basically how to think of it. If you’re in the screen, like in a screen with a hologram, you’d be in the same space, but what is represented by that screen changes. And that’s how I perceive it now.

Everything is in the same space concurrently. There is no separation. There is no isolation. It’s all collectively together, separately together.

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019

Matt Kahn: Everything Is Here To Help You, 2018 & Whatever Arises, Love That, 2016 & Clarity To Embodiment (lecture presented on 9/17/2019)

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