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What Is the State of the Planet in 2023?

As you may know, I’ve been busy writing books and moving yet again. We have relocated in Spain to a beautiful mountainous area next to the Mediterranean Sea. Since we feel really blessed to be here, it’s time to look at how the rest of the world is faring through all the change in our lives. What is the state of the planet in 2023? 

What is the state of the planet in 2023?

I’d like to summarize what I’ve heard from several sources as to how our ascension process is going. They seem to be focusing on different aspects of it, which need to be brought together to get the Big Picture. 

Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”) told us that we are still in the midst of “Frequency Wars,” which is what this period in our history will be known as. The light agenda is to ascend in frequency. The dark agenda is to keep people in a low frequency state through physical, emotional, mental, energetic or spiritual oppression. The dark agents want to control and manipulate how we are thinking and feeling.

One such dark agent is Putin, who is an antichrist of our time. Even Boris Johnson (who is a backfill person, according to Guy Needler) recognizes Putin’s character. When asked what Putin stands for, he said:

He stands for war, aggression, systematic murder, rape and destruction. That’s what he stands for.” — Boris Johnson

The dark agents play on our fear programs using the threat of endless global wars, nuclear wars, broken international treaties, bloated military systems, militarized police, cyberwar, UFO/balloon sightings, terrorist events, pandemics, natural and manipulated disasters, energy weapons, weather altering events, financial collapse, cryptocrooks, housing bubbles, hyperinflation, train accidents, chemical spills, tainted food, air, water, soil, medicines, airwaves, disinformation via news outlets and social media, etc.

  • They are throwing every kind of negative event at us to distract us from ascending! You might think we are powerless with all these control mechanisms in place, but that is not so. We are not trapped in a “prison planet,” because our souls wanted to play the game on Earth at this extraordinary time. Why?
  • The soul knows you can only be controlled and manipulated, if you give your power away to someone else or if you buy into someone else’s limiting stories about yourself. If you play the victim role, the oppressors will take advantage of you. It’s as simple as that. That’s what we are evolving out of.

Kennedy said the Frequency Wars will go until 2026. By 2024 the chaos will settle a bit, as we find new ways to do things. New technology will come out quickly, especially after the Frequency Wars are over.

  • People will wake up to the dysfunctional governments and institutions we have in place, which need to be reinvented and rebuilt. We have no model for these brand new systems, but we know we want something better that serves one and all, not just the top 1% of humanity. 
  • We live in the second Gilded Age, where today’s CEOs behave and act like the feudal lords or the Anunnaki of the past. Their goal is to amass personal wealth and power at any cost. They act like slave drivers, who avoid personal or corporate responsibility while depleting and destroying the Earth’s resources. They act without care about the consequences to the people, flora, fauna or the Earth itself. That’s unacceptable.

Lyssa Royal (“The Golden Lake”) said we are doing what the Sirians did in their awakening process. Their civilization split into two extremes that were highly polarized. The dark side was obsessed with dark stuff and stayed really dark. The light side saw the darkness outside, but did not go there. They used it to integrate their own shadows, which they embraced, owned, learned from and evolved through.

  • Eventually, the darker side died out, because resistance and separation takes a lot of energy and is unsustainable. When civilizations transition from third to fourth density, they have to let go of polarity.
  • That happens when people get tired of fighting and telling the same old stories that divide us. That leads to acceptance of whatever is arising in reality, which leads to a new alchemy, a flow state instead of resistance.

Guy Needler has told us about backfill people, who are here to fill in for those human souls that are ascending or leaving the planet. Their job is to maintain a critical mass of people, so that the infrastructure of the gross physical Earth stays in place for those human souls (“laggards”) that are still working here or need to come back here to dissolve their karmic links to low frequency thoughts, behaviors and actions.

  • Backfill souls come from a lower genre of Higher Selves. Their sentience level is between that of fully sentient human souls and semi-sentient animal souls. This is the first multiverse cycle in which they are allowed to incarnate on Earth with individualized free will, which is a totally new experience for them, because they typically incarnate with collective will.
  • They have only been on our planet for about 60-70+ years. For instance, Donald Trump was one of the first backfill souls here. Their numbers have been increasing through the years (image analogy, below). In 2023, they make up about 57% of the population, which means there are 4.6 billion backfill people on Earth right now! That explains a lot. But they will be capped at 70% of the population, according to Needler.

Our population will grow to 12 billion in about 50 more years (2070+). That’s when people will realize that overpopulation is unsustainable, so laws and regulations will restrict births. The planet itself is also changing and manipulating events (e.g. shifting jet streams, climate change, extreme weather events, infertility, pandemics, earthquakes, etc.) to reduce the human population.

  • Interestingly, he said that 12% of the population is made of people who have ascended frequentially, but elected to stay here to serve others. In the future, their numbers will go up to 24% of the population to help others evolve when backfill people are the majority here.
  • With more technology, we may also move away from Earth, but that is a couple of hundred years away.

Note that the planet itself is not ascending, because it is a panfrequential body that already exists at 10 frequency levels. Once all human type souls have ascended out of this version of Earth, the backfill people will go back to where they normally incarnate. Then this planet becomes irrelevant. We’ll be on the Earth at FB 4.

Lee Harris also talked about our job on Earth, which is to usher in a new heart consciousness. It affects our relationship with animals, the Earth and oneness with others, which we feel when there is no division or friction energy. Oneness is all about connection and collaboration. He said that joy is five times more powerful than fear, yet fear is sown into our collective five times more than joy. The spotlight is on the heartless hierarchical leadership on our planet with control and authoritarian issues. He added:

  • Humans have a tendency to believe that authority wins. We forget that our job as humans is to say NO to that bully dynamic, to call things out, to recognize the lack of heart in that energy and do what we can as activists to create a more humanitarian, compassionate and equal planet.
  • We may not see this in our lifetime, but the next couple of decades from 2024-25 onwards will usher in a new wave of consciousness in a bigger and stronger way. The momentum for the light and the structures the light will be building will be far more evident than now.
  • After 2080 and beyond, the dissonance on the planet will become a more distant memory with the return of heart consciousness.

Humans will say NO to heartlessness. That is the shadow of Gate 25 in the heart center in people who are cut off from their heart or don’t own their pain but project it onto others. When we usher in more heart consciousness, they will own their own heart in a new way. That allows us to embrace the gift of acceptance, selflessless, loving without motives, devotion to others, sensibility, survival, recuperation, healing and healthiness on the way to the siddhi of universal love (agape).

Final Thoughts

This may be an Age of Confusion for some and the Age of Transparency for others. People are waking up to the ways they are being oppressed by hierarchical control, manipulation and authoritarian systems. The bigger picture is that there are atrocities committed at so many levels in order to touch each and every one of us in some way to make us want to change things from the status quo.

It is meant to awaken our ability to say NO to something we don’t want. How much will we tolerate or accept without questioning it? Where do the control systems become unreasonable or restrictive? Is there a better way to do things (e.g. citizens’ assemblies, clean hydrogen fuel from seawater, shifting funding priorities to truly address our global problems of pollution, overpopulation, species extinction, etc.)?

What is being asked of us? Be the change you wish to see in the world. Say no to heartlessness! Be the activist if that’s where your heart is being called. Be the energetic imprint where you live to embody and emanate the energies of love, peace, cooperation and acceptance of differences. With all of us serving each other in this way, we are unstoppable and our ascension is inevitable!

For more information, please see:

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Health, 2022

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science & 9 books

Lee Harris: The Heart Reset of the 21st Century: Lee Harris – Impact the World – YouTube

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies & Wendy Kennedy 4-8-20…”Navigating the Unknown” – Big Picture Questions

Lyssa Royal-Holt: The Golden Lake: Wisdom from the Stars for Life on Earth, 2019 & Journey through the Galactic Heritage Cards | Cards #23-26, Vega (2nd Era) – YouTube & Intro to the Galactic Heritage Cards Pt 1 – YouTube & – :: Intro ::