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What Is the Dark Agenda?

Reposted and revised as background for the January 6 Committee Hearings: Previously, we have talked about Dark entities, Astral entities and Polarity Integration from various angles. In this post, I’d like to summarize what we know about Dark entities and their agenda and purpose in our evolution. What is the Dark Agenda? This is what Wendy Kennedy calls the “Frequency Wars” that affect every aspect of our life (see below).

What is the Dark Agenda?

Here is what various sources have told us about the dark entities and their agenda:

Maurice Cooke (“Dark Robes, Dark Brothers”) channeled Hilarion (from SE2), who said the Dark Brotherhood act as testing agents for the race of man. Their duty is to tempt the seeker away from purity and spiritual advancement in the areas of energy, will, self-image, faith, money and/or sex. But they can only influence those who allow them the necessary access. He explained:

  • There are many regions in the astral realms. Some are full of light and spiritual wisdom, while others are permeated by the darkness of despair, the chill of hatred and revenge. The latter regions are small in comparison to the former, and where the coarsest souls and entities are drawn or confined.
  • Some of them are extremely base in vibration and motivated by subliminal hypnotism and manipulation of others towards violence, aggression, loss of temper, bitterness, hostility, hatred or large scale wars that cause a downward spiral in our evolution. Why? Because they feed off these negative energies.
  • They also promote selfishness (e.g. vanity, pride, haughtiness, debauchery) and materialism (e.g. lust for possessions, atheism, attachment to things, countries split into haves and have nots).

Gina Lake (“The Extraterrestrial Vision”) described servers and self-servers, who exist in every country and government. But their values are opposite. To self-servers, life a game of power. They don’t care who is harmed or how long it takes to get power, because they have no other motivation for living. They don’t have moral precepts that define or limit their striving for power. Power is their moral code.

  • They don’t see what they do as immoral. Some of them could be called sociopaths, but those are the less clever or unevolved, psychologically damaged self-servers. The more evolved self-servers are far more dangerous, because their ambitions include power over entire populations or areas of the globe.
  • Self-servers like to create a hierarchy that operates through fear, oppression and violence. They spread conspiracy theories about what is to come with hopelessness, despair and distrust of government.
  • They hope that people will disengage from politics and responsibilities as citizen or fall back asleep, because they are shocked by one atrocity after another, leaving the government to the self-servers already in power.

Wendy Kennedy (“Great Human Potential”) said that the Anunnaki are a humanoid race from Sirius with many sects. Most exist in the 5th level, but some are in the 4th level. They started participating in our solar system about 400,000 years ago. But only a few have manipulated power since the days of Atlantis about 13,000 years ago. The Illuminati are a continuation of the dark priests of Atlantis. She explained:

  • Their game is all about how much power they can amass for domination and control of other beings, including fighting amongst themselves. They are very keen about beauty, physical appearance, sexual prowess and sexual exploits as an expression of their personal power and energy.
  • They are scavengers doing dastardly deeds on many planets. They work with other species as slave races (e.g. some insectoids, greys) or as partners (e.g. some reptilians). They work more with external technology, physicality and their minds rather than with the heart or spirituality or inner technology.
  • They can’t feel compassion or process emotions like we do. They feed off our emotional bodies (e.g. fear, anger, all victim states). But they do NOT have more power than we do. They are terrified that we will find out that WE have more power, because we are walking vortices connected to Source through our bodies.

She said we are in the midst of what in the future will be called “Frequency Wars” that are based on manipulation of energy, including our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and physical bodies through fear programs, wars, energy crises, financial crises, pandemics, AI, technology, electronics, sound, nanotechnology, mass media, alternate media, chemtrails, polluted air, water, soil, food supply, EM radiation, etc.

  • The controllers on Earth want to influence the way we think, feel, emote, and live on this planet, to keep us at a lower frequency (not ascending), so they can concentrate power in their own hands, which is what they have done.
  • They are no longer hiding behind the scenes, their dark agenda is in plain view for all to see. They are replaying the wars brought here from other star systems (e.g. Orion, Lyra, Sirius). It’s up to us to wake up, take back our power and say no to their plans. We are powerful co-creators, who can rebuild a world that is sustainable and beneficial to all of us (not just the 1% that hoard power and resources from others).
Lyssa Royal (“The Golden Lake”) said that if a species begins awakening and some souls are not ready to give up polarity, they migrate to other star systems. That’s what happened in Orion. The souls attached to control migrated to the ancient Sirian system, where they created schools for dark arts or black magic.
  • Their goal was to control others to gain more power, which is a service-to-self orientation in the negative polarity. These teachings were brought to Earth during the Atlantean times, but also thrived in Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and other cultures.
  • Some teachings became mystery schools with charismatic leaders, priests or priestesses, who promised freedom, enlightenment and divine connection, but subconsciously grabbed the followers’ energy and kept them dependent through the ego of the leader. This is how cults, megachurches and secret societies still operate. Their leaders are usually unaware of their unresolved Sirian-Orion dark energy.
  • But now we are in a time of integration, not separation. Everything must come into the light. Dark energy cannot hide any longer. Their secrets cannot be buried. But we cannot fight darkness. We have to release our craving for dark (ego recognition/power) and light (as a shield/savior) and stand in the non-polarized middle (e.g. inside the vortex tunnel or the eye of the storm) and own our power as sovereign beings.

Matt Kahn (“The Universe Always Has a Plan”) said that on the spiritual journey, we have the permission to sample ALL of the experiences, all the vibrations, which we may either like or dislike. That helps us develop the skill of discernment, which helps us become more decisive as human beings.

  • For example, the dark agenda is to hunt others to avoid being hunted, because it hasn’t woken up out of ego. It doesn’t know how to sacrifice, how to be without (e.g. objects, cravings, addictions, attachments). BTW: This is Putin’s agenda as today’s “anti-christ,” who works with ethically corrupt/bribed politicians (his “useful idiots”) to sow division in many countries around the world.
  • When you know that a sacrifice is a detoxification process or waking up out of ego viscerally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and you’re willing to say yes to the light, darkness wants nothing to do with you.
  • That doesn’t mean that we as spiritual beings have to like everything, including the actions of a serial killer, a violent policeman or an authoritarian dictator. We can respect their purpose, which is to bring people and communities together for a greater good (e.g. social justice, political reform, restructuring government).

Matt Kahn made some observations about illusion vs. truth:

“I’m all for spiritual progress, but politics isn’t going to get us there. You go omg, is this Joseph Stalin? Is this the beginnings of Hitler? Or is it the returning of Jesus? What’s the difference between illusion vs. truth? Illusion is one who lacks dignity, acts out of accordance with their ethics.

Truth says there is no excuse for acting out of integrity ever. Truth is your actions coming straight from your values. There’s nothing in this world that could ever happen to you that causes you to stray from your ethics. Even if in you’re in a reality, where the rules are you have to harm another human being to get your next meal. The one who is in their ethics says, if that’s the only way to get my next meal, then I’m now a breatharian! If that choice takes me out of this life, then so it shall be.”

Here’s my chat with Source about Dark Entities on September 10, 2020:

Source, why do we have dark entities with a dark agenda so predominant on Earth? 

You know this universe is a dualistic universe made of yin and yang energies, which are there to balance each other out. When you incarnate you have an incarnation cross, which tries to balance the opposite gates or programming partners, each of which has its own range of yin/yang energies and frequency levels, as you have described. So that is one way to try to balance the various qualities that I wish for you to experience in human form.

The dark agenda is nothing more than the lower frequency range of the qualities that I wish for you to experience in physicality. So the entities that operate at the lower end of frequencies are those that appear “dark” or unconscious or dense to you, who are trying to ascend to higher and higher frequencies. Their actions, behaviors, thoughts are accordingly what you in human form would consider ego-based actions, so they do not express any awareness of soul-based thoughts, behaviors and actions as such, so they are expressing the “bad guy” version of you, because they are working to set up the situation for all to see that that is not the best way to go forwards.

Their actions are materialistic, not spiritual, and selfish, not other-oriented, so it is a phase of development in an entity’s evolution into a communally oriented being, who realizes who and what it is and where it comes from (me) and how it can work best with others as a collective with common goals. They play an important part in your evolution, because they are showing you mostly what not to do, what to avoid in terms of what makes you evolve faster.

Why have they been around for so long, for thousands of years? 

Well, it is easier to set up the game with the same players, who are playing the dark parts or roles, while many more souls can incarnate to experience and work on themselves to ascend into lighter or higher frequency states as a result of them operating amongst you.

Where are they located mostly? 

Some are in 3rd, some are in 4th, and fewer in 5th frequency level, so they are in a range of frequencies, as are the other incarnates that inhabit those frequencies. They become less able to operate at higher frequencies, because the souls at those levels tend to work together naturally. They become communally oriented and cooperate as a result of higher evolutionary content and awareness.

Okay, so are we now trying to rise above that level of operation? If so, why are there so many world leaders who are dictatorial or authoritative types? 

Well, that is role modeling or showing you what that type of behavior results in the rest of your world. It is an example of what not to follow.

Why are so many people following them or even mistaking them for a “savior”? 

It is a test of discernment for all of you. Some see it, some don’t see it, some won’t accept it even when they are shown. That is the truth.

Is it true that about half the people are backfill people? What are the implications of that? 

That is true in certain event spaces, not all of them. The implication is that a lot of human type souls have ascended out of this version of Earth, so the need for backfill people to fill in the missing bodies is real and present where you stand.

Why do we need so many of backfill people, if we have overpopulated this planet as is, beyond what is sustainable, because of the way we operate here?

Well, that is another area of learning for you to work on. The planet is its own entity, it is also rising in frequency based on the residents on and within it, so it is changing. It is affecting the lifeforms all within and around it. There is a 4th frequency level Earth already in existence, which is populated by humans that have ascended to that level. So the 3rd frequency level Earth is here for as long as you need it, no more. But as you know, humanity will not ascend, that is all of humanity won’t ascend for another thousand years or so, so there is a lot of time to pass between that and now in terms of humans learning, evolving, ascending.

Why does it take so long? 

Well, you know time is irrelevant. What is relevant is cutting off karmic ties to lower frequencies. That takes “time” for individuals to work on their own attachments, addictions and experiential work that they still wish to complete in human form, since a lot of souls wish to do it with individualized free will, not in collective form, where evolution is much, much slower (as you know about Zetas, Pleiadeans, etc.).

So we are basically the workhorses for all galactic species? 

Well, you could say that, if you want to look at it from that perspective. But you are all One, meaning you are the human and the galactic species as well. You are working with yourselves really, not being used by any other species, so to speak.

What about the horrific or dastardly acts that the dark entities are inflicting on innocent children or slave races or other situations where they kill or obliterate races in certain circumstances? 

Well, that is part of the karmic play of some individual races or groups. That is to learn what not to do in the long run. That is how they learn to respect others, how they become servers, not self-servers only. So it is part of their evolutionary path, and some souls sacrifice themselves for that lesson, knowing that they are never lost, never killed in real terms. They just wink out of existence to become a higher frequency version of themselves in those situations, so it is fully understood at the soul level from a very different perspective than the human one.

Okay, so where do they come from, these dark entities? 

Well, there are dark areas or low frequency hotspots everywhere in this universe, so they can be from many different systems, many species, many form factors, that usually operate in the lower frequency levels at FB 3 or 4 or 5. That’s the majority of them, so they may operate outside of Earth, extraterrestrial, or within Earth, or incarnate on Earth as various characters to learn about light/dark, integration of polarities and ascension along the way.

How many times do you need to learn about dark activities, given this has been going on for at least the last 13,000 yrs since Atlantis fell? 

Well, as you know, we are interested in variations on the theme. We are also interested in every individual learning what they need to learn from their own personal experience, not just by watching someone else do something.

Is the relative proportion of light vs. dark now in favor of light entities? 

Yes, it is the majority now, hence, we have so many backfill people here on the version of Earth you’re on in terms of event space possibilities. So it is a good sign overall, even if the daily drama is a bit much. But it is showing people not to give their power away, not to be oblivious to what’s going on around them, to work together, to create something new and better than what was existing before.

So it is a very multifaceted experiment really that cannot be just put in terms of dark vs. light, because both are part of me. Both are evolving, one faster than the other, but both are needed in the physical universe to balance each other out.

Okay, I guess this is a start. I thank you for that, Source, guide, helpers, everyone, all my teachers, too.

Yes, we’re all in this together, so no one will be left behind or held back. All are going to integrate with me one day. That is a given, the mission for all.

For more information, please see:

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Five important takeaways from the January 6 committee’s June hearings

5 things we’ve learned so far from the Jan. 6 committee hearings : NPR

QAnon: a timeline of violence linked to the conspiracy theory | US news | The Guardian & The ‘Q’ movement is a pro-pedophile, pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic Nazi-adjacent Trumpian cult & QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded & Explained: How the QAnon Conspiracy Theory Gained a Foothold in America & QAnon Latest: Jason Gelinas Named as Developer Behind – Bloomberg

Maurice B Cook (Hilarion): Dark Robers, Dark Brothers, 1981

Gina Lake: The Extraterrestrial Vision, 1995

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013

Wendy Kennedy (website):

Lyssa Royal-Holt: The Golden Lake: Wisdom from the Stars for Life on Earth, 2019

Matt Kahn: The Universe Always Has a Plan: The 10 Golden Rules of Letting Go: Matt Kahn: 9781401958091: Books

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, 2020 (in publication)

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