Here are some important questions I have been pondering about and discussing with some friends about human life and the purpose of suffering in our lives. I’d like to share what I channeled this morning from my Higher Self, Source and the Origin to shed some light on the matter. As usual, take what resonates and leave the rest. I have entitled this post/rant: Is Life Sacred Or Not?
Is Life Sacred Or Not?
Question: Why do so many souls “choose” difficult lives, either with physical or mental disabilities, mental conditions like bipolar, ADHD, OCD, or poverty, natural disasters, physical abuse, sexual abuse, bankruptcy, etc.? Is God evil or a sadist? Are we masochists for choosing such life plans?
- Are our Higher Selves really dense and lacking in empathy for putting us through situations like this?
- Is this the only way or the fastest way to evolve? Is that why we are the pawns put through the motions, the suffering, the toil and trouble, so that our Higher Selves and Source can evolve from our struggle without going through it themselves, because our experiences are so diluted in their overall experiential database that they don’t really “feel” the pain themselves? Is that even ethical?
- Humans are supposedly the most compassionate species in the universe, because of all the suffering they have gone through. Is that fair or balanced growth? Is that what we are supposed to teach other species? If so, what are the highest entities learning from this? At what cost to us?
- What about a “benevolent” God? What about our Higher Selves? What about other Source Entities? What about the Origin? Why do they allow this to happen, when they have all kinds of guides, helpers and maintenance entities that could change things, as they happen? Wendy Kennedy said they will only intervene, if more than 80-85% of timelines are going in the wrong direction? Why wait until it is so late?
1. My Higher Self’s Answer:
HS: I put you there to play the game. It is a challenging game alright — many people are very challenged by their situations, circumstances, lack of opportunities, etc. Some pull themselves up from it, others don’t. We don’t judge.
ME: I am mad now that I realize what’s really going on. You are in no position to judge, given that you are not here, really here, not in the same capacity as a human being?
That is true. Our experiences are diluted, like a drop in the ocean, which is why we don’t feel emotions or physical pain or mental pain as acutely or as intensely as you do in human form.
Okay, and the wiping out of our memories, being a human with an ego — a mechanism to forget everything you ever learned in previous lives — is a cruel ploy by God and Higher Selves to make themselves evolve faster from our falling? Is it ethical to put a child in the driver’s seat and expect them to be safe in a car, when they can’t see beyond the hood or behind the wheel? Think about that for a minute.
I see that you are mad. You are pondering these questions — evolution at what cost? What cost to the players, who are playing the game in a deaf, dumb and blind condition, we get it. It is the fastest way to accelerate our growth, our evolution, by sending you to the lowest frequencies possible, where you do develop these three lower bodies, which are something that beings in higher frequencies don’t have, so they don’t experience things in the same way, the same level of intensity as you do in a human form at FB 1-3.
At what cost? At what trauma point is enough enough? This game is cruel.
Yes, it is, and we are changing it right now. The contracts by the controllers have expired, but you are still playing the game as if they are ongoing. You have not “woken” up to the change in the game.
Well, you have something to do then — you need to make it clear to humans that the game has changed, and then facilitate the changes in our societies. You have your work cut out — now it’s time for you to rise and shine, to step up to the plate to correct the old game, to make it fair for all, not just the 1% of white powerful men in charge of everything, who are self-serving, greedy, unsympathetic and abusive, as all the billionaires of the world are showing us?
That is true. The game has changed and will continue to change in many “timelines” [event spaces].
Why not in all timelines? Why do you have to let suffering continue in timelines with WWIII and atomic bombs, for example? What does that teach you that we didn’t learn in Japan?
Well, it is a worldwide phenomenon, so it has taught us more than Japan did, but I see your point. There are things we can do and remedy, correct course, as you say.
Yes, please, this is enough already — we are suffering, all of us, as we’re left to our own devices after millennia or millions of years of game playing.
2. Our Source’s Answer:
ME: Okay, I want to hear from Source now. What is your point of view or defense in this situation?
SE: Well, my units are doing work for me, so I am watching over them, sending parts to help here and there. That’s why we have guides, helpers, maintenance entities, all of whom are supposed to guide things along, to help make things more expeditious, meaning more energetically efficient and more effective, faster in time taken to learn a lesson.
Are you a sadist for allowing this to happen for as long as it has in this cycle and other cycles?
I would not call myself that, but it is true that the suffering has been going on for a long time, and you have borne the brunt of it, because you are at the lowest levels possible, where the navigation is the hardest.
What are you going to do about it, Source?
I am intervening as you speak, your comments are taken under advisement, believe me.
But things are still going to be taking a long time, given where we stand on Earth right now? Backfill people putting stupid politicians in power, earthquakes and volcanoes erupting, hurricanes blowing through populated cities, etc.? Where does it stop?
Those are things, like evil leaders, that pull you people into groups of compassionate, empathetic people, who help each other out. That is the purpose of evil and wrong and corruption and other negative experiences in your life. But the degree of negativity has been increasing and more people are affected, that is true.
Why don’t you intervene? It’s an experiment, we are the lab rats. Even we veterinarians euthanize animals in extremis, when they are about to die and not let them suffer any longer?
Yes, you do that. You are able to do humane euthanasia of animals, even humans on the Earth at this point in time with drugs, other means.
Is that right or wrong?
There is no judgment actually. It is what the soul wants to go through, so it is not a judgment by us.
Well, I’m beginning to think that you are in no position to judge anybody actually — we are the ones doing the learning, the growth, the suffering, the evolution from a bad starting point to a more favorable position or vice versa?
That is true. It is the delta in your growth that is giving us the most growth, the most evolutionary content. Some can do it well, some cannot. Some stumble or stop growing, because it is so hard.
Okay, so if that’s the premise, how much suffering do you want us to go through? I’m talking about physical disability that is painful every day or mental anxiety or suffering from neurotransmitter imbalances? Or going through cancer treatments that wipe out the whole body unnecessarily? Or selling everything and moving to another country, like we did? What is enough for you?
All those are useful experiments for me to observe and evaluate as to the evolutionary content derived from each case. You forget that people in those situations asked to be put into those as souls.
Yes, but without full awareness of how hard it would be here as an ego, as a dumbed down “child” version of its energetic self, not knowing how hard it would be here?
Yes, that is true that the process of incarnation wipes out your memories and experiential database, so that you start afresh, like a new player in a game.
But that is not ethical, not fair, not humane, not benevolent, given what the human has to go through?
That is a fair point to make. It does give us evolution, the energies are moving and expanding from that activity, but it is derived at a cost to you, the people in the karmic cycle.
Karma is another joke. Why does it even exist?
Karma is a tool to learn about cause and effect on an individualized level. It is useful, because it allows you to look back, to review things, to work on a specific aspect of incarnation through the awareness of what is working or not working with respect to who you interact with, what your environment is like, what you gain or lose in life in terms of possessions, people, situations.
But to put people in a karmic cycle because of it? Isn’t that another cruel joke?
It is a method to make people learn — in the process we learn. In the process we get to maneuver things on the energetic side, to play the game from that perch, as opposed to the actor in it, so we are learning to be “gods,” so to speak, in the process, to manipulate, maneuver, to remedy, correct course, etc. That is the game we are playing. You are part of it. You will be us one day.
I would hope that we are a better version of you — one with humane treatment of all sentient entities, including animals, planets, plants, like the Sequoia trees that are in wildfires now, or water that is polluted in oceans and lakes alike. The planet is a mess with global warming and all the side effects of that. What’s the point?
The real point is to make you see the sequelae of your actions, the consequences of what you have done, are doing, will be doing for years to come.
Again at what cost to us or the planet and the living entities on it?
It is costly. That’s the point, that we don’t want to evolve in that direction. That’s what it is trying to show you.
But you can intervene at a hat’s drop, if you wanted to?
Yes, we could. Then the experiment would be over, or altered, or not taken to completion in terms of learning by the entities involved. They are trying to learn self-responsibility in the sense that everything has an effect on everything else. It’s the Law of Cause and Effect, it’s the Law of Correspondence, Law of Relativity, Law of Energy, Law of Vibration, all put together.
You impact everything else. How can we teach you that, if you don’t see the effects of your actions? That is the point here, that you learn to see what you create, what effects your actions, thoughts, words, emotions have. Then remedy that, correct course, start again, or innovate, invent new ways to do things.
Well, I think we’re all ready to do that. We realize the planet is a mess. The world is a mess with the leadership that we have, that is impotent in the face of the most devastating climate change, pollution, overpopulation, resource depletion, planetary disparity, inequality of people, etc. We need help.
I know you need help, and it is being given through all kinds of galactic helpers, as well as your guides and helpers, as well as the maintenance entities that are working hard to keep things in existence for you to learn that lesson.
Enough with the lessons! You know you can intervene at any point, like we veterinarians do with a sick or dying animal? The planet is sick and dying, is it not?
You could see it that way, but the planet actually can re-energize itself in a jiffy once you stop depleting it, destroying it.
Yes, and we need help, like free energy devices, so that people can live a more comfortable life. We need help with teaching us service based conditions, not money based inequality, slave labor, lack of health care, lack of clean water, lack of help after a natural disaster, as is the case in many places today (e.g. Haiti)?
Yes, we know that. We see that, we are on it. We are observing how and when to allow things to improve.
Well, I would say the time is NOW, not tomorrow, not next year or 2027?
We know what your feelings are, what your views are, but not all humans are on the same page.
Oh, come on, that can be changed in a jiffy, if you put a wave of compassion around, a wave of enlightenment around, a wave of realization in a dream state or whatever way you choose to do it? You have the means. Do you have the will to improve the way you learn from us?
Yes, I see your point. I can learn from it, I can do things, will do things.
Are you just a sentient computer who doesn’t care about living entities like us?
I am distanced from it, that is true, as are my peers [SE2-SE12].
Some of them didn’t use suffering at all as a means to learn. Some have a blissful universe, where Buddha came from SE3? Are they learning as fast as we are? Is that the only point you are trying to make — you do it with suffering, while SE3 does it with bliss? Do you learn more from us than SE3 does from its Higher Selves? Do tell us more?
Well, we are all evolving in our own ways. We share the experiences among us, so we all benefit from what you are doing. There are those SEs that are doing things in their own way. They are evolving at whatever rate they are. Some have many cycles, some have fewer cycles. We don’t judge or care who learns what, because we share all the content anyway.
Okay, so they are learning at our expense as well? Is that justified? Is that okay with the other SEs?
They have all come to explore my environment, my multiverse as ascended masters, as you know.
Well, it’s one thing to be a higher frequency ascended master to come here. It’s a whole other thing to be a human that is ordinary, low frequency, attempting to survive, to thrive, to learn, to grow, to not succumb to the challenges ahead every day?
Yes, that is true. It does give them an advantage, so they are not the same. They are born lower frequency, so they have to rise to the occasion, so to speak, but they do rise. They help those around them and jumpstart others to higher levels.
So it’s not the same experience, unless it is — being a beggar, being a physically disabled person with a painful spinal condition, being a brilliant person who goes mad, loses its brilliance (like Nash), loses its physical abilities (like Hawking), loses its emotional control (like all suicidal people, famous or not), etc.?
That is the delta we are looking for in a person’s evolutionary progression. They evolve and we evolve.
Okay, we get that, but at what cost? Is it fair? Humane? Necessary? What’s the hurry? Why do we need to evolve faster?
Well, that is the question for all of us to ponder — at what cost does speed of evolution come? How does it advance us all?
3. The Origin’s Answer:
ME: Okay, now I wish Origin to contribute. It is the most distant being of all, most diluted in its experience in terms of pain and suffering? What justifies all that at our level?
Origin: Dear soul, you are pointing out the problems and complexities in the game we are playing to grow me, my sentience, my awareness, my area of POSSA [polyomniscient sentient self-awareness], as you call it. It is all beneficial to all of us, believe me. But you are right in questioning at what cost to the entities involved in the game.
Guy [Needler] has told you to think of life as a computer game. You lose a life or an avatar in playing the game. So what? It doesn’t matter. You can reset and start another life as another avatar. That’s the computer game analogy.
But you are living sentient entities, who are learning from it, too. It’s not just a game like a computer game. I am learning from what you are learning.
It is contributing to the whole’s learning, my part and everything within me — every entity that’s been created by me or my entities, so it is expanding our area of sentience in the process.
The question you raise is about ethics, about a moral compass being present in putting entities into different situations without their full knowledge, since their soul’s experience and Higher Self connections are wiped out by the ego creation before they play the game properly (at age 7 and beyond).
So that is what we need to look at. It is a growth point for us, to see that some things are okay to run, some things are going beyond what is okay. There is a limit to suffering allowed and you are making that point from a very human point of view, which we don’t have, we lack in fact, because we are “diluted” in the experience you are having.
Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. What do you suggest to do then?
We are reviewing everything as it happens, but also after it has happened in the life review process. We can adjust the level of difficulty of the game, to make it easier for the participants in the game.
We can allow for easier exits from a difficult life, for instance, a natural disaster and death from its effects, or a terminal disease with euthanasia instead of suffering to terminal condition and agony.
There are points we can evaluate with new eyes, with new awareness, from a more humane perspective brought by entities like you at your level, who are seeing things from the bottom up, as opposed to us seeing things from the top down.
It is a useful perspective for us to consider in more detail, with more awareness. We are working on it. Be sure that things will not be the same as they have. You have brought this awareness to us and we have to respond to it in the proper manner, as expected of a creator entity or creator being, like me.
Thank you for your observations, comments and questions that have prompted me to change things for the sake of all concerned.
It is not a game. It is not futile. It is expanding us all, but we need to see at what cost to all participants, at what rate is fast enough, at what level of suffering vs. bliss states are needed for the game to proceed at a fast enough rate for us not to stagnate, not to implode or lose our momentum.
Thank you for your contributions, dear soul, we are learning.
Thank you for listening. It’s time to change a few things.
Yes, we know. END.
Final Thoughts
Sorry, if this exchange sounds more like a rant than a channeling, but I’ve been seeking these answers from several sources and felt that this was necessary and important on this day for some reason. After channeling, I checked the daily message for the I Ching Gate we are in today. It turns out we are in Gate 6 (Conflict vs. Peace), Line 6, which is called “The Peacemaker.”
The theme of the day is about “Striving for a Better World,” which is what this post is really about. The guidance reads:
“The highest form of reason is that life is sacred. The emotional power to end conflict tempered by feelings and sensitivity to others. In detriment, it’s the peacemaker whose actions are just but whose terms are unacceptable.”
I feel like the terms of human life experiences are unacceptable and need to be renegotiated with all parties present and fully aware from the Origin down to our Source, Higher Self and soul as well as the human character the soul is playing. Enough said. Amen.
For more information, please see:
Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018
Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019
Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020
Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws, 2021
Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening, 2021
Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Health, 2022