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What Is the Physical vs. Energetic Basis Of Obesity?

The prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled between 1975 and 2016. About 2 billion people are overweight and one third of them (650 million) are obese. Obesity is a global epidemic that impacts both adults and children in developed and developing countries. What’s wrong with this picture? Where are we headed? What is the physical vs. energetic basis of obesity?

What is the physical basis of obesity?

For the past fifty years, we’ve been told to “eat less and move more” to lose weight. Cut your calories, cut the fat and watch your portion size. How is that calorie restriction working for us?

  • Not very well. Scientists have projected that in the U.S. over 85% of adults will be obese or overweight by 2030. Obesity in children and adolescents is also increasing worldwide.
  • Jason Fung, MD (“The Obesity Code“) explained that the old “calories-in, calories-out” formula is too simplistic. Obesity is a disease of hormonal imbalance (mainly excessive insulin) rather than caloric imbalance. That’s why it is closely related to type 2 diabetes.
  • Our bodies have multiple overlapping systems of body weight control. They include many hormones that control hunger or tell us when we’re full and should stop eating or tell the body how to distribute energy for body heat, to form new tissues and other functions.

There are many risk factors for obesity that include individual (e.g. genetics, certain endocrine diseases or drugs, etc.), socioeconomic and environmental factors (e.g. endocrine disrupting chemicals). They’re part of the story, but not the whole story, as noted by Diet Doctor:

“The food industry profits from selling cheap, low-fat, highly processed, nutritionally depleted and addictive food. And we’re advised to eat at least every three hours. The pharmaceutical industry profits by selling daily medications to temporarily reduce the symptoms of all the diseases caused by the food. These are trillion dollar industries.”

There’s a lot of money to be made keeping us sick. Obesity and type 2 diabetes are just the tip of the iceberg followed by other comorbidities or associated conditions, such as:

Heart and vascular diseases, dyslipidemia, hypertension, certain cancers, food addiction, osteoarthritis, infertility, sleep apnea, asthma, gallstones, fatty liver disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. that add up to skyrocketing medical costs and shorter lifespans.

What’s the solution? Dr. Fung prescribes the oldest lifestyle intervention known to humans, which is fasting along with a low-carbohydrate diet. Put less sugar in and burn it off with intermittent fasting. This is a paradigm shifting approach. He said a dietary disease requires a dietary treatment. He hopes we can eradicate obesity and type 2 diabetes within a generation.

What is the energetic basis of obesity?

Here is a brief summary of the work of Wendy Kennedy, Anodea Judith and Karen Curry, each adding their unique perspective to the energetic basis of obesity and body issues. There are four main factors that influence our choices around food, nutrition, health and wellness:

1. Energy protection: Carrying extra weight or fat is a level of protection for those who are not feeling safe in their body. There are several markers in the soul blueprint to evaluate:

  • Some people are hypersensitive to the emotional energies and shifts around them, including food changes (sensitive palate). They are also very sensitive to animals and may do better as vegetarians, which is our destiny as we shift and evolve as a species.
  • People with open chakras pick up and amplify the energies, feelings, fears, pressures or pains of those around them and may try to block it off by carrying extra weight.
  • Some people know that the energy of food is the same as the energy of love, belonging and community. If they don’t feel loved or don’t feel like they belong, they try to get that energy from food to sustain themselves and their food stores.
  • People that feel emptiness, separation, lack of energy or lack of abundance in life may overcompensate by overeating, which may affect their pancreas (e.g. diabetes). To heal our relationship to food, we have to start by healing our relationship and connection to Source and trust that we are supported (even when we’re fasting).
  • Burnout is very common and may affect people who are ultra intense, or those who are not living a balanced life, because they’re pushing too hard or too fast in the wrong direction, or trying to be something that they’re not (inauthentic).

2. Conditioning:

  • Genetics is one part of our conditioning and plays a role in some forms of obesity.
  • Imprinting from the family of origin is another way we are conditioned by our parents. Their eating and behavior patterns and energies may strongly influence us growing up.
  • Intergenerational family dynamics create epigenetic influences on gene expression that affect our health and well-being. When we heal ourselves, we impact our family in multiple generations.

3. Coping with unmet needs:

  • We are designed to give and take energy, and we all have a unique set of energy needs. If our energy needs are not being met, we develop various coping strategies. Obesity may come from an imbalance in the lower three chakras that support our gross physical form.
  • When the first chakra is excessive, we may eat too much and gain weight to create more body mass to ground or anchor us in the world. We may also become fixated on money, hoarding and materialism, because we’re focused on survival issues and fear change.
  • When the second chakra is excessive, we may be fixated on cooking and eating comfort foods or constantly snacking as a substitute for emotional nurturing that was lacking. We may feel lethargic, but a heavy body gives us a sense of support and solidity in life.
  • When the third chakra is blocked from expressing anger, the charge builds up in the body as a metabolic defect. The food we eat may not energize us, so we reach for more food and get more frustrated. When the anger is released, our metabolism often improves.

4. Belief systems:

  • We live in a society with many negative belief systems about food, nutrition, body image, shape and size. We are bombarded by idealized (photoshopped) body images and mixed messages that make regular people feel unattractive or defective in some way.
  • Your physical body is a reflection of your energetic state. If your thoughts are negative (belief that your body is “broken”), then the body will honor that to give the illusion that something is broken. You will work on that for a while.
  • If you accept your body, appreciate it for the mileage it’s given you and know that you are perfectly beautiful exactly as you are, your body will start to respond to find a natural balance, to crave foods that are more vital, to take action to move your body, to ground itself to the Earth to feel more balanced and supported. That’s the path to self-love.

As you can tell, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to food, nutrition, health and wellness.

Final Thoughts

When I asked Guy Needler to comment on the epidemic of overweight or obese people in our society, he said really it’s all about experience. It’s a psychospiritual piece of programming that is part of our life plan and we do it to understand and experience certain conditions.

When our souls are disincarnate, we choose quite freely things that we don’t like as human beings, because it doesn’t hold the same level of abhorrence to us in the energetic realm. It’s like our souls said: “Hey, let’s all get fat! Stuff ourselves silly and see what happens?” 😉

He said anything that gives us a chance to learn, experience and maybe overcome something is ultimately for our soul evolution. There are a number of individuals, who particularly want to experience different diseases or psychological or psychospiritual conditions with the view to either experiencing them full stop and not overcoming them and allowing themselves to go through a downward spiral, OR to overcome them and stay as they are or move upwards.

We’ve been dropping down in frequency in recent years. People in a low frequency condition start to become lazy in their thought process and their actions as a result of it, so rather than wanting to work hard to do something, they want a quick fix, like a pill, fast food, processed food, etc. It’s the quick and easy way of doing things.

The best approach is not drugs, but a mixture of psychospiritual healing, meaning spiritual counseling and energy healing. The objective is to change the psychospiritual program-ming, so the person starts to change the way they think and behave and act in terms of the energies that they gain through physical means, i.e. eating physical foods. As we know, healing begins with choosing to heal and it takes both inner and outer work to follow through with it.

We’re all works in progress. 

By Tamara Laporte: I Am Love – Art Print – Willowing Arts

“Every time something comes into your awareness for healing or release, it is indicating that you are becoming lighter, more authentic, more aligned, more shifted. It is an opportunity to celebrate your transformation for it shows that old density is not a match to you any more. It is proof positive of your own evolution.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Disclaimer: The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions about your condition.

For more information, please see:

Jason Fung: The Obesity Code, 2016 & The Diabetes Code, 2018

Health – Diet Doctor & Dr. Eric Berg DC – YouTube & Low Carb Grocery Shopping Guide – Blog | Virta Health – Reverse Diabetes & 600+ Low-Carb Recipes – Delicious, Easy Meals at Any Time – Diet Doctor & ▶ Fasting Meditation by Lisa Nikolich

World Obesity Federation | Home & World map of adult obesity prevalence (  | Download Scientific Diagram

The Epidemiology of Obesity: A Big Picture

Obesity Causes, Treatment & BMI

Obesity: a chronic relapsing progressive disease process. A position statement of the World Obesity Federation – Bray – 2017 – Obesity Reviews – Wiley Online Library

Are Junk Foods Addictive? | Weekly Bulletin | Andrew Weil, M.D.

Anodea Judith: Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self, 2004 & Charge and the Energy Body, 2018

Karen Curry: Understanding Human Design, 2013 & Home | Healing by Human Design System & Emotions, Eating, Weight and Energy – YouTube

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013

Shelley Young: Trinity Esoterics | Dedicated To Raising Spiritual Awareness & Trinity Esoterics | Daily Message ~ Friday September 21, 2018

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016

Guy Needler 10-28-17…The World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture

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