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Shelley Young 8-25-18…”The Most Common Fears”

Here is another short but insightful message from Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young that I’d like to share with my readers, because it adds to my previous post on Fear Patterns (based on their association with the 64 different I Ching Gates). It describes “The Most Common Fears” that we tend to have and how we are now shifting the way we work here. Enjoy!

The Most Common Fears

Archangel Gabriel Daily Message – Saturday, August 25, 2018 by Shelley Young

“It can take courage to step into your highest life expression. Are you afraid you’ll be judged if you step forward in your truth? Are you afraid of assuming power or having responsibility? Do you have fear of success and/or fear of failure?

Those are the most common fears that people experience as they consider stepping into their authentic power and creating the life they truly want. We would like to address each of those fears individually.

Fear of being judged: Judgment or persecution for your truth has been used to keep people from their authentic power for centuries. This has resulted in a very deep seated fear. We are here to tell you that you are in very different times. In fact, trying to be something you are not is far likelier to result in judgment than embracing your truth. When you finally allow yourself to shine in your authenticity, you allow others to truly see you, and you will attract to you those who can appreciate you for who you really are. You will find the others who match your vibration and will celebrate you for you. It is time to accept that the times have changed and it is not only safe, but a soul priority to step forward as that divine individuated aspect of Source that you truly are.

Fear of power: If you are on your enlightenment journey, you are an old soul. This means that you have had many, many experiences with power. You have had power used against you. You have also had power and misused it because you did not know any better. Please hear us when we say that you have been exploring this issue for centuries, in preparation for the times you are now in. If you have a fear of power, you have gained a healthy respect for it and you are ready to move forward and use it appropriately with your wisdom and awareness. In fact, the opportunity to do so is very much what your soul desires, as finding your way to and embracing your authentic power is one of the main themes you are on the planet to experience.

Fear of responsibility: Many of you are afraid if you change you will have more responsibility than you can bear. Some of you are already exhausted from holding the space of love and service. Let us tell you your success does not need to add to your burden. The fear of more responsibility often comes from the martyred service paradigm. We are shifting into new templates that support joyful service. What if your highest life expression made it easier to help others, and allowed you to honour yourself in new, better ways? What if it is no longer about carrying the load for yourself and others, but rather utilizing the many supports that exist both for you and others in the universe? What if, by accepting your true authentic power you encourage others to do the same, so they can assume responsibility for themselves in whatever ways honour them and learn to shine and thrive as well?

Fear of success/failure: Many of you, because you are mindful and don’t wish to make any mistakes, are reluctant to fully commit to anything. You have been focused on the ideas of good or bad, success or failure, right or wrong, all of which come from dualistic times. The energies that you are now evolving into merely seeing the value in experience. You will begin to see that every choice has value and allows you to better define yourself and continually unfold into the experiences that best match you and how you wish to express yourself. This new way of seeing things will free you up to try many more things, being easy on yourself, understanding that you can make one mindful choice at a time. This will honour the continual expansion your soul is seeking.

If you are unsure if you still have fear about stepping forward into your biggest, most beautiful life expression, you can simply ask yourself,

“What would I choose if I knew everyone would be happy for me? What would I choose if I knew for sure it would work out?”

If it is different than what you are choosing for yourself right now, you are settling, and we would advise you to choose again.

Dear Ones, you are ready. You have worked hard to get where you are. Allow your soul to take the lead. Trust where your soul is trying to take you. Embrace the unfoldment and feel the joy of expansion. That is the whole point of the work you have done to arrive where you are, and how you will pioneer into new potentials like never before.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The goal of the game on this planet is to see how much joy you can create. – Wendy Kennedy

Let’s see what YOU can create from that place of JOY now!

Note: All emphasis and images are mine.

For more information, please see:

Shelley Young: Trinity Esoterics | Dedicated To Raising Spiritual Awareness

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