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What Is a Collective Dark Night Of the Soul?

Matt Kahn gave another inspiring transmission in his Project Resolution Gathering broadcast on September 3, 2020. I’d like to summarize his talk here to help us deal with the intense conflicting energies in the collective, while anchoring higher frequencies within and around us from a neutral, whole and integrated perspective. What is a collective dark night of the soul? 

What is a Collective Dark Night of the Soul?

St. John of the Cross coined the term “dark night of the soul” that describes the soul’s path on the spiritual journey towards union with God. It is characterized by a sense of abandonment, fear, doubt, anger, despair and frustration — expressed as various fear patterns or victim patterns that we have to feel and heal individually.

  • It arises from the release of stored emotions, hidden memories and themes from the past that include all the core issues of humanity (safety, security, manipulation, control, trust, approval and abandonment) that have been triggered in the collective by the coronavirus pandemic.
  • This is the transition phase, where the hero enters the abyss, which can be a dangerous physical test (e.g. illness, accident), stressful life event (e.g. job loss, “corona divorce”) or a spiritual crisis point (e.g. dark night of the soul). As Ram Dass put it:

“If you have spent your whole life becoming somebody and having something, and then with awakening you turn around and you start the journey in the other direction of becoming nothing, becoming nobody and having nothing. It would seem to make the whole first part of life meaningless or some sort of error.

There is a period which is a very dark period, when you feel that you are losing the world but you are not gaining the spirit at the deepest level. Things that gave you so much pleasure start to be empty to you. But you’ve built your whole life around wanting them, and it is hard to accept the fact that everything you did up to that point is no longer relevant.”

Most people around you may not know it, but humanity chose to awaken through this viral pandemic event. We are in the midst of a collective dark night of the soul. It is a necessary step on the journey, where the hero goes through a death and rebirth process and is forever transformed.

What are we waking up out of?

Matt Kahn said when we’re awakening for the first time, we are waking up out of separation. When we wake up out of separation, we wake up out of the play of contrast and comparison. We no longer use similarities or differences with others (e.g. race, gender, political affiliation, conspiracy theories) to define our sense of self-worth. Instead we wake up into a sense of unity and connection. 

How do we deal with this world in transition?

Matt gave a movie analogy for Earth’s ascension. The movie has characters evolving through the hero’s journey. The first act sets up the character development. The second act is where the character struggles. The third act is where the character is redeemed, which releases tension and brings the storyline to a triumphant conclusion. He explained:

  • When we look at the news or social media right now, we could say things are not quite right in the world. Why? Because we’re in the middle of Act 2. We are living through a collective dark night of the soul experience on this planet.
  • We’re watching darkness hiding in the shadows, trying to hold its position, while the light awakens within it, no matter how hard it fights. Why? Because even in the darkest unconsciousness there is light — from unconsciousness comes consciousness.

There is only one strategy that darkness has. Its last ditch effort is to fight, to do confusing, immature, heartless and cruel things in families, in neighborhoods, in government, in society, so that those watching will become so traumatized by what they see that they will pause anchoring the light for a moment and go: I can’t believe I’m seeing this! That’s the only game darkness has.

We as light workers hold space for the world, because we know the world being rebirthed is a better world, a more loving, sovereign and peaceful world, but darkness doesn’t know that. Darkness is doing everything it can to just maintain its position, its false position of power. All we have to do is see through the illusion of darkness’s game and NOT be mesmerized, shocked or manipulated by it.

When you are caught in the matrix and mesmerized by darkness’s agenda, you will say to yourself: I don’t have the desire or the right to celebrate until the change I wish to see shows up outside of me. Until then, I’m going to match the suffering I see outside of me with the suffering inside of me, as if suffering along with the world is helping to bring the world the solutions the world is waiting for. That’s not how life works. It’s an inside out mechanism.

We are not defeating the darkness as if it’s an enemy. We as agents of consciousness don’t have an opposing force. A battle is where two opposing forces are mutually agreeing that who I am is not who you are. We don’t engage in battles, because consciousness is existing in darkness and in light.

There is nothing outside of us that is not consciousness. It’s just that darkness is the consciousness refusing to wake up, having no idea that its personal will to refuse to wake up has no say in the matter. So in this battle, we have things outside of us battling us, but we see the truth on both sides and we will not battle ourselves. We will engage in not a battle of division but a celebration of oneness.

We will instead be the consciousness that rescues the most insufferable aspects of ourselves that are portrayed outside of us as separate entities and beings. When you celebrate, you are saying: I declare wholeness within this being. When we affirm and celebrate that the outcome we desire has already occurred, we are giving to our free will permission to the universe to give us the right to experience what we have accepted as already the case.

We as lightworkers are here to celebrate the arrival and completion of earth’s ascension. We are here to instigate an acceleration of human consciousness. We are here to liberate darkness from its hiding spot. When we truly wake up, we are looking through the facade of a matrix and we’re saying: I’m not going to allow any amount of atrocity to slow and diminish my celebration.

This is how we go beyond the dark night of the soul on a collective level in Matt’s own words:

“I rejoice and celebrate the arrival of ascension, knowing every time I celebrate it, men, women and children are rescued and freed from trafficking.

Every time I celebrate, more bodies of water are purified throughout the world. The more often I celebrate, the faster GMOs get abolished and chemtrails become extinct.

The more often I celebrate, the more transparent governments become as the voice in governing bodies of the people instead of agenda.

The more often I celebrate, the more technological advances are brought to the public sector, bringing unlimited abundance, free energy resources for all to receive and enjoy.

The more I celebrate, the more widespread education becomes, granting opportunities for all beings.

The more I celebrate, the stronger the human immune system becomes, dissolving the need for inoculation and perishing from this planet all notions of illness and disease.

The more I celebrate, the hardships of every human transform into the redemption of abundance, success, wholeness, inspiration and joy for all to receive and share with others.

The more I celebrate, the more differences are embraced as a celebration of diversity, so to unite the world as a planet of uniqueness for the well-being of mankind, together as one. 

The more I celebrate, the more all men, women, children and animals are treated and honored with equal respect. 

The more I celebrate, the faster Mother Earth is returned to harmony and balance with all her children.

The more often I celebrate, all the change I wish to see and be a part of co-creating manifests at the rate I declare it is so. The more often I celebrate, the more aware I become that there are things to celebrate, and the more aware I become that there are things to celebrate, the less there will be for anyone to resolve.

If I wish to manifest the power of light for the highest and greatest good of all, if I wish to manifest the highest most miraculous outcomes without interfering with any aspect of the divine plan, then may I co-create a better reality through my intentional and mindful ability to celebrate the arrival of our ascended planet before it takes tangible shape and form.

And so the world is healed, and so I am set free and so ascension is complete and so I let it be.” — Matt Kahn

“LOVE has already won! You are just watching the most desperate attempts for that which has no power trying to hold onto a power only it perceives. In other words, in the most loving way, we say to darkness: Time to come Home. Game over!” — Matt Kahn

See also: What Makes a Great Civilization? – Big Picture Questions

For more information, please see:

Matt Kahn: The Universe Always Has a Plan, 2020 & Everything Is Here To Help You, 2018 & Whatever Arises, Love That, 2016

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Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

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