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What Is Our Current State Of Affairs?

Now that we have declared a winner after a highly polarized election in our country, I wanted to share what I got as guidance from Source for our future. I hope it helps put things into a better, more peaceful and hopeful perspective for you, as it did for me. What is our current state of affairs? 

What is our current state of affairs?

From: October 12, 2020

What about the election? Are we going to move forward or backward with this?

The timeline you’re on is feeling lighter, is feeling more hopeful, more funny even, so don’t worry. It will start lifting and going higher, as Guy [Needler] predicted in December and next year. It is not instant, because there are a lot of things that need to be restructured, people that need to be awakened, groups that need to work together to beat the virus, and start a reality with connections remade and new ways of working, etc.

All that takes some organization and time on your part, as humanity is struggling to adapt to the new conditions, that are really just mandated by the virus, as a sign of needing to cooperate.

Is Trump going to lose? 

Yes, he is on his way out. They had a run of things, and you saw how that worked out – not very well [see What Is the Dawn Of the Backfill People? – Big Picture Questions & Can Backfill People Become World Leaders? – Big Picture Questions].

Will Biden make any significant changes? Are we putting our bets on this old man or what? 

Biden is a uniter. He is a peacemaker, who will hold the fort. But the work will be done by all of you people demanding change, demanding equality, sharing, cooperation, fairness, justice for all. That is what you need to co-create as a group. One person can only do so much, good or bad, so it is up to the people to activate themselves to work towards a better society for all.

It seems so far away, so not here yet, but I guess we have to put our faith in the process?

Yes, trust the process. It is happening. It is going to happen at the rate that is appropriate for the [event space] branch that you’re on, not any faster or slower. There are many variations being played out, as you know, so it will be an interesting thing to view them all afterwards, when this lifetime is over.

From: November 2, 2020 – Election Day

Okay, so here is our election day. Is it going to be Biden? 

Yes, the people have voted in huge numbers ahead of this day. They have said loud and clear, that the old is going out and the new is coming in. We said earlier that this is a wake up call for all of humanity, because this is the time you have to deal with coronavirus resurgence, which is causing you to change policies yet again, to change the way you operate schools, businesses, life in general.

This is a planned event. It is continuing, because humanity has to make a lot more changes besides what’s been happening in 2020. This is just the start of things, start of the transformative process, which will go on for several years to come. Well, evolution is measured in terms of millennia, so you can see that this is really a blip in the graph, but still it is a turning point, like an inflection point to something new and different.  

It is like hitting the bottom of a trough or a valley, so the next trajectory is going to be upwards, to higher frequencies, to knowledge that you are part of me, and you are working for me, not for your employer. The focus on work and why we work, on relationships, why we interact with others will change, as you realize that they are there to make you work on yourself, your own issues, traumas, hurts, and patterns, that are not serving you any longer.

That is what humanity is really waking up to – the election, coronavirus, economy, all that is secondary to the realization about yourself, which is first and foremost about you as a spiritual being, not as a human being toiling to make ends meet.

But a lot of people are facing lack, limitation, threats of eviction, lack of food, and other hardships? Why so many still at this time? 

Well, there are some people who have resolved some of their issues, but as you know, that is an ongoing process. As you peel one layer of the onion, there is another layer to look at, to see if it has any hurts, anger, fears, and other distortions, that muddy up the rest of your life, in terms of spiritual/energetic templates, including your mental body, emotional body, etheric body and physical body.

All these layers need to be worked on one by one to heal the whole, to heal the whole of you individually and collectively. That is a process that is going to take about seven years in total, because there are seven layers that make up the human form, so we are starting from the bottom up. Everybody has free will to deal with whatever issues are coming up for them individually. But the collective will be working on all seven chakras upwards, one by one.

That is why this year was all about security, safety, health issues, coronavirus fears, and how to make a living, when you are not a worker bee, enslaved to an outdated system, that is no longer serving all of humanity, but just those at the top, who are exploiting the system for their own selfish gains. That has to stop, so we are extending this period of coronavirus pandemic longer, so that people can see that redistribution is necessary all around, all world around, because the inequality is no longer sustainable or required or wanted.

What can we expect next year? 

Well, you are moving up the chakra system to deal with the second or sacral chakra, so the issues have to do with power or how to generate [life force] energy in your body and externally in the outer world, renewable energy, sustainable energy systems. You will also look at procreation, how you create babies and how many babies you can sustain on this planet, given that you have increased your population from 2B to 8B in a mere 70 years. That is an exponential growth pattern that is not sustainable.

So will some people be infertile, not have children?

Yes, that is part of the plan and others will have children, but fewer than before. It will be considered a privilege that some people will have. Others will shy away from or not be attracted to parenthood, so it will vary from person to person.

What about our health, chronic diseases, habits, food system, healthcare system? 

All that needs to be changed, when more and more people become aware of how they are creating their own health status by what they feed it in terms of physical food, mind based food, like TV programs, movies and social media and such. All those things can be considered “food” or nourishment or like poison for the mind, emotional, etheric body and physical body.  People will become more mindful of what is being fed to them, and what they choose to ingest in terms of these layers of beingness that they inhabit.

What about governments? How will that change? 

Well, people will become more aware of their abilities as co-creators, not giving their power away to any one person in charge, because that person is just n=1, who cannot do more than that person can do. That person, like a president, is a reflection of the collective that put him/her there, so it reflects a level of consciousness in terms of the collective. But the point is that we are all able to co-create a part of the reality that we wish to live under, which means that everybody has a job to do in the whole reality.

Nobody can claim innocence or ignorance or inability or unwillingness to change their own ways, their role in the co-creative process. We all have to contribute.

That’s why you are here, present, alive, with some skills, abilities, intelligences, creativity, wishes, wants and desires that contribute to the bigger societal structures and functions.

We all have a function here – no one is immune from having to contribute in some way to the whole. This is the lesson that we are learning as human beings right now.

This is as it’s supposed to be. It is part of the plan, so no need to worry or fret about it. Some will be more prepared, able to take charge until another wave of people take over and refine, reinvent, recreate some systems or things in use.

This is how evolution really takes place, one person at a time, but each working with a collective goal of evolution, which means ascending to higher and higher frequencies, where things become easier and easier in terms of intention and effort spent on creating things.

This is how we make Source Entities out of you in due time! It will take some education, downloads, integration and practice, but that is your future nonetheless.

Imagine that you are a higher level entity with a clean palette, where you decide what you wish to create today for yourself and others. You may collaborate with others and co-create something magnificent. Or you may create a “dud” by chance or mistake, which is where you learn what not to do. It will also expand your evolutionary content, so it is a worthwhile experiment.

So that’s what is going on for the next several years and centuries and millennia to come. Time is not the issue here, your learning is, and your learning and ascension is guaranteed, because you are guided by me and many other helpers that are there for that function only.

You just need to listen, to become more aware of the nudges, the guidance you’re given every day, every moment, so that we can get this experiential adventure going at a faster rate, because we have bigger things or fish to fry, to be sure. 😉

Thank you for this, Source.

You’re most welcome. Keep the connection, communion and collaboration with me and my guides and helpers and with each other going day by day. You will be rewarded with much more evolution as a result of it. So go in peace, go in love, go in power of your own realization of what you are capable of.

Law of Process: By taking one small step at a time, we come to trust the process of our life.

“If you have a great ambition, take as big a step as possible in the direction of fulfilling it. The step may only be a tiny one, but trust that it may be the largest possible for now.” – Mildred McAfee

For more information, please see:

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

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