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What Is This Winter Solstice About?

We’re coming to the end of another calendar year, which is a good time to reflect on where we are personally and collectively and where we are headed. In the northern hemisphere, this time of year marks the darkest hour before the dawn, when the days are shorter than the nights. But all that will start to change after the solstice. What is this winter solstice about?

What is the purpose of darkness?

Our survival instincts have been challenged and triggered by many violent events worldwide. These collective events tend to magnify polarity and serve as a reflection for us to take stock, to evaluate what works and what doesn’t work on our world. As Nora Herold noted:

  • To play the game here, we can’t divorce ourselves from our reality. We can’t look away from the darkness or turn it off. But we don’t need to jump into it either.
  • We don’t have to condone those who are operating from their own fear (e.g. xenophobia, racism). We can look at it and say that’s not the world we want to be playing in.
  • We can put our attention on what it is we do want, what is already working in our lives.

“Experiencing polarity and duality does not mean there needs to be an equal amount of light and dark. It just means that both need to be represented. From our perspective you are bearing much more light than darkness on your world at this time. Don’t be fooled by the darkness that’s simply screaming for food and attention right now. The force of your light is much greater than the darkness you see being expressed.” – 12D Pleiadian Collective

How are we changing?

Herold explained that our attention is being called to all the darkness, so that we can clear it out. We are in the midst of transforming any and all traumas, blocks, hurts and fears that we’re still holding, so that we can integrate our higher self more deeply into ourselves.

  • We may still get triggered by a person or an external event, and feel angry, depressed, anxious or whatever, no matter how much processing we’ve done over the years.
  • But we no longer have to attach a story to the feeling to heal it. It’s our 3D mental body that wants to attach a story to it (“That’s the pain of my childhood or past life trauma…”).
  • She said it’s never anything outside of you that causes a particular feeling. Now you can have the feeling, and simply observe the feeling without any stories or judgment. Period.

As Herold put it, we can say to ourselves: “Look at that, I’m feeling my sadness, my anger. It’s not good or bad, because I have it in me to feel it. I’ll send more unconditional love to any aspect of me on any timeline that needs it. What do I need in this moment? A hug? A walk?”

What is this winter solstice about?

During this winter solstice, we are going to receive the most gigantic transmission of higher frequency energy that we’ve ever received, according to Herold. That’s why there has been so much intensity and turbulence in the collective and processing by all of us prior to it.

  • As our fears and anger are diminished, and our traumas and blocks are resolved, we can start to operate at a higher frequency. We won’t be doing “the same old, same old.”
  • Once we fully integrate our higher selves and create from that place, we can be the vehicle for broadcasting love, connection, generosity, beauty, light and all the “gift frequencies” that we purposely came here to express, each in our own unique way.

This transmission is going to change the way we operate here individually and collectively, because it will dramatically shift our third and second chakras, according to Herold. It’s like an upgrade to our power centers and operating system, that will allow us to start working more with one another as the sovereign beings that we are.

“Transition does not mean we are there yet, but we’ve packed our bags and are on our way. Enjoy the journey!” – Lena Stevens

Final Thoughts

Although the “dark” may be noisier and getting more attention right now, this is not the time to lose faith in ourselves or humanity. The universal laws that govern all things are in favor of positivity, expressed as love, wisdom, harmony, peace, and other higher frequencies in the spectrum of consciousness that we’re ascending towards.

The best thing you can do for yourself, those around you, and the collective is to work on resolving your own issues, as they come up. As Kevin Moore suggested, ask yourself:

“What would love do in this situation? The more you change yourself, and become a positive projection to those around you…the more you realize that you are a manifestor of everything around you, the more happier you become, the more love you can shine out, as you know you are in charge of certain situations.” – The One (via Kevin Moore)

Happy Holidays To All!

What is this winter solstice about?

Note: I’m taking a holiday break until January 2016. Be gentle and loving with yourself to integrate the solstice energies that we all receive whether we’re conscious of them or not.

For more information, please see:

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Recorded Lectures, Group Sessions, Workshops, & Meditation


Lena Stevens: December 2015 Monthly Forecast – The Power Path

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