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What Makes a Great Civilization?

Here is a preview and summary of a great lecture given by Guy Needler in his April 25, 2020 World Satsanga. Since we are in the midst of a worldwide crisis with the coronavirus pandemic, global financial collapse and possibly famines of biblical proportions ahead, it’s clear that the way we’ve been operating on this planet isn’t working very well. That raises the question: How can we do better? What makes a great civilization? 

What Makes a Great Civilization?

Guy Needler said:

“The currency of a great civilization is Service. Service with joy in one’s heart to be of service. We are of service and others are of service to us. Everyone has the same standard of living, resources are made available through service, not paid for. This raises the frequency of all leading to self-realization, ascension and the utopian level.”

Unconditional Service

How Can Humanity Evolve Beyond Money? – Big Picture

How does a great civilization operate?

There’s a number of main points that indicate what a great civilization is and how they operate. There’s benevolence, inclusion, roles and responsibilities, cooperation, sharing, helping others, education and transparency. Needler explained:

  1. Benevolence: It is helping in a way without expecting reward in the background. For instance, we have people who are very, very wealthy, who donate lots of money to different charities and to different causes. That’s one form of benevolence. It’s sharing what you’ve got. So benevolence is about sharing and about understanding, about giving, about logging into the individual or the group of individuals, their circumstance and empathizing with them, then helping them move on, so they can become self-sustaining.
  2. Inclusion: Rather than being exclusive, we’re inclusive. That means that everything is available to everybody all the time, including levels of education, levels of training, tools, etc. It also means that everybody is available to do everything.
  3. Education: Everybody has a chance of being and doing everything. Nobody’s left behind. If somebody wants to do something, but they’re not educated, we help them become educated, not through a generalized process that we currently have in schools and universities, but it’s bespoke or made to order, since different people learn in different ways.
  4. Roles and responsibilities: Everybody should have roles and responsibilities. The person who lives in a remote part of Africa or South America or the far north side of the globe, everybody has a role and a responsibility, which is respected and desired. They’ll have their own ideas of how things could be improved, so nobody is in a position, where they not doing something that is of service and irrespective of what it is, they’re able to be compensated for in some way, shape or form.
  5. Cooperation: One of the biggest problems with the Earth right now is that we don’t cooperate properly. We don’t communicate with each other properly. We don’t share things properly. So communication and cooperation is a real big thing that creates a great civilization.
  6. Transparency: Everything is done in transparency. There’s no hiding of certain things. There’s no squirreling things away. It’s everything is shared, so that there’s no need to duplicate work. We do what we need to do. If we find something out, and we share it and share the road that we’ve gone down. In research, for example, we can show what we’ve done. If you were to carry on, you can just start from this point and then you can move on.
  7. Sharing: A great civilization shares everything. They share resources. They share individuals, if necessary, so people will be sort of globally available. If you’ve got an expertise that could be useful somewhere else, then you can share that knowledge with others as well. So cooperating and sharing is very important within a great civilization. So sharing the workload, the education, the ability to move forwards is also part of a great civilization.
  8. Helping others: This is a big thing, because it involves all of these other things of benevolence, inclusion, roles and responsibilities, cooperation, sharing and transparency and education. It’s all about helping other areas, other civilizations move up to the level that a higher level of civilization is.

What is a higher level of civilization?

It’s not just having technology or education, it’s a way of using that technology and education in a way, which is beneficial to those who use it. It improves the lifestyle and the status of individuals. But it’s also done in a way that the environment can support it. For example:

  • If we’re helping a group of individuals work with their environment in a barren area, such as a desert, we work with the locals, because they know the area and understand the lie of the land, how the winds work and how the sands shift. Together we can work out a way to irrigate the land, populate it with plants and trees and other things and make sure they can survive. Then the shifting sands start to slow down and stop and we’ve created an oasis out of a desert and that oasis can grow.
  • We don’t just create the oasis and the people who’ve been there get left there. They get included in everything else. We’re trying to create a condition, where the civilization isn’t just in one part of the globe. It’s all over the globe, so we don’t get disparity in terms of the ability to exist. We don’t have one set of people in abject poverty and another group in abject opulence. We have the sharing of it all.

Those individuals, who have the ability to create technological improvements (“businesses”) that can benefit everybody would be created with the support of other governments and other individuals to create the technology that’s passed around to help us and the Earth as well.

  • We wouldn’t get the materialistic condition, where one or two individuals create a product, sell a product and end up being billionaires, who haven’t helped anybody. They need to be more philanthropic. So those individuals in a great civilization wouldn’t be working for the benefit of themselves and for money, they’d be creating something that’s of benefit to everybody and the Earth.
  • So a lot of calculations will be created there. There will be an understanding of how it needs to be manufactured and how the manufacturing process affects the Earth. Could it be cleaner? Can it be better? Who could it benefit? How will it benefit them? And if it doesn’t benefit them, then we don’t do it.
  • For example, if you have too many planes flying around the Earth, then we’ve got  quite a lot of CO2 emissions and other things. But if we can work in a better way, we create different transportation systems that are beneficial not to one or two people, but to everybody, then it makes a big difference.

That’s the same with certain products. The objective is to make the products, so that they are beneficial to everybody. It also gives people something to do, a role and a responsibility. It allows them to become educated and to give their own expertise back into the group they’re working with. If we do have money or some form of remunerating or compensating for the work, then that which is gained in the exchange process is put back into the generation of environments and the generation of new ways of educating individuals. 

Helping other civilizations become great is also a product of educating them, so education is a right, not something which is available to the few. Everybody should be given exactly the same educational opportunities. When we educate people, we start to see that certain people are good at certain things and not good at other things. So a great civilization helps people work, develop and blossom.

  • People who end up being experts in hydroponics work in hydroponics and crops come out of that. There’s lots of different ways of creating crops without damaging the Earth or using pesticides or other chemicals to stop diseases or infestation with insects. We could use nature.
  • Those individuals could be useful, not only in the location that they’re in, when they get the education, but they can also move around the planet if need be or help other groups become educated in these things. So all this revolves around transparency. 

A great civilization looks after every component of the civilization and a component is an individual. In our case, it’s an individualized human being, so every human being is valued. Every human being has a role to play.

Everybody has the ability to be a productive individual in terms of creating something or being part of something or maintaining something or farming something that is helping the rest of the population become more affluent in terms of education, being of service to others, helping others, caring for those who are ill, for instance. Affluence is really about everything being available all the time.

We have medical research happening, individuals being cared for happening, individuals who want to be in care can be helped, individuals who want to be the carers can be helped to be the carers, individuals who want to be doctors can be helped to be the doctors, and those around the world who think they can help in other areas can all be part of it. And so everything is created together.

A great civilization is inclusive full stop. Everything is included. There’s no disparity. There’s no highs and lows, it’s all a level playing field. And we’re all working in a collective way in a great civilization.

It’s not a case of we’re doing it for me, we’re doing it for us. And before we do it for us, we involve us to make sure that what we think is good for the collective is actually good for the collective or whether it’s going in a dead end way or a wrong direction.

  • It’s all about understanding the needs of everybody as well, because right now where we are on the Earth is a very rock bottom place really. We’ve got affluence in certain parts of the world (e.g. Dubai, US, UK, Western Europe).
  • Then we’ve got other areas where there’s very little going on and people are in abject squalor with nowhere to live. They fight for their food and everything else, which is really sort of unacceptable, because these individuals have a role to play. They have a way they’ll be able to help others as well, so everybody should be given an equal opportunity. 

Another thing that gives a civilization greatness is that everyone has an equal opportunity to have a role and responsibility, cooperate with others, share with others, help others, be helped, show benevolence, show inclusion, receive benevolence and receive inclusion.

There’s no differences because of location, because of body type, because of skin color, because of ethnicity. There’s no demarcation, because one person’s body was born in Africa, whereas another person’s body was born in Russia, another person’s body was born in Canada. There’s no difference. They’re all human beings. There’s no demarcation because of religion.

Happy Earth Day!

  • The understanding of everyone being a human being and not one of these so-called pigeon holed levels of civilization that do or don’t have levels of so-called technological civilization is eradicated.
  • Understanding some of the traditional ways of doing things should be preserved for historical purposes, because it shows where we’ve come from and what we’re doing. And the understanding of the historical side of things is again what makes a civilization great.
  • Working upon things, maybe making slight mistakes, but then moving forwards in a positive way, in an inclusive way is what makes a civilization great. It’s not about, oh, we’ve done this and we’re going to hide that we’ve done it wrong, because we’re fearful that we might get blamed for doing something wrong. It’s about being transparent, inclusive, sharing, and everything being done together.

So we’re looking at a single world education process, a single world level of status, a single world level of sort of remuneration. There’s no one person that’s richer than another. Everybody’s got the same amount of sort of compensation to be able to exist.

Everybody gets the right amount of food, because they’re all part of the larger collective. There’s one level of education across the world. There’s one level of everything. There’s one level of medical care across the world, when it’s required. There’s one level of manufacturing processes that are worldwide owned, not just owned by one person or two people or one country or one government. And the transportation systems are worldwide and shared. So everything is created for the benefit of all.

When we get to this point, where everything is done in a very high level way, where we’re all working together, we’re sharing together, we’re caring for each other and loving each other (although human love is different to feeling the love of the Source or your True Energetic Self), we start to become One rather than many, and we become one big family around the world. And when we understand this, and we recognize that what we do might affect somebody else a couple of thousand kilometers away, then do we do it? Or do we find out what should be done first? Then we start to think in a more collective, coherent manner.

Individualized free will is an interesting experiment. But at the end of the day, individualized free will will come to the conclusion that working in a collective way with individualized realization — that’s the way to go forwards. That’s the time in which us as humanity will become a great civilization, because we’ll realize that every individual that’s incarnate on this Earth has an important role to do.

  • This is all materialistic. This is all physical. When we start to work in a collective way, we’ll start to rise through the frequencies. We’ll be looking after each other. We’ll be of service to each other.
  • We’ll be sharing ideas, information, roles. We’ll be helping others, they’ll be helping us. We start to move up the frequencies. And then we start to understand who and what we are on a more fundamental basis.

It won’t be a case of I’m a human being, it’ll be a case of I’m a soul. And everybody will realize it — I’m a soul in a body and I’m here to experience, learn and evolve on this planet. And that is the point, which makes the difference. It’s the point at which a civilization goes from just greatness to utopia.

Then it becomes a point, where the civilization makes the jump from working on a fundamentally physical level — where everybody’s equal, everybody’s got the same educational rights and levels of teaching, everybody is capable of experiencing anything, being included in anything, receiving service, giving service, caring for others, being cared for, being benevolent, being included, receiving benevolence, receiving inclusion — and then jumping up with all this happening anyway, because we ultimately know that we’re here to experience, learn and evolve. And we start to understand that we’re part of a much bigger and greater reality that’s around us.

We are in this world but not of it.

And so we go from a great civilization to a utopian civilization, where we start to move into a different frequential level, because we’ve understood it. We’ve understood why we’re here, why we’re working together, and that the only way to evolve fast is to cooperate on every level possible.

Share everything. Help everybody. Be of service to everybody. Educate everybody. Be transparent about everything. Be everything. Do everything together. Togetherness creates the jump upwards. It’s the collective condition that goes from the great civilization to a utopian level of civilization.

Utopia isn’t a figment of somebody’s imagination, it’s a very possible place that we can get to.

Once we start to work together collectively for the benefit of all, and I believe that this COVID-19 problem that we’ve been having, apart from being a bit of an eye opener, is starting to make us want to work together. 

  • You can see around the world there’s little pockets of cooperation. As we start to get deeper levels of cooperation between different governments in different countries — if we use this as a springboard and we move forwards collectively together and we maintain it, we start to realize that actually let’s start to create a level playing field for everything and everyone.
  • We give away our materialism to have a standard way of living and existence, allowing those who are at a substandard level of existence to come up to our level, so that everybody on the planet has got a place to exist, which is all the same. 
  • We’re talking about everybody existing in a way, which is considered to be acceptable in the western world. So everybody has nice houses, nice infrastructure, electricity, flowing water. They’ll be able to work in a good way. Everybody is educated to a level, which they can cope with and beyond, if they want to. There’s no reason why somebody cannot go from one level to another. Everybody can be educated. Everybody can play a part. Everybody works together, and we start to move upwards.

So the Earth is at a crucial point right now, where we’ve gone through a downward turn, and everybody has been affected by the frequencies — myself included. And it’s all about seeing how we can work together and be together.

Working together and being together in a communal sense is wonderful. If you’ve ever been in an ashram or a monastery, where the monks and the people in the ashram are chanting Om, everything is One. That’s a wonderful place to be. We can get that as being “Heaven on Earth,” so to speak, higher frequencies is heaven on Earth whilst incarnate. That creates the great civilization.

Although we ascend individually, when we go up there, we realize that the most desirable thing is for everybody to be at that high level of frequency. We all become self-aware, and then we’ve got the understanding of who and what we are.

As I said before, we just need to understand that we’re a group of souls incarnating on Earth — 8 billion of us — to experience, learn and evolve AND evolve together. And that’s what creates the great to the utopian civilization. 

Final Thoughts

The purpose of this post is to help us dream a new dream for humanity — a new reality that has never existed before. We are being asked to operate in a different way in all areas of life. As Wendy Kennedy (“Navigating the Unknown“) said, we are here to create a brand new system for ourselves, based on what WE want, not what our politicians or power mongers want. It doesn’t take a majority to change the world, only a small number (e.g. 144,000) of like-minded people with a shared intention.

We’re not here to fight against old, dysfunctional structures or try to fix them piece by piece, because that just keeps us in the same old energetic loop, giving our power away to that old system. When we take our power back and put it into dreaming or imagining a brand NEW system, the old system starts to collapse. It’s like a house of cards, because there’s no energy to support its existence. Our attention goes elsewhere into building a society with far more opportunity, equality, care, compassion, enjoyment and purpose.

We can start by asking questions: What kind of a world do I want to live in? What ideas do I have to share? Do I want to go back to my old job? Do I even like that job? Or was it just to pay the bills? What if we only worked a few hours a day and then spent the rest of the day doing what we want? What do I really want? How can I contribute to the whole in some way? What are the ways I could be of service to others? Could my service change over time? Could I go back to school or learn to do something new and different? What else?

Jacque Fresco (1916-2017) was a futurist, who dreamed up The Venus Project. He asked: What does democracy mean to me? To what end do we wish the culture to serve? He wrote a book (free pdf) called, “Designing the Future,” in which he described a resource-based world economy:

“A resource-based world economy brings about vast changes in human and interpersonal relations…It views all the world’s resources and technical information as the common heritage of all people. This is the unifying imperative. If accepted universally, the world will witness an end to the need for armaments, war, drugs, greed and the other problems brought about by the endless pursuit of money and power.” – Designing the Future, 2007

He presented new ideas about lifestyles, decision making and laws, cities that think or float in or under the sea, prefabricated homes of all kinds, automated transportation systems (monorails, vertical and radial transveyors), industrial robotics, automated construction systems, ocean mining structures, solar and geothermal energy plants, mariculture systems, desalinization plants, international shipping systems, future aircraft and other scientific and technological advances that support not only the existence of humanity but that of the planet and its ecosystems as well.

He wrote: “People would be free to pursue whatever constructive endeavors they chose without economic pressures. When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there will be no limit to human potential.” Agreed. It’s our time to dream now and make it so!

For more information, please see:

What Is the Spiritual View Of Coronavirus? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

Coronavirus: World risks ‘biblical’ famines due to pandemic – UN – BBC News

Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

What Are Human Root Races? – Big Picture

What Outer Technologies Did the Ancient Egyptians Have? – Big Picture

How Do Inner and Outer Technology Affect Civilizations? – Big Picture

What Is Our Future Like In 3000-4000 Years? – Big Picture Questions

What Does Service To Self Or Others Mean? – Big Picture

What Are the Frequencies Of Love? – Big Picture

How Can Humanity Evolve Beyond Money? – Big Picture

What Is the Purpose Of Evil Leaders? – Big Picture

What Is the Law Of Compensation? – Big Picture

What Is Material vs. Spiritual Ambition? – Big Picture

Where Does Toxic Masculinity Come From? – Big Picture

What Is Wrong With Conspiracy Theories? – Big Picture

How Do We Transcend The Powers That Be? – Big Picture

How To Be Part Of the Solution? – Big Picture

How Do Galactic Civilizations Evolve? – Big Picture

How To Create a Utopia vs. Gloom and Doom? – Big Picture

When Will Humanity Ascend From 3D Earth? – Big Picture

Why Is This Multiverse Cycle Different? – Big Picture

Who Is Guy Needler? – Big Picture

How To Bridge Science and Spirituality? – Big Picture

What Is the Big Picture? – Big Picture

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018 in Paperback and Kindle versions

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, 2020 (in publication)

Jacque Fresco & Roxanne Meadows: Designing the Future, 2007 (see Free e-Books | The Venus Project)

Wendy Kennedy 4-8-20…”Navigating the Unknown” – Big Picture Questions

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies & Pleiadian Tools for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos – Higher Frequencies

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013


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