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Matt Kahn 10-1-20…”Healing the World Through the Chakras”

Here is a short talk and a powerful meditation by Matt Kahn, which I’d like to share with my readers. It is part of his Project Resolution work, which is a free monthly call series to unite our intentions for a heart centered society. This month’s meditation is called “Healing the World Through the Chakras.” 

Healing the World Through the Chakras by Matt Kahn

From: Project Resolution Listen – Matt Kahn (see all monthly mp3s at this link)

Matt Kahn wanted to share a vision that he received after watching the presidential debate in the U.S. He said he’s not political or taking sides, but his heart broke, because no political viewpoint or opinion is ever worthy of disrespecting or degrading another human being or tearing away morality from the planet.

He is in support of an awakening consciousness that creates a planet that works for all, including awakening of human rights, reclaiming power for all beings, restoring ethics, values, and heart centered consciousness. This is about a consciousness that can help transform a political system, to create an infrastructure to help all of us.

He asked the universe to show him what we can do to resolve this. He shared his vision in this meditation to create a different quantum reality, a different world, a different consciousness, a different infrastructure that works for all people. He was shown a map of the United States with different states represented as red (Republican) and blue (Democratic) states.

He said take out the politics and look at the colors that represent two different imbalances in the collective.

  • The blue represents a throat chakra imbalance that says: I can’t hear you until I am seen.
  • The red represents a root chakra imbalance that says: I can’t see you until I am heard.

How do we balance the root and throat chakras of the collective?

These imbalances create division that manifests as actions that don’t work for the world at large. Instead of political leaders, we need to heal this division by manifesting a new political infrastructure, where people’s needs are seen and heard.

  • Whether you are in the U.S. or the rest of the world, where you see specks of red or blue, let them stay there. Let the red and blue colors morph, and fill into that all the colors of the rainbow…
  • So that every person of every country, continent, economic level, class, every level of education, every neighborhood supports and fulfills the needs of all sentient beings.
  • It doesn’t exclude anyone or cast away anyone. Everyone is welcome. The world has an open door policy. Everyone can be served uniquely.

Envision the red and blue. Add in the rainbow colors to balance the throat and root chakras with the colors of all the other chakras. We add to what we see:

  • The violet ray of the crown chakra, to infuse all citizens, all people elected as civil servants, to serve the universe’s highest vision, not self-interest of a select few. See the purple infused in this map, allow yourself to feel the relaxation of a world governed by a higher conscious order that unites us all as one.
  • The third eye, infusing the color of the third eye into this beautiful depiction, allowing the vision of a brighter tomorrow, a vision of heaven’s highest glory to be what chooses the elected officials to carry out the will of heavenly perfection, where we’re not just making decisions for today, but in creating steps for even a more prosperous tomorrow.

Seeing how all these colors from the crown and 3rd eye are balancing out that blue and that murky/inky blue and now it’s like a beautiful softer blue, we’re already seeing that the work we’re doing now is balancing things for the collective.

  • From the throat chakra, we infuse into world the beauty of green emerald vibration and color of the heart chakra that allows us to manifest an infrastructure of government locally and nationally and all over the world, that is rooted in the heart of empathy…
  • That empathizes in every person’s journey, which sees themselves in any person’s struggles, and allows every person’s experience, tragedy or circumstances to be included and to count in what we are affecting and transforming.

So as we infuse the heart chakra into this map, there shall be no soul or sentient being left behind.

  • And instead of just taking care of the issues of the popular vote, the heart makes sure that everyone is included, has access to education, proper nutrition, and all the opportunities that allows every human being to shine and thrive.
  • Then below the heart chakra, we have the solar plexus chakra. We see the energy, color and vibration of the solar plexus chakra infuse into this map we’re co-creating together.

The solar plexus being the will center, the will center being the ability for us to manifest an infrastructure into elected officials, who have the will, determination and desire to do what is best for humanity, no matter the inconveniences that will be faced. The will of elected officials that are willing to have less for themselves, so that others can have a little bit more.

Imagine and feel a world governed by elected officials who are motivated by the ideals and energies and wisdom of a collective awakened and balanced chakra system.

And then infusing into this we include the sacral chakra, the energy and color and vibration of the sacral chakra. It is the center of our power, our personal power, our creative power, also our sexual power.

  • In this kind of visualization, we’re going to see it as the center of our creative power, where we through the power of the sacral chakra can create an infrastructure and manifest elected officials, who are able to tap into their own infinite creative power, to find creative and inspired ways to serve the needs of humanity to balance out the imbalances of society.
  • And to allow all global atrocities to be resolved, as the highest priority, manifesting tangible results through the creativity accessed through the global collective sacral chakra.

And with all these colors we’ve infused into this map, now we see (just like we did with the throat), the root chakra maybe before it was a deep dark brick red, but now it is a bright, fiery red, balanced, soothed and harmonized by all the other colors and wisdom and vibrations of the global collective chakra system that we are activating for humanity. And with this balanced root chakra, we now can manifest an infrastructure and electred officials who say:

I’m willing to see and hear the voice of all sentient beings, no matter how much or how little I’m seen and heard. This is the mantra of what is called a civil servant. A civil servant is what the name of a politician really is. They are a servant of civility. They work for the people and to fulfill the needs of the people, whether their needs are met or not. That’s what it means to be in civil service.

And so with this map, let’s just take a moment and see, whether globally and in the US, not just a smattering of imbalanced red and blue, but a beautiful tapestry of a rainbow light where all the access and potential and capacity of humanity is permeating this beautiful wondrous planet.

  • Allowing human beings to raise the vibration of their potential and capacity.
  • And simultaneously and vibrationally demand and insist a political infrastructure and elected civil servants, who will carry out each act from this esteem and level of heart centered consciousness.

We insist it, we demand it so fiercely and so compassionately, and we will accept nothing less than this transformation at hand. And to further anchor it, please repeat after me:

As a way of manifesting a new Earth that transforms society, and recreates an infrastructure of government filled with civil servants acting out and implementing the highest divine plan, as one for all, I allow the collective chakra system of humanity to activate, awaken, harmonize and balance, bringing all chakras of the collective into unison.

So to allow the root and throat chakra of humanity to balance out, allowing this world to be seen and heard by those we elect to see and hear us, and now declare this world as sovereign dimensional space. I hereby enter this new 5D reality as a resident and inhabitant of unity consciousness.

No matter what I see playing out in the world right now, I know that any degree of chaos and destruction, violence and disorder is the alchemical process on a collective level of watching the veil of separation come tumbling down.

And through the deconstruction of an old paradigm, as I abide peacefully through the darkness of this deconstruction, I hold space for, co-create and manifest a new reality that works for all sentient beings, that is coming to life simultaneously, as the old one dissolves.

And in knowing that it is so, and in knowing the breakdown I see in society is the tearing away of the old, outdated life and the simultaneous creation of the new world that I am helping to co-create, I allow the universe to show me through all perspectives and with all tangible pieces of evidence that the world I’m co-creating…

That the world we are co-creating, that is the fulfillment of ascension and the dawning of a new Aquarian Age, is already here, made manifest in the form actualized into present moment time and anchored as my new zero-point field for the liberation and ascension of all that I am now. And so it is.

He said it’s interesting when we participate in these multidimensional calls at a time like this on Earth, when we’re tapping into what’s underneath the underneath the underneath, you can actually feel a wellspring of Joy. What is happening on this planet is an extraordinarily positive thing!

  • There’s just so many discrepancies and imbalances that have needed to be buffed out. And those energies, as they are unraveled, fight as they leave. And so it makes for a very dramatic and distracting precedent, where it can seem like life is getting worse and far from ever getting better.
  • But I will assure you, as there is breath in my body, as there is light transmitted through my voice, through this transmission…

We are seeing the unraveling of the old, broken paradigm that favored few and hurt many, and simultaneously we’re seeing the creation of a new reality that works for all and harms no one.

And as this shift occurs, if you want my personal advice, it’s not a matter of putting your faith in any character, it’s putting your faith in the consciousness awakening in all beings.

  • May the consciousness awakening on this planet continue to dawn in you.
  • May the consciousness awakening inside of you show you what is being birthed, not just what’s being unraveled.
  • May the consciousness in you help you find safety and sovereignty no matter the destruction in sight.
  • May the consciousness inside of you allow you from this moment forward to live as the first residents of the 5D Earth plane of unity consciousness, not waiting for the entire world to awaken before you come out of hiding to shine your light.

And may the visualization, repeat after me that we did together ripple throughout the quantum field, call into this moment the recognition and reality of this new world, a new infrastructure of how this world is handled and cared for with beings, who can fulfill the divine plan that honors the light in all.

As always, it is an honor to be here with you. Thank you so much for being a part of this call, and if you can feel right now inside of you, you can feel the difference we just made in the world. Again, the destruction of the old will seem very dramatic and very big and sometimes scary, but today’s call is also about reorienting you into a consciousness where you can start seeing what new world is being revealed, not just lost and fixated on what is dissolving. 

From my heart to yours, may the Light of Love guide you forward in each and every breath, as I welcome you Home and to the New Earth plane of fifth dimensional unity consciousness.

I love you all. Namaste. – Matt Kahn

Note: All emphasis and images are mine.

For more information, please see:

Matt Kahn: The Universe Always Has a Plan: The 10 Golden Rules of Letting Go: Matt Kahn: 9781401958091: Books &  Project Resolution Listen – Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn 7-26-20…”Unraveling Core Limiting Beliefs” – Big Picture Questions

Matt Kahn 6-4-20…”How Love Heals” – Big Picture Questions

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Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

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