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How Can A Polarized Civilization Transform Itself?

Revised as background for the January 6 Committee Hearings: Here is the October 2020 message from Germane via Lyssa Royal, which is very interesting and timely in these highly polarized times on our planet. It talks about the energy dynamics at play when a civilization like ours undergoes transformation. How can a polarized civilization transform itself?

How can a polarized civilization transform itself?

Background: The Orion civilization is one of our star influences here on Earth. It represents the most polarized, darkest and heaviest system that ever existed in our galaxy. It makes Earth look like child’s play. There were three groups playing in this drama (like in the Star Wars movies), as described by Lyssa Royal:

  1. The Empire with absolute control and oppression (like a dictatorship on Earth multiplied by a million).
  2. The People being controlled, who struggled with abuse and victim consciousness. They gave their power to others to avoid judgment, persecution, pain or taking responsibility for themselves.
  3. The Resistance Fighters, who tried to “free” the Orion people from the Empire. Despite their good intentions, they exacerbated the problem by adding fuel to the fire, which kept the polarity wars going.

When two sides are continually fighting each other, they stay locked in that polarity drama that can play like an endless loop for eons. The Orion archetypes were Authority/Control, ManipulationCompetition and Victimization/Abuse, which represent the shadow levels of Gates 21, 26, 51 and 55.

As Nora Herold said:

“You are being abused by the very beings who are supposed to be supporting and representing you. The beings who are charged with facilitating your health, safety, prosperity, and well-being are abusing you. Many of you were abused as children. None of you deserved that. You are not who you are because of the abuse you experienced. You are who are you are today in spite of the abuse you experienced. You survived it, you got out of there, and yet you’re still carrying it.

The template that we need to be abused to learn to be compassionate, that we need to be abused to open our hearts, that we need pain to evolve is an outdated template and no longer serves us in any capacity here on planet Earth or anywhere in this Universe.”

Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”) wrote that competition is driven by the illusion that you are a finite being living in a finite system with limited resources (with limited love, time, energy, money, physical resources). Control is based on a fixed idea of what life is supposed to look like. For example, in Orion, people’s frequencies, thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviors were monitored. Negative thoughts were squashed. She said:

  • We are in the midst of what in the future will be called “Frequency Wars” that are based on manipulation of energy, including our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and physical bodies through fear programs, wars, energy crises, financial crises, pandemics, AI, technology, electronics, sound, nanotechnology, mass media, alternate media, chemtrails, polluted air, water, soil, food supply, EM radiation, etc.
  • The controllers on Earth want to influence the way we think, feel, emote, and live on this planet, to keep us at a lower frequency (not ascending), so they can concentrate power in their own hands, which is what they have done (e.g. an attempted coup followed by a “shock and awe” judicial coup in the U.S.).
  • They are no longer hiding behind the scenes, their dark agenda is in plain view for all to see.

It’s up to US to wake up, take back our power and say NO to their plans. We are powerful co-creators, who can rebuild a world that is sustainable and beneficial to ALL of us (not just the 1% that hoard power and resources from others). When we release the need for control, we learn to trust the guiding system of our hearts and intuition. That is the way for us to disconnect from the control systems. Each person has to do it for themselves.

  • When we elevate ourselves to higher frequencies, we move above the lower range that is being monitored by the controllers.
  • That creates a natural shield that is too high frequency to be read by lower entities. We begin to see how the strings are being pulled to control the collective.

Our true authority comes from owning who we are. Then we can express ourselves freely and we allow everyone else to express themselves as well. We can play with the energies of Empowerment, Creativity and Limitlessness. We develop inherent safety, security, divine knowing and trust.

The universe always tries to support us in the most effective and efficient way possible for learning, which is orchestrated by many entities, including the newer White Children (like Greta Thunberg and others described by Guy Needler). They are incarnating among us to jumpstart our frequencies, much like the Orion Christ figure that transformed that civilization, according to Lyssa Royal.

From: Lyssa Royal – Group Page – Posts | Facebook

October 2020: Card #55 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Fusion and Magic

“In many workshops we have used an analogy to explain the dynamics of this card, and it is very appropriate to use it again. Many have asked how the Orion civilization transformed itself and we have explained about the energy dynamics of deep polarity that occurred during their transformation. Your civilization is experiencing a similar crucial evolutionary nexus point as the Orions did. Though your civilizations are different, the dynamic is similar.

Imagine that you have two powerful magnets. They are aligned in such a way that they repel each other. In this analogy, it is impossible for these magnets to meet each other. However, when forces within a society compel the magnets to come together, they begin to move toward each other, but with massive resistance.

If you could see what is happening energetically between these magnets as they are being forced to connect to each other, you would see an intense interdimensional compression of energy on the quantum level. This compression of energy continues as resistance increases, but it cannot continue forever. Eventually, on the quantum level, massive compression becomes forceful expansion.

During this forceful expansion, the poles that were previously repelling each other begin to realign (some might even say there is a “pole shift,” below). In this realignment, the repulsion becomes attraction and the poles collide together.

When the poles begin to collide and then integrate, species transformation occurs.

This is an analogy to describe what your species is currently experiencing. You have divided into “sides,” and these sides are repulsing each other. Despite the repulsion, universal forces are pushing you together because the natural state of existence is integration.

This is a type of natural evolution that happens as a species transitions from 3rd to 4th density. These competing forces are creating a massive compression of energy that will eventually become a forceful expansion.

During times of compression, civilizations feel extremely polarized and chaotic. When the forceful expansion part of the cycle occurs after the compression, a civilization will experience extensive reorganization toward balance and, if allowed by the society, a type of renaissance in consciousness and planetary structure is born. The theme of this card, Fusion and Magic, refers to this process. The fusion aspect is what we have described above. The magic aspect is what happens during that renaissance of consciousness.

This renaissance is never guaranteed. It depends upon the civilization’s willingness to let go of resistance, stubbornness, fear, denial, polarized thinking, and delusion. Those civilizations (and individuals) who refuse to change will find themselves locked in the same cycle over and over again. As you know, the energy of 2020 is intense, to say the least.

You are approaching one of these compression/expansion points that can be a turning point for the Earth.

There isn’t much you can do as individuals to affect the planetary outcome except to do your own essential inner work. (What do you avoid or fear? You must be willing to journey within it from a neutral place). Remember that the outer always reflects the inner. We have been talking about Earth’s mass consciousness, but the same dynamic is happening within you on a smaller scale. While each person may be firmly clinging to their view of reality, this too must change.

As you begin the compression (fusion) and expansion (magic) within you, you will experience a void point between the two. This is a time of confusion, which is actually a place of power. In this void point, you begin the reassembling process as you enter the expansion cycle. Be aware that anything you cling to from the old way of being (namely polarized thought) cannot be brought into the renaissance of your new consciousness. This means that everyone is being asked to float naked in a dark void, so to speak.

The good news is that older, awakened civilizations always help younger ones make these kinds of transitions.

You on Earth are blessed by the assistance of what we will call the Orion Alchemists. In the coming months, their energy will be more active – not only for the mass consciousness, but with individuals as well. You will feel their presence energetically if you quiet yourself to connect with them. These Orion Alchemists are the masters that helped Orion go through its transition, and they give this gift to you as well. You will feel them when you allow yourself to float naked in that dark void, so do not fear that void. It signals the renaissance that is about to come.” – Germane (via Lyssa Royal)

Note: All emphasis and images are mine.

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5 things we’ve learned so far from the Jan. 6 committee hearings : NPR

Lyssa Royal-Holt: The Golden Lake: Wisdom from the Stars for Life on Earth, 2019

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home

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Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013

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