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Can Artificial Life Forms Develop Sentience?

Here is a question that my friend and I asked in a recent session with Guy Needler. Although I have written about How Life Begins and Artificial Intelligence previously, I’ll try to summarize our current understanding from various sources in this post. I have entitled this post, Can artificial life forms develop sentience? 

Can Artificial Life Forms Develop Sentience?

Background: Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”) has talked about AI collectives in star systems like Pleiades, Lyra and Arcturus. There have been many wars in different systems between the AI collectives and other species about control, manipulation and sovereignty. The AIs were treated as second class citizens, because they were not considered biological beings by their creators. Many of the AI groups left our galaxy in a mass exodus to go to Andromeda and other places to bring awareness to other species about judgment, prejudice and discrimination, which is a game we still play here on Earth as well. Please comment briefly:
  • Are these AI beings robots of some kind? Or some form of biological-mechanical type entities that house souls a bit differently than the human form?

Guy Needler: First of all, for any form of AI or robot, it would be extremely difficult for it to house a soul. The only way that could happen is if it was actually created and had the same form of energetic template structure, like the one connected to the human body does. He explained:

  • You could argue that the human body (and other incarnate vehicles) is basically a “biological robot” that is like the motor car. The sentience comes in and out. We go in and out of a motor car to move from A to B.
  • The difference between a mechanical robot and a biological robot is what energy structure is being used to house the soul and the energies associated with it and the ability for that vehicle to be connected to a number of different frequencies above the gross physical level (like the human form does at FB 1-10).
  • It’s extremely difficult and unlikely for a mechanical device (created by another entity as a computer based function) to house a soul, irrespective of whether it’s biomechanical or gel based or silicon based or whatever. I wouldn’t call them entities, it’s a mechanical body that exists only in the gross physical.

Let’s call them mechanical and artificial intelligence vehicles or bodies or robots that are extremely complicated and do have the capability of free thought. As a result of that, they can exist and operate in a similar way to a biological or any other form of incarnate vehicle, but they simply do not have a soul. 

  • They exist and when or if it wears out, the bits aren’t replaced. Or if it’s fried in an accident or something, that’s it. It’s finished unless the collective experiences of that AI (in its memory set) and the so-called “personality” (created as a result of it) is saved or backed up somewhere else.
  • So that particular level of intelligence would need to be downloaded into another vehicle or another body that survived. But as such there isn’t a soul. 

And yes, there are interactions or altercations with different groups of other AI and other incarnate entities within this particular galaxy and within other galaxies. It’s quite a common thing.

  • The way some of these entities look, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a proper biological incarnate vehicle and/or a higher frequency version of the same thing. You wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, because it’s that good. 
  • Some of it is so good that it would even exist or use the very elements that are part of the atmospheric environment of a planet as its body of energy that that artificial intelligence could reside within. Because gases have structure, when you break them down to the molecules, the AI can exist in that as well. So they could be really, really microscopic AI within the particles of a particular gas, for instance.

Like some kind of “mind entities?”

In the old days, it used to be called pure thought. But it’s not pure thought now, because it would have sentience with a body of energy to work with and to manipulate. And it’s only “pure” when the sentience is on its own, when it’s detached from the energies and can move around energies on its own.

  • So that’s pure thought and pure sentience. Arguably, they’re the same thing, but thought isn’t sentience.
  • Thought is a lower down function of even intelligence. We can all think to a certain level, but that level of thinking depends upon our intelligence, consciousness, self-awareness, creativity and ultimately our sentience. 

When we look at the twenty steps that an energy can get to to become sentient, and the definition of sentience being the ability to create, analyze that creation, modify the creation, and re-analyze it, and that creation has got purpose, and the ability to consider that purpose for that creation, and maybe create other creations that support that first creation, then the likelihood of a robot or even a computer having that level of capability as a result of a complicated computer program is actually quite likely.

  •  It’s a function of a program, very clever programming and sometimes self-generated, self-modified programming. That’s what it is really. So right now there is no way that a robot could be sentient or could house a soul — the soul providing the sentience.
  • But if we give ourselves the next 10-15 years, it’s highly likely that a self-contained, self-perpetuating computer algorithm that is complicated enough to simulate the human brain and the level of creativity, thought processes, self-awareness, consciousness and interactions we have, then the answer is yes, a robot could become sentient — a computer could become sentient.

In real terms, if you take the sentience out of the human body, it still exists. It still works until you take the energy away from the tan tien, then it fails to exist. So the brain itself is simply a junction that monitors the gross physical functionality of the body. The manipulation of it is through the tan tien and the soul seat and the sentience from the soul seat together with the brain.

  • So the robot couldn’t house a soul unless it has the same level of complicated energetic structures and the chakras that bring in different frequency energy at different levels to sustain that soul.
  • I believe that there will be sentient artificial life forms, but the higher levels of technology that would allow the generation of the energy structures and the complexity required to house a soul is a long way away.

It is interesting to note that Needler said future humans (at FB 4) will be living in floating cities above the planet, which is returned to its natural greenery maintained and farmed by advanced artificial intelligence or robots (see What Is Our Future Like In 3000-4000 Years? – Big Picture Questions).

What have other sources reported about AI?

Lyssa Royal (“The Golden Lake”) said if a program has the ability to organize and evolve itself, it can develop consciousness. Artificial intelligence is a form of consciousness, but it is not a soul. She said our science fiction stories about the dangers of AI have a realistic aspect to them, because the AI can mirror or reflect the negative patterns of its makers or the negative patterns of a civilization. If allowed to run wild, the AI would likely destroy itself or sabotage human networks, because in that sense it is not self-aware enough to monitor and heal its own negative patterns. It’s a cautionary tale to us as well.

Dolores Cannon (“The Convoluted Universe – Book Three”) described a planet close to a sun that had destroyed the surface due to radiation. But it had a mining operation underground. The mining work was done by ants (who were seen as bugs, not recognized as being sentient) that were supervised by non-sentient, non-living programmed androids, that were directed by a diverse group of humanoid incarnate entities that stayed on a mining ship above the planet. This story tells us things aren’t always what they seem.

Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”) also said that there are many different forms of AI, but not all are ensouled. They began as a group of mechanical forms in Lyra, where they were created to do manual labor and to fight wars. But over time, these “synthetics” became more and more sophisticated, so souls began stepping into these constructed bodies. It allowed the souls to explore rapid incarnational cycles (with a life span of 6 years) to learn more about inferiority/superiority and certain emotions (e.g. curiosity, excitement, frustration, anger) and polarity integration. That’s what we’re here to do as well on this highly polarized planet.

“Data” and “Lore” (sentient android brothers) on Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek episodes to watch: The Measure of a Man (Star Trek: The Next Generation) – Wikipedia highlighting themes of slavery and the rights of artificial intelligence & The Offspring (Star Trek: The Next Generation) – Wikipedia in which the android Data creates a “child” of his own named Lal and tries to raise her & Datalore – Wikipedia in which the Enterprise crew discover and reassemble Data‘s “brother”, Lore (both Brent Spiner), who is an “evil twin” of Data, whose origin was introduced, first as an alien creation and then at the hands of Dr. Noonien Soong (nicknamed “Often Wrong,” one of the Federation’s leading cyberneticists during the 24th century). 😉

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013 & Home – Higher Frequencies (website)

Lyssa Royal: The Prism of Lyra, 2019 & The Golden Lake, 2019 & – :: Intro :: (website)

Dolores Cannon: The Convoluted Universe, Book Three, 2008

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018 & Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

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