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How To Create Your Own Reality?

Here is a sneak preview of the lecture given by Guy Needler in the February 27, 2021 World Satsanga. Previously, we have talked about conscious creation and being a creator vs. experiencer. Now it’s time to look at how we as sentient entities create with energy in practical terms. How to create your own reality?

How to create your own reality?

From: World Satsanga on February 27, 2021 by Guy Needler (as summarized by me)

It’s really about working with what you know is right within yourself, whether it’s spiritual, metaphysical or physical. Whatever you do, whatever you think, behave and act is a decision you make, which creates the way in which you interact with event space or change the direction of your event stream within the event space.

  • It’s the event stream in conjunction with the event space that creates what we call a reality. 
  • A reality can be a number of different types of realities going from very, very localized to the individual all through to the largest size, which could be a multiversed sized reality. The ultimate reality is based upon the work that the Origin is doing, which can create its own overall reality (below).

How do WE create our reality?

Right now with things that are happening around the world, we do need to focus on maintaining our own direction, how we want to go, who we want to follow, if we want to follow somebody, or if the things we want to do are going to be beneficial in terms of our experiences and how that affects our evolution?

  • Rather than being embroiled in gossip or conspiracy theories, deriding individuals or circumstances, it’s about creating a reality around us, an event stream around the event space that is what we want it to be.
  • We can do that, but what we have to do first is really to disconnect from the things that influence people and could influence us on a regular basis, and therefore, undermine the reality that we’re trying to create.

For example, if we want to create a peaceful environment around ourselves, where we have plenty of time for meditations, plenty of time to do other things like gardening, reading your books, interacting with others in a nice, caring, robust, loving way, then we have to create the conditions that allow us to do that.

To create our own reality is not hard, it’s just that we have to be focused on what we do. Everything that we do needs to have focus — whether it’s meditation, being a business person or whatever you are doing — what we need to do is focus on what we want to get out of our reality.

We have to see it happening. When we see and feel and taste and touch and be something, and if that something is going to create a level of abundance, then we have to sort of remind ourselves what that reality is supposed to look like.

How does it feel? What are we doing within it? How do we interact with it? How do we interact with others who are interacting with our reality? How are they moving in and out of our reality? How are we moving into their reality?

  • We have to create a list of things that are the components or the structure of the reality we want. Sometimes the smaller components are better first than the bigger components. Sometimes a bigger component that’s slightly off-center of your particular reality is best to introduce first than something, which is directly on the reality.
  • It may be that you want to separate things out from the physical or material side of existence vs. the metaphysical or spiritual side of existence. We can exist in both of them, but keep them sort of compartmentalized from each other without having the one interfering with the other. Maybe you’d want to have them interacting with each other — that’s all part of the list.

When you’ve got your list of what you want to be and how you want to do it, it can be anything really. It doesn’t have to be perfect — meaning that everything has to be wonderful, everything has to be delightful, everything has to work when it’s supposed to work. Just get the bare bones of it first to make sure that you’ve got enough to create that reality. You can do the fine tuning later.

  • It doesn’t need to conform to a set ideas of what you think it should be. As long as it’s law abiding, as long as it’s not going to harm yourself or others or the environment or any animals in the environment, from then onwards, your reality can be whatever you like.
  • So once you’ve created your list, once you’ve understood the laws associated with it, and how it interacts with others, and it doesn’t affect or harm others, then you can start to build the framework around the list. Ask yourself:

Okay, when would I want to experience this part of my reality? How would I experience this part of my reality? How would it would let this other part of my reality interact with this other part? How would the first part interact with the second part and the third part? 

  • So then you start to create the interactivity between the reality that you’re creating and you start to live it. You start to be your reality. You start to perpetuate your reality by interacting with it, sometimes maybe 15-20 minutes a day.
  • But as you get used to creating your reality and being part of it and seeing how it’s benefiting you and your mental well-being, then you can start to add additional time to it — making your reality last for an hour a day, two or three hours a day and work with it. Be in that reality.

It’s not hiding from anything. It’s not divorcing ourselves from what’s here, it’s simply creating an ability for us to be in the reality that we want to have, whilst also being here as well, interacting here as well. It allows us to be in the physical, but not of the physical.

  • If we’re creating a reality based upon the metaphysical or spiritual terms, then we look at how we would work within ourselves to create that, and how we would interact with others to perpetuate that reality.
  • Other people don’t need to interact with you in your particular reality. Some may reject it totally and that’s okay. They’ve got their own reality to work with. Sometimes you may interact with their reality temporarily and vice versa rather than participating fully with each other.

That’s how we get interface realities. The interaction between different realities, different individuals or different groups of individuals starts to become a condition, where we’ve got individualized interactive realities, and the interfacing realities that allow these different realities or the people within those realities to interact with people in other realities.

Make a list. Write it down. Understand what you want out of existence. For example, if you want people to be nice and kind to you, then be nice and kind to them. Lead by example. Create your reality, be your reality. Think, breathe, taste, touch, be the essence of your reality. Then you’ll attract people, who are attracted to that particular reality as well as those who want to be part of it.

At the same time, it allows those others, who don’t want to be part of it, to interact with you at appropriate times. Generally, we can’t just divorce ourselves off and be a complete hermit in our own reality. You could do that, if it was part of your life plan. But part of our life plan may be to interact with others on a regular basis, so that we can participate in their realities.

  • We can gain from participating in their realities and they can gain from participating in our realities. Then there’s the downstream functions of existence that what we’ve gained from one reality, that can be passed onto another reality or those in another reality.
  • If you see anybody who is successful, irrespective of whether it’s business success, psychological success or spiritual success, they all are focused on creating their reality. And people either interact with it or are a part of it or not, as the case may be.
  • That’s when you start to see people becoming very famous or very visible in existence, if their reality is such that it’s understood by others and people want to be part of that reality. And you might want to keep your reality to yourself as well, which is perfectly fine as well.

So it’s really again labeling everything you want, creating a list and then prioritize it, of course. Which parts of your reality do you want to have operating first? Once you’ve done that, you can then start to add things to it.

  • Again be in your reality, ten minutes a day, twenty minutes a day, thirty minutes a day. Get that established and understand how it works, understand how you might improve it, and then add the other components on the list to your reality and then increase the time.
  • Eventually, you get the reality that’s around you all the time and then start to understand how to interact with others. Because you’ll start your reality slowly, the ability to interact with your reality and people outside of your reality or interacting with their realities will start to become understood and naturalized, so you’ll start to do it without even thinking about it. 

So that’s basically how to change your reality. The other thing is patience. Some things happen very quickly, even instantaneously. Other things can take a long time. So it’s really about understanding and being patient about what’s there. If it doesn’t happen straightaway, reinforce the thought process surrounding what that reality is. Feel it, know it, be it, touch it, taste it, be the essence of that. And again that reality will start to become part of who and what you are and what’s around you and what others may be interacting with in due course. 

Remember the universe is a big thing to work with and the multiverse is even bigger, so sometimes it takes a long time to get the machine working. Sometimes it goes on its own, so we have to be patient with ourselves and patient with our process and patient in terms of what things we can interact or can add to our reality first vs. what we would like to. 

Okay, so that’s how to create a reality in a very generalized way, but it gives you an idea of how to do it. It takes dedication. It takes devotion. It takes basically concentration, long term concentration as well. 

Good luck with your creations!

“What exists in your world is in direct relation to your thoughts of who you are and what you think of yourself.  Being grateful creates the energy needed to co-create and manifest!  The Universe is ready and waiting for you!” ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley