Here is an update from Matt Kahn, who asks us to look at some questions that help us see how easily we can be misguided on our spiritual path by viewing things in terms of reward and punishment. This message is very timely, since yesterday was the “Day Out Of Time” in the Mayan Calendar and today is the beginning of the next cycle. It’s time for us to release the old, revision the new and reset ourselves to a “higher timeline” both individually and collectively. Matt’s message helps us do that with more awareness and consciousness. I have entitled his message: “Unraveling Core Limiting Beliefs.”
“Unraveling Core Limiting Beliefs” by Matt Kahn – Posts
“Although many can view the current state of the planet as apocalyptic signs, it’s important to know that an apocalypse is actually the process of ascension merely viewed through the lens of an unraveling ego structure. To help you through this process, let’s explore the gifts and opportunities the Universe is ushering in, on all of our behalf, to move awareness beyond the surreal intensity of a rapidly-changing world. At this time, the Universe is expanding the collective consciousness by helping evolving beings such as yourself to become aware of and to continue the process of unraveling core limiting beliefs out of your cellular memory.
This means, in spite of the things you intend to manifest, the Universe is helping you acknowledge your most core limiting beliefs by putting you in circumstances and guiding you through a series of outcomes to help you notice the most limiting ideas you conclude about yourself, life, or your place in the cosmos. To help you move through this process with utmost grace, you can ask yourself the following questions:
- When something uncomfortable, inconvenient, or unexpected happens, what reason do you give for why it occurs?
- Is your knee-jerk reaction wondering what you did wrong to bring this about?
- Do you hope to find the lesson as quickly as possible, so to move beyond the perception of punishment?
- Do you do inner work so intensely, as a way of trying to get into a better standing with a Source that only loves and adores you exactly as you are?
- Do you overly-spiritualize the perfection of divine timing by assigning blame to your ego’s behavior, a belief that your vibration must be low as a result of such outcomes, or merely holding the notion that you must not be worthy of all you wish to have?
These can be some rather bold questions, but it remains imperative to ask them in order to help you see through the veil of concepts you may be unknowingly and so innocently using to stay asleep in a dream of reward and punishment. As you continue to wake up, you begin to explore a Universe that is all reward with no punishments outside of the limiting and often heart-breaking conclusions we tend to draw in response to the unfolding journey of time.
As part of the human condition, human beings often draw conclusions in response to outcomes as a way of maintaining some semblance of control.
The belief tends to be: if I can understand why something is happening, I will be able to know what I can do to move through it or even transform it into greater circumstances for myself and others.
As always, there is always a kernel of truth hidden within the beliefs of our deepest distortions of reality. It is true, if you could understand why something is happening, you will be able to know what you can do to move through it or even transform it into greater circumstances for yourself and others. And yet, you don’t have to be blamed as the negative cause of any particular outcome, as if you must be guilty of some form of wrong-doing just because things aren’t going the way you had hoped or envisioned.
As the Universe helps you address your most limiting beliefs you have about yourself, others, the world, and reality as a whole– mainly focusing on the limiting beliefs you have about you– it assists in the further expansion of your awakening consciousness by being able to honor the often illusive and mysterious process of transmutation.
Transmutation acts as a sacred fire burning up all that no longer serves you each and every time you are emotionally triggered or turned against yourself in response to an outcome or anyone else’s behavior.
The more you know that life will become whatever series of circumstances is needed to help you examine the limiting beliefs you hold to be true about yourself, the easier it is to let go of needing things to be any particular way in order to discover the happiness, wholeness, inspiration, and joy that you seek.
It also helps you uplevel your understanding of co-creation beyond the limits of the ego’s understanding. Co-creation is real, but you are not solely in charge of what comes or goes. Since co-creation references a collaboration, it helps you understand that your partnership with the Universe allows any degree of circumstance to manifest, not because of the insistence of personal will, but through the grace of divine timing that is doing everything in its infinite power to help you become the heart-centered, embodied, and fully integrated consciously divine human you were born to be.
As more space is cleared to allow such an embodied and integrated presence of your soul to move deeper into your physical body, you come to realize the true fulfillment you have been searching for comes from being aligned with spirit more often than not, and not necessarily dependent upon what you have, don’t have, want, or resent others for having.
This is why the Universe creates personal and collective head-scratching scenarios, where specific versions of you, along with other characters, show up to behave in ways that allow you to watch the limiting beliefs that may arise in response. Because the addressing of core limiting beliefs is so front and center for so many right now, the key at this time is being more compassionate with yourself than ever before. Let yourself off the hook by allowing yourself to enter a reality where things don’t happen because of anything you do or don’t do.
Because the unraveling of limiting core beliefs is escorting you beyond the confines of psychological imprisonment, it is very common right now to have a rebellious nature when it comes to self-imposed rules and rigidity.
For example, if you are on a cleanse, don’t be surprised by the desire or likelihood of cheating, just to know you have the right to do as you wish and be as you may. The unraveling of limiting core beliefs also amplifies the tendency of emotional eating, in attempt to seek surrogate forms of comfort, as the beliefs that once offered comfort are seen to have overstayed their welcome. There is no doubt that as all the pieces of self are put back together throughout your journey of awakening, there will be a remarkable difference in your alignment of choices, but this process is not something your ego can micro-manage or control.
At this critical time of inner alchemical transmutation, the essential spiritual practices are those rooted in self-love and self-discovery.
It is a time where you are truly needed as the one who can deliver the light of Source energy into your being by how authentically and more often you dare to love yourself, while accepting that everything happens to usher in a new version of you and a newly-transformed reality and not because of anything you did ‘wrong’ in any way.
During this phase of transmutation, it is natural to have rampant cravings, feel stir-crazy, confused, mesmerized, or dismayed by life’s growing list of uncertainties, an increase in physical or emotional pain– including pain in your head, as well as electrical surges and shocks along major meridian points.
Such symptoms, while representing evidence of transmutation in progress, also act as reminders to be gentle with yourself as you move beyond the threshold of this evolutionary process.
As the pace of life slows to give you a more direct view into the inner-workings of a conditioned past, you are able to cut the cords to each and every anchor and set sail along our most miraculous voyage into new seas of discovery.
With less pressure and rigidity overwhelming an already overwhelming time in Earth’s history, the signs of a newly-awakening world begin to surface in the beauty of your everyday life.
From my heart to yours, thank you for being here, staying the course, and being such an instrumental catalyst in ensuring that the vibration of love is channeled into your heart and reality, no matter how shameful, unworthy, or disconnected any belief suggests you to be. On behalf of the Universe, thank you for being you exactly as you are.
May the Universe show you exactly how, no matter the circumstances in view, love always has the final word. Love always wins.
All For Love, Matt”

Note: All images and some emphasis as bold text or block quotes added by me.
For more information, please see:
Matt Kahn – Posts (Facebook)
Matt Kahn: The Universe Always Has a Plan: The 10 Golden Rules of Letting Go: Matt Kahn: 9781401958091: Books
Matt Kahn: Everything Is Here To Help You, 2018
Matt Kahn: Whatever Arises, Love That, 2016
Matt Kahn 6-4-20…”How Love Heals” – Big Picture Questions
Matt Kahn: “Clarity To Embodiment” (YouTube lecture presented on 9/17/2019) & “You Are The Way” (YouTube lecture presented on 5/6/2019) & Matt Kahn – Posts, The Universe Always Has a Plan: The 10 Golden Rules of Letting Go: Matt Kahn: 9781401958091: Books
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