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What Is the New Normal?

During this Coronavirus pandemic, many people have been in some form of collective time out, which has led to different reactions in different people. Some can’t wait to “get back to normal,” while others are relishing this pause in their life, which has allowed them to be and do things they couldn’t before (e.g. be in your own energies, be with your family, go within, transmute some fears and traumas, discern truths vs. untruths or conspiracy theories, learn to be present or “timeless” through meditation, channeling or creative bursts through music, acting, writing). These are all “normal” responses that make us ask: What is the new normal?

What is the New Normal?

Here are some questions and answers I got in my own meditations with Source this week, which I’d like to share with my readers as food for thought and for divinely inspired actions to come:

I’ve been pondering about the future of humanity – how society can change? How much? How fast? How widespread it can be across the globe? How to do it? 

This is an experiment in individualized free will. Now you know that this is the first time it’s being done this way in a thorough manner. It’s not been used in other cycles, not like this. We isolated this area from the rest of the galactic community, because there were many event spaces, where the ripple effects were going to affect others, unless certain barriers and tolerances were in place.

That’s why you are in quarantine as Earth already — haha! [with me Source has a playful sense of humor!] It’s now that you’re also in self-quarantine, so therein lies the answer to your question – it’s all about the SELF!

This is an experiment to see how an individual can transmute traumas, fears, how an individual can rise above things, to problem solve, to be resourceful, to be inspired, to be able to move forward without an authoritarian master or slave master driving him to do things, to make things, to build things, to invent things, etc.

So the key word is self-responsibility. It is what is being taught here in the bigger picture. It’s to do with people learning to move away from victimhood, blaming others, judging others, projecting their fears and shadows onto others in the external world. It’s about them learning to face those things in their inner world.

This is what this pause is all about. It’s about inner work, going within, but sadly most people don’t know what that even means. You and others have been doing that for decades now, trying to learn about self in terms of personality types, enneatypes, archetypes, modes of behavior, how we interact with each other and so on.

This experiment is not about just the self, it’s about how the self can become a higher driving force in a communityThat is the key to your evolution.

So it starts with self-reflection, self-awareness, self-observation, self-acceptance, self-love, self-worth, self-compassion, self-creativity, self-sustainability, self-resourcefulness, self-control, self-restraint, self-invention, self-reinvention even, self-guidance, self-direction, self-connection, self-realization, self-communion with Self, the bigger Self you have.

All that activity is what we’re interested in, how a shadow level person can rise above in frequencies, to recreate themselves, to reinvent themselves into a self-generating, self-sustaining, self-governing person, who then gathers with other people of like mind and then creates an intentional community of self-governing individuals.

That’s what some people around you are planning to do. And it’s inherently going to work, because that’s what higher frequency beings know and want to manifest. You are self-governing, and you want to gather with others of that type, so that you can create a piece of “heaven on earth.” 

That is what they are after and they’re right. There will be many like them, who will create small intentional communities, where they can share their skills, talents, learn from each other in many ways, and realize that together we are stronger than just by ourselves.

They will learn about doing things for themselves. They are not like children waiting for parents to tell them what is allowed, what is not, what they’re supposed to do, how structured their life needs to be. They will be self-governing, self-sustained, self-directed, but still working together for the common good. That is the thought behind the experiment.

But you know that many people aren’t at that level yet, so it’s going to take some time?

Well, there is no “time.” The point of it is to see how many people can naturally self-orient themselves towards that kind of reality, that kind of community, how they triangulate across the world, how they affect the others.

Well, if they are higher frequency beings, won’t they be invisible to others?

Only if they’re in a totally different frequential band, but most will be rising just above the overall frequency, so they will still be seen by others, the majority, even laggards. They will show the way. People will see that things are working in that society.

What about health care, laws, governance, childcare, food, all that? 

Those are the things that each community will figure out on their own in their own terms. What works for one community may not work for another. That’s where the ingenuity, creativity, skills and talents of the different groups come into play. They each contribute in their own way, but together they create a strong, sustaining community. They can also educate and communicate with each other [as to what works or doesn’t work well].

What about the military industrial complex, the Illuminati, the puppet masters that want to control us?

Well, that is something that we’ve been playing for eons on this planet. It’s time to change the rules of the game here to accelerate your evolution. Those structures were in place to allow you to play the shadows [or victim patterns] to their fullest. That is no longer necessary.

You have done that — been there, done that — and the planet shows it. There is pestilence, locusts, droughts, flooding, famine even, and other problems, like pollution, climate change, etc. causing displacement of people from one place to another, migration of people, all that. They are all symptoms of a dysfunctional society. They cannot be ignored by anyone now.

The main lesson here is that you’re not here for yourself only. You are here to work as a community, as a brotherhood and sisterhood. That is the key, so this time now is going to accelerate that phase of your evolution in a new way.

It will take some time, not everyone is ready for that. So some will try to go on as before, but it won’t stick, so to speak, because too many people have seen the light, seen the truth about government, about corruption, about puppet masters, about money, about financial collapse, about all these things that you’re facing yet again in your lifetime.

So be cheerful, because this is the start of something BIG. You will be amazed by how fast the change can happen, when people put their minds to making things better. You are an ingenious race, full of ideas, full of resourcefulness, full of solutions, problem solvers, because you all have individualized free will to do so. That’s why your evolution is so much faster than a collective civilization is.

So start putting these thoughts out to the ethers and watch and rejoice how it is going to take hold. You can see the virus as a barometer of fear, and you can see people’s urge or quest for change as another “virus” — people who see other people working and living a life of simpler means, but enjoying the togetherness of a community will show the way for others.

Is this another hippie commune experiment? Or something better? 

Well, this is not the sixties — this is not a counterculture. This is a reinvention of culture. This is a higher frequency concept, not marred by drugs, sex, and lower frequency behaviors that those people used, because they were too high frequency for those times that they were escaping. 

This new culture is built by people who are wide awake, who know how to connect to me, who know that there is much more to them than the body, who realize they have to take care of themselves in many ways: physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically, and spiritually.

That is the future we are looking at, dear one, so let’s present it to everybody, so they can see the light ahead of this rather dark tunnel you’re birthing yourselves through right now.

Thank you for this answer, I love it, it makes me cry!

No, thank you for asking — more people need to hear these ideas. Go with it, publish it, spread it around. The details will present themselves, as you go along with this idea. Inspire people, encourage them to try something new and different. Support them in the ways you can — with words, with efforts, with money even, as necessary. This is your future, dear one, and it is good. Know you are loved, appreciated and supported every step of the way. Go in peace and love.

Final Thoughts

I hope this post helps you see that we are on a trajectory to a NEW normal! Our future doesn’t have to be dystopian, it can be whatever we want it to be, as outlined in my previous post: What Makes a Great Civilization? – Big Picture Questions. We are moving into a brand new territory for humanity — we have no previous models for what we’re about to create for ourselves. This is the time for us to dream, to imagine, to wonder what it would be like to live in a new reality like the one I’ve shared here, for example.

Our Source knows that I have a “love affair” with the I Ching Gates in this lifetime! So it’s no accident that this message was given to me this week, when the Sun is in Gate 24 of Retweaking/Reinvention/Rationalization, which connects and forms a channel with my Gate 61 of Wonder/Inner Truth/Mystery. This is how we ponder a thought that we consider inspiring — we need to give ourselves time to review it and return to it until it can be communicated to others. That’s how resolutions or aha moments happen without trying to control them.

That’s how we will figure out ways to get out of the “messes” we’ve gotten ourselves into. That and the new spiritually advanced children and masters, who are born already plugged into the higher frequencies or walk-in as such — like Greta Thunberg, who (according to Guy Needler) is one of the highly evolved White Children serving as an eco-warrior to help humanity, the planet, its fauna and flora. She’s paving the way for more White Children to come! Yay!!!

“Stay Light, Be Light, Light the way for others.” – Guy Needler

What is the new normal

Acknowledgement: Thank you to Guy Needler for teaching us how to channel the Source in his “Traversing The Frequencies” workshops that he is giving to people around the world.

For more information, please see:

What Is an Intentional Community vs. a Cult? – Big Picture Questions

What Is the Spiritual View Of Coronavirus? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

What Is the Spiritual Perspective On Coronavirus? – Big Picture Questions

What Makes a Great Civilization? – Big Picture Questions

Wendy Kennedy 4-8-20…”Navigating the Unknown” – Big Picture Questions

How To Cope With the Current Global Reality? – Big Picture Questions

How Is the Coronavirus Serving As a Truth Teller? – Big Picture Questions

What Is the Gift Of a Collective Time Out? – Big Picture Questions

How To Stop Coronavirus From Attaching To You? – Big Picture Questions

Guy Needler 4-25-20…World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture Questions

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, 2020 (in publication)

Are We Ascending To the Fifth Dimension? – Big Picture

When Will Humanity Ascend From 3D Earth? – Big Picture

How Can We Move Beyond Grievances? – Big Picture

How To Reframe Your Life? – Big Picture

How To Dissolve Your Victim Patterns? – Big Picture

Why Is This Multiverse Cycle Different? – Big Picture

What Is New About Planets and Galaxies? – Big Picture

What Is the Purpose Of Evil Leaders? – Big Picture

What Is the Purpose Of the Illuminati? – Big Picture

How To Shift From Ego To Soul Activation? – Big Picture

What Are Common Misconceptions About Creation and Evolution? – Big Picture

How To Defuse Duality and Transcend Misguided Thoughtforms? – Big Picture

What Are Human Root Races? – Big Picture

What Is the Human Being Project? – Big Picture

What Is the Free Will Experiment With Humans On Earth? – Big Picture

Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

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