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What Is Wrong With Conspiracy Theories?

In previous posts, we’ve looked at many topics around the world’s power structures, Illuminati, dark forces, polarity warring, money systems, world cycles, ascension myths, victim patterns, fear patterns, and how our sovereignty is evolving in the context of all that exists in our collective reality. Recent news have highlighted another aspect of our reality, which begs the question: What is wrong with conspiracy theories? 

What is a conspiracy theory?

Here are a few definitions to consider:

  1. A theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful or influential but covert conspirators.
  2. Hypothetical speculation that is commonly considered untrue or outlandish.
  3. A conspiracy theory is an attempt to explain a perceived real-world occurrence through the actions of a secretive, usually evil and very selfish group. Conspiracies manifest themselves across the political spectrum. Not all conspiracy theories are wrong.

As Rob Brotherton (“Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe in Conspiracy Theories”) wrote: “Dismissing all conspiracy theories (and theorists) as crazy is just as intellectually lazy as credulously accepting every wild allegation.”

Jesse Walker (“The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory”) goes further by describing five kinds of conspiracy theories:

  • The “Enemy Outside” refers to figures scheming against a community from without.
  • The “Enemy Within” finds the conspirators lurking inside the nation, indistinguishable from ordinary citizens (e.g. a mole, collaborator, double agent, Manchurian candidate, etc.).
  • The “Enemy Above” involves powerful people manipulating events for their own gain.
  • The “Enemy Below” features the lower classes working to overturn the social order.
  • The “Benevolent Conspiracies” are angelic forces working behind the scenes for the world.

Are conspiracy theories the same worldwide?

Here are some favorite conspiracy theories promoted in Russia, US and UK. Some of them may be state-sponsored propaganda, while others are found across the world (click to enlarge):

Note: Table based on various articles (listed in the references below).

Why do people believe in conspiracies?

Psychologist Karen Douglas and colleagues found that reasons for believing in conspiracy theories can be grouped into three categories:

  • The desire for understanding and certainty — it’s natural for us to ask questions and try to find answers that comfort us or fit our worldview, even if it’s a false belief (disinformation). People may not understand the science, trust the experts or believe their government.
  • The desire for control and security — for example, if global warming is a hoax, then I can maintain my way of living without having to make painful changes or any sacrifices.
  • The desire to maintain a positive self-image — people who feel socially marginalized may get a sense of community from online conspiracy groups or feel that they hold privileged knowledge that makes them “unique” and sets them apart from the ignorant masses.

“Self-image trumps facts every time.” — David Ludden

Studies have shown that people are more likely to endorse a new conspiracy, when they find out that fewer people believe in it than when many people believe it. As Gina Lake observed:

  • Believers tend to be more cynical or unhappy about the world and politics in particular. For these people, conspiracy theories just confirm their belief that the world is evil. It takes the responsibility off of them to find personal happiness. They would rather play the victim.
  • Some people like the drama and intrigue of conspiracies. Others use it as an excuse to complain about things without doing anything about it. They want change but don’t want to change themselves. They feel too small or hopeless to fight a powerful hidden enemy.

In contrast, people with higher levels of education tend to be more immune to conspiracy theories. They have higher analytical skills to properly assess the argument/counterargument and they’re used to solving problems and have developed skills to control their lives. They don’t feel as powerless, hopeless or unable to make changes in their lives or the outer world.

What is wrong with conspiracy theories?

Do they help or hurt people? When college students are exposed to conspiracy theories, they feel more insecure, not less. Is conspiracy-theory belief self-defeating? In my experience, yes!

  • I went thru a conspiracy theory phase on my spiritual path. I listened to a nightly radio show and heard all about doom and gloom, catastrophic earth changes, mind control, financial collapse, ghosts, alien abductions, nefarious government programs, etc. etc.
  • I heard similar negative stories on many “spiritual” boards that only talked about the negative alien agenda, human enslavement, psychic attacks, etc. We were powerless!

Thank God for Wendy Kennedy, who got me out of that loop. She said many humans are hoping for a Big Shift or a Big Disaster! Why? Because they’re feeling frustrated, angry, sad, depressed or disconnected, they want a big event, so that everyone will “wake up to reality.”

  • BUT there are as many realities as there are beings to interpret reality. What a concept!
  • Similarly, there are as many truths as there are beings to interpret the truth. The version of truth or history is always colored by a being’s perspective, and every being has an agenda.

Well, that changes everything! The information about conspiracies may come from radio hosts, channels or psychics, who serve their own or some other entity’s agenda. If that information makes you feel afraid, hopeless or powerless, then clearly it’s not serving YOU. Don’t go there!

Final Thoughts

There are several important points that I have learned about conspiracies:

  • Lyssa Royal said every civilization goes through a phase in which the collective is highly polarized, because they start tapping into primal archetypal fears. The frightened egos create stories that are projected as shadows on the walls of collective consciousness. People get caught up in a net of conspiracy theories without recognizing these distractions as egoic projections. They are fighting “for” or “against” their own illusionary shadows!
  • Nora Herold said that conspiracy theories serve us in the sense that they get us outside of the programming that there is only one truth. But the stories about the Illuminati, Reptilians and the Anunnaki are a phase we go through, not a final destination. We need to move through it to a place where none of that matters any longer!
  • Guy Needler said conspiracy theories are a form of gossip. Gossip is one of the most insidious ways to accrue negative karma. When we enter into the event spaces of the conspiracists, it drags us down into their lower frequency energies. Their event space gains gravity or attractivity that pulls other people into it to form a larger energy sink. It’s a downward spiral that pulls more and more people in, which is detrimental to everybody!

We have individualized free will. We can choose not to be drawn into event spaces with conspiracy theorists or those who broadcast them in the media. That way we can remove ourselves from the potential karmic links and mass karmic influences associated with them. It’s better to work on yourself and BE the change you wish to see in the world.

STOP! Don’t even think about going there!

Here is a final message that encapsulates what we’re going through:

Trinity Esoterics | Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 7, 2018

“It is a great blessing that you have access to so much information. This is allowing accelerated growth and expansion in many of you, as you have so much knowledge at your fingertips. This is contributing greatly to your enlightenment process and the awakening of the planet.

And yet, with so much information there will be many different voices, opinions, and perspectives. It can seem chaotic when there is much conflicting information being presented. While we understand it can seem overwhelming, this is also a great gift for you, for it makes it necessary for you to hone your discernment, to connect within to see what resonates, to take what fits for you and simply leave the rest behind, and to ultimately know the greatest path to follow is the one led by your own wisdom and heart.

So rest easy with the noise and find the stillness within. The many, many options that are being presented to you are allowing you to discover your own truth like never before and that, Dear Ones, is empowerment.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Note: All images and emphasis are mine.

For more information, please see:

Are Conspiracy Theories Another Virus? – Big Picture Questions

How Do We Deal With Mass Manipulation? – Big Picture Questions

What Is the Dark Agenda? – Big Picture Questions

What Is an Intentional Community vs. a Cult? – Big Picture Questions

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016

Guy Needler 2-25-17…The World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture (Lecture on Conspiracy theories and how they affect us)

Shelley Young: Trinity Esoterics | Dedicated To Raising Spiritual AwarenessTrinity Esoterics | Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 7, 2018

Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Home

Lyssa Royal: Prism of Lyra, 2010 & Journey through the Galactic Heritage Cards – Cards #1-2 (Founders and Galactic Core) – YouTube & Intro to the Galactic Heritage Cards Pt 1 – YouTube & Intro to the Galactic Heritage Cards Part 2 – YouTube & – :: Intro ::

Gina Lake: The Extraterrestrial Vision, 1995

Gregory Stanton (genocide expert): QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded

An AI tool can distinguish between a conspiracy theory and a true conspiracy – it comes down to how easily the story falls apart

How To Help the World See the Truth? – Big Picture Questions

Jesse Walker: The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory, 2013

How To Be Part Of the Solution? – Big Picture

How Do We Transcend The Powers That Be? – Big Picture

Nora Herold 6-21-18…”The Power Structures On Your World” – Big Picture

Nora Herold 6-5-18…”How To Transmute Stored Trauma?” – Big Picture

How Do We Create Our Reality? – Big Picture

Why Don’t Things Happen When We Want? – Big Picture

What Are the Different Levels Of Event Space? – Big Picture

How Do We Jump Timelines? – Big Picture

What Are So-Called Timeline Wars? – Big Picture

What Happens To People In Mass Deaths By Tsunamis, 9/11 Or Other Events? – Big Picture

How To Cope With Awakening? – Big Picture

What Is Ascension Flu? – Big Picture

When Will Humanity Ascend From 3D Earth? – Big Picture

Why Do We Revisit the Same Old Issues? – Big Picture

Where Do Fear Patterns Come From? – Big Picture

How Does Manifesting Work In 3D? – Big Picture

How Does Manifesting Work In 5D? – Big Picture

What Is a Spiritual Hero’s Journey? – Big Picture

How To Dissolve Your Victim Patterns? – Big Picture

How To Defuse Duality and Transcend Misguided Thoughtforms? – Big Picture

What Is the Purpose Of the Illuminati? – Big Picture

What Is the Purpose of Conflict and War? – Big Picture

What Is the Purpose Of Evil World Leaders? – Big Picture

What Is the Purpose of Duality Or the Dark Forces? – Big Picture

José Stevens 12-8-16…”Donald Trump’s Personality and Character Structure” – Big Picture

What Is Material vs. Spiritual Ambition? – Big Picture

What Are the Stages Of Spiritual Development? – Big Picture

How To Recognize the Truth In Everything? – Big Picture

How To Discern Channeled Information? – Big Picture

What Is Karma In Modern Spiritual Science? – Big Picture

Who Gains the Most Karma: the Evil Leader Or Commander Or Follower? – Big Picture

What Are Human Root Races? – Big Picture

ConspiracyTheoriesBook — Jan-Willem van Prooijen

50 Years of Conspiracy Theories — New York Magazine & 50 Years of Conspiracy Theories – The Illuminati — New York Magazine & 50 Years of Conspiracy Theories – 9-11 — New York Magazine

Strangest conspiracy theories: from Jesus to JFK and aliens | The Week UK

David Ludden: Why Do People Believe in Conspiracy Theories? | Psychology Today

Conspiracy Theories: Why the More Educated Don’t Believe Them | Big Think

America’s Top Fears 2017 – Chapman University Survey of American Fears – Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Everyone Against Russia: Conspiracy Theories on the Rise In Russian Media

Top 5 favorite conspiracy theories of the Russians | Big Think

America’s 10 Most Popular Conspiracy Theories | Big Think

What Aren’t They Telling Us? – Chapman University Survey of American Fears – Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (Featured image)

Donald Trump has made conspiracy theories great again – CNNPolitics

A stunning new report has revealed how Russians are weaponizing health information

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Ulla Sarmiento

    Thank you for your comment. I’m not saying that at all. You need to see the Big Picture. See the updated version of conspiracy theories here:

    Are Conspiracy Theories Another Virus? – Big Picture Questions

  2. Kyle

    This has aged very badly. Are you saying never question the Matrix/mainstream narratives? This is one of the most Agent Smith articles I’ve read.

  3. Big Picture Questions

    From the soul’s perspective, all is choice, including an exit point in the first seven years of life from a preventable illness, such as measles (see below). This is the current state of affairs given that there are so many variables involved:

    Substantial decline in global measles deaths, but disease still kills 90,000 per year | Press centre | UNICEF

    Vaccines to Children: Protective Effect and Adverse Events: A Systematic Review – PubMed – NCBI

    Who Is at Risk From Unvaccinated Kids?

    Vaccinations in migrants and refugees: a challenge for European health systems. A systematic review of current scientific evidence. – PubMed – NCBI

    For more information on the soul’s exit points or termination junctures:

    How Do Souls Exit From Life? – Big Picture

    What Is the Spiritual Perspective On Abortion? – Big Picture

  4. A.T

    Thank you. Better be very careful with vaccines before seven years old.

  5. Big Picture Questions

    Good question with many points of view. In my understanding as a scientist with an immunogenetics background, they are useful and help prevent and/or contain infectious diseases in human and animal populations epidemiologically speaking. It’s a way to induce immunologic memory against a potentially debilitating or lethal pathogen (e.g. polio, rabies, etc.).

    Not all vaccines are the same. Vaccine development has evolved a lot since the days of Louis Pasteur, who noticed that milk maids didn’t get smallpox, because they were naturally immunized by their exposure to the milder form of the pox virus seen in cows as cowpox. There are some vaccines that may be more harmful (e.g. modified live virus vs. killed virus or recombinant virus vaccine) in some susceptible people or animals (e.g. immunocompromised, the very aged, the very young, etc.).

    From the energetic perspective, Needler said that the human form is still developing up to the 7th year of life. Any chemicals introduced into it will affect the way the child’s energy system works and how the gross physical form interacts with it. For that reason, his feeling is that we shouldn’t vaccinate babies before their energy system is more mature. (BTW: He said vaccination is a minor reason for ASD/autism).

    BUT the young are the most susceptible to infectious diseases, because they don’t have any previous exposure to the pathogens. In nature, the young rely on the mother’s colostrum (or “first milk” rich with antibodies made by the mother against what’s in their environment) to give them some passively transferred immunity. They continue to receive it through the mother’s milk for as long as they’re fed that. You know that varies a lot from one child to another.

    We also know from the “Human Being Project” that the earliest higher frequency human forms were not susceptible to infectious agents at all, because the denser matter of viruses and bacteria would just pass through their bodies. When we fell to lower frequencies, things changed. The hermaphrodite experiment had problems with variable immunity. One body could survive a viral infection, but other bodies would die out, so that form didn’t provide enough bodies for souls to incarnate. The next experiment was to split the genders, so the positive features of one body (e.g. immunity) were passed onto the reproduced body (baby). This caused the least problems in the energetic realms.

    So you can see that there are many levels and layers to ponder with the question of vaccines. I’ve been vaccinated against pretty much everything under the sun (all childhood vaccines in Finland, rabies as a veterinary student, etc. etc.), and I’m still here probably because of it. I hope that helps!

    For more information, you might like to check these posts:

    What Is the Human Being Project? – Big Picture

    What Is the Zika Virus Pandemic About? – Big Picture

    What Is the Spiritual Or Energetic Basis Of Autism? – Big Picture

  6. A.T

    What to think about vaccines, are they essential ? Do they affect the spiritual bodies also ?

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