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What Is Meant By the Power Of One?

Previously, we have talked about the Dark Agenda, the Illuminati and Evil Leaders, who perpetrate atrocities, wars and chaos amongst us. We’ve also learned about Mass Manipulation of people in various different ways. Now it’s time to put it all together, to realize what’s really going on. What is meant by the Power of One?

What is meant by the Power of One?

You could say that the world is in crisis and things could get much worse unless WE change how we operate here. For example, the pandemic led us into a collective dark night of the soul affecting everyone around the world one way or another. One of its purposes was to wake us up out of feelings of separation and isolation into craving for more connection and unity of humanity.

The Power of One is being played out in many ways right in front of us.

  • Lee Harris’ solstice message told us we were going to be exposed to both emotional and structural instability due to power grabs, twists and turns, and karmic consequences for dark energy.
  • That has certainly come to pass. Nothing is as it seemed to be. Some people try to amass more personal power to have power over others, which is the Power of One seen through the eyes of a self-server.
  • But you as an individual also have a lot of power to effect positive change, to uplift others with your presence, smile, kind words, compassion and generosity of spirit. It costs nothing to do that.

When we start to work together as a community with the Power of Oneness, our collective intention gets amplified exponentially to effect massive change for more unity and harmony. This is what Harris called rehearsal for future building and unity birthing in the face of visible division.

What is the game here?

The game on Earth is much bigger than most of us realize. The game is multidimensional, because the players come from different full dimensions (FD) of the multiverse to play within the physical universe. The game is also multifrequential, because the players incarnate as various species at different frequency bands (FB).

  • There are agendas within agendas, because we’re playing at the universal, galactic, solar system and planetary levels, including international, national, local community and personal levels.
  • The game is set up to have both physical and “interdimensional” interactions. Most of us only see the physical side of life, but some people are in contact with entities above us, who can see what we’re doing.

The Earth experiment is unique, because it is all about individualized free will, which is meant to accelerate our evolution in this universe. How? By allowing us to experience, learn and evolve individually to learn to master the right use of Love, Wisdom and Power in a balanced way, as we ascend the frequencies individually.

  • Since our world doesn’t look very balanced right now, we have more work to do individually and collectively.
  • We’re meant to go within, process any fears or traumas that still trigger us regarding safety, security, health, well-being, work, self-worth, belonging, connection with family, friends and our global community.
  • Our hearts go out to all people, who are being denied basic human rights, who struggle with war, natural disasters, economic or food crises, and other losses. Our goal is to dream a higher reality for ALL humans.

What happened with the Fall of Atlantis?

Some say Atlantis was an attempt to create an idyllic society, in which technology and nature could work in harmony together. Others consider Atlantis as a trial run for ascension. As Lyssa Royal (“The Golden Lake”), Wendy Kennedy (“The Great Human Potential”) and Nora Herold pointed out, we are still dealing with the same issues that polarized the Atlantean civilization, including:

  1. Free will as it relates to individual will vs. collective will. This affects basic human rights, such as the right to an abortion, same-sex marriage, interracial marriage, etc.
  2. Inner technology (power of love, spirituality, heart centered unity consciousness) vs. outer technology (love of power, power of the mind/ego, science, technology, e.g. atomic bombs, AI, space travel, etc.).
  3. Integration of the divine feminine (yin/being) and divine masculine (yang/doing) energies within an old patriarchal system run by distorted or lower masculine energies.
  4. Cooperation (unity in diversity, both/and thinking) vs. competition (winner/loser, either/or thinking) or persecution (us vs. them thinking that divides people based on gender, age, race, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, nationality, etc.).

There were three major factions in Atlantis that operated with the Power of One in different ways:

  1. White Robes worked with the Law of One. They didn’t want to interfere with Earth or nature in any way. It didn’t matter to them what humanity wanted at all. Humanity’s free will was removed in that sense.
  2. Dark Robes didn’t care what happened to the planet or humanity or anyone else. It was all about personal gain and amassing power and control over others. Only their own free will and service to self mattered.
  3. Grey Robes were in the middle and beginning to integrate the two extremes. They wanted to work with nature, respecting the Earth and the value of humanity and their individual desires all at same time.

What is happening to us now?

Lyssa Royal said all these issues are being played out on Earth again. We have an opportunity to make new choices between love of power vs. power of love, technology vs. nature, individual vs. collective will. When we look at our world today, we can see that many people are still polarized into these two extremes:

  1. Contractionists: People who value safety and security above all else. They do not want change. They just want to protect what is here now. Their ego wants control and domination. There is no trust or connection with the spirit. They defend the status quo or want to go backwards to their old ways.
  2. Expansionists: People who want to expand and try out new ideas, to disassemble old structures. They don’t give in to the ego’s need for control. They challenge the status quo. They have trust and want to move into the unknown or future building. Their spirit yearns to grow and transform things.

We need to learn from both patterns. The expansionist guides us to inspiration and motivation, while the contractionist keeps us grounded. Together they can create a more integrated pattern to go forward without the fear of failure, fear of being stuck, fear of letting go, fear of change or fear of the future.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, this game is very complex on many levels of reality. There are many players with opposing agendas, each trying to spin the story in their favor. This is the time to remember that everybody’s perception of reality is colored by their own filters, programming and life experiences. No two people see things in exactly the same way. Nobody but you has walked in your shoes in this lifetime, so honor that in yourself and others.

The planet has been playing with the energies of Power, Control and Victimization for eons. Some people are trying to grab power and have control over others, but we see them in a new light now. The pandemic has forced us to re-evaluate our lives, societal structures and governments that haven’t been very effective in dealing with global problems (e.g. pandemic, energy crisis, food crisis, financial crisis, climate change, etc.). All these events are meant to bring us together, to make us work in a more democratic way (Power of Oneness) instead of an autocratic way (Power of One).

When we look at the Power of One, some people feel powerless, because they give their power to others (e.g. politicians, preachers, authority figures, Supreme Court), rather than take responsibility for themselves. Those in power gladly take that power and often abuse it for selfish purposes. If we are master creators, why would we give our power away? This is sometimes related to some other life, where we abused power. In this life, we may be afraid to run our full power, but that doesn’t work either.

We need to we wake up and own our power individually and collectively as human beings with a common goal for us and the planet. That’s how we turn the triangle of Power—Control—Victimization into Empowerment of Self and Others, Self-Regulation and Self-Government, Freedom and Faith in our magnanimous Spirit that unites us all! That is the Power of Oneness that is ours to claim as an awakening species. We are being called to transform the things that our Atlantean forefathers couldn’t. We got this!

As a human being, you are either in a state of contraction or expansion; think black hole versus nova.

A black hole contracts, pulling everything near it to its center leaving nothing but darkness. A nova, even as a by-product of destruction, creates light beyond measure. This contraction or expansion of the spirit within is your doing, your creation, your choice. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley

“Stay Light, Be Light, Light the way for others.” – Guy Needler

For more information, please see:

QAnon: a timeline of violence linked to the conspiracy theory | US news | The Guardian & The ‘Q’ movement is a pro-pedophile, pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic Nazi-adjacent Trumpian cult & QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded & Explained: How the QAnon Conspiracy Theory Gained a Foothold in America & QAnon Latest: Jason Gelinas Named as Developer Behind – Bloomberg

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Wendy Kennedy: Home – Higher Frequencies & Pleiadian Tools for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos – Higher Frequencies

Tom Kenyon & Wendy Kennedy: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, 2013

Nora Herold: Nora Herold – Pleiadian & Faerie Channel and Incarnate Guide – Workshops and Special Events – 2021

Lyssa Royal-Holt: The Golden Lake: Wisdom from the Stars for Life on Earth, 2019

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, 2020 (in publication)

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Universal Laws, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Awakening, 2021

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Health, 2022

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