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Where Do Healing and Realization Meet?

Matt Kahn gave a brilliant lecture on his YouTube Channel on August 7, 2020. He talked about our spiritual journey, which seemingly takes us on two separate paths, namely the path of healing or the path of realization. How do we make sense of these two paths? I’d like to summarize what he said and add what Source told me as well: Where Do Healing and Realization Meet? 

Where Do Healing and Realization Meet?

by Matt Kahn All For Love – YouTube on Aug 7, 2020 (“Where Healing & Realization Meet”)

Matt Kahn said the old spiritual path goes from doing to being, out of your head into your heart, or from something you don’t like into something more pleasurable. For many years, the healing journey and realization journey have been two parallel roads, often with beings on both sides having the timeless argument:

  • The healing side says there’s so much to DO. The realization side says all you have to do is BE.
  • But the new spiritual paradigm is where healing and realization meet. It brings the two halves together to create the wholeness that is already dwelling within everything.

Often in the healing journey, we find ourselves in a perpetual state of doing the inner work. We’re trying to speed up the healing journey with aggression, impatience, expectation and anticipation. It causes us to negotiate and do just about anything to try to control or sidetrack the hands of fate.

How can we really deepen our healing journey, if we haven’t first on any day, in any moment greeted the inner healer? What could the inner healer be but the Divine I AM within you?

Equally, on the side of realization, a revelation can dawn and leave someone thinking that’s all there is. There’s nothing to do. They are soothed by just being. They too can overlook what it really means to be present, actively engaging and interacting with the reality they are co-creating.

They are so mesmerized by knowing everything is one, they think it means the human play is less. They don’t play an active role of being the faithful advocate for their innocent human character.

Kahn said the easiest way we can bring these paths together is to realize the bigger truth, which is the space where realization and healing meet as the Divine I AM that we are. This truth often dawns in stages that include (in no particular order) the realization of an awakened mind, an awakened heart, and an awakened gut. Then we can say: I’m ready to be guided on my deepest journey.

The mind becomes the mind of universal will. The heart feels as only the divine feels and gives and receives. The gut becomes the source of our worthiness (with our personal, sexual and creative power). This is our natural state of being, as Source manifested as this wondrous character known as you! This truth shall set you free. Hello, Divine I AM, hello!

We become the alchemists that are in a humble and dynamic relationship with divinity. We allow healing to create space for realization to dawn. The paths of healing and realization are seen to be two aspects of the same journey, where healing and realization meet in a space called truth.

Being is just one aspect of the journey, just like doing is an aspect of the journey, so it’s never just be or just do. Being is not a passive, do nothing state of waiting for the world to change. It’s an active dynamic expression of doing, where we allow beingness to be in charge of the doing, which allows you to be your best, no matter who’s at their worst

Final Thoughts

I wanted to add some Q&A I had with Source today to complete the bigger picture. As always take what resonates and leave the rest.

Why is this concept of enlightenment so badly misunderstood by so many people, both spiritual students and teachers? 

You realize, dear, that enlightenment is a process. It is not a [light] switch, it’s a process, a wave, a transformative illumination of your own being. It doesn’t happen overnight, it happens over a lifetime or many lifetimes. It is something that you work upon as a human being, as other form factors also. It is something you attain in some lives, but not in other lives, because you wish to experience the process of “enlightening” itself.

Thus, there are many views, from many perspectives, many levels of attainment, many people, each engrossed in their own experience. That’s their perspective, their vantage point, and that’s okay. They are all right, because they are part of me. My truth is the absolute truth only because I have the perspective of all my parts — that’s what makes it more complete.

But as you know, it also changes, as more and more entities are adding to my knowledge base, to my understanding of how and when and why it happens. Do not get caught up in the word, the language used. Try to focus on the process, which is ever-present until you reach your status back to me, when we reintegrate, so to speak.

That is the enlightening process of a soul, of a Higher Self, of a creator being. There is no snapshot of it available for any of you, because you are in the process. You are not static, you are never the same from one moment to the next. You are constantly shifting your frequencies, your positions, your level of understanding and “light quotient” (as some call it), your frequency basically, depending on where you have projected your consciousness at that moment.

It’s ever-changing, it’s ever-evolving, it’s never the same for any two people. That’s where the confusion arises. Don’t worry about it. It will resolve itself for each and every person in due time.

What about Matt Kahn explaining the merging of healing and realization in the space of truth? What does that mean? 

He is referring to two paths, which are parallel in some sense, but simultaneous in another sense. His path of healing is about transmuting traumas, lower frequencies into higher frequencies, as you know from Gene Keys and FOAL and that sort of work on yourself, the inner work, that includes the enneagram, which describes the characters that your souls play in each lifetime. That information is universal, so it is useful.

What about the meditation path, the path of not doing, path of being? Where does that lead us? Is one path better than another? 

The meditative path is a stillness path, that removes your consciousness from the body, from the mind, from the human side of things. It is a valid path to discover the ethereal or spiritual side of yourself, but it alone is not enough, because you are here to be human beings, human doings and “human lovings” in the flesh, so to speak. You are here to be both sides of the coin — the human side and the spiritual side. One is not better than the other, both are needed to get the full picture of who you really are in incarnate human form.

You didn’t incarnate to just sit in a cave meditating this time around, not in this lifetime. You came here to witness the shift of humanity from one level or grade to another, a higher level, which will naturally bring out the higher functions in some people, and they will [then] facilitate the same process in other people, who are just discovering themselves as spiritual beings having a human experience. Neither is exclusive of the other, both are needed. 

Okay, so “be in the world, but not of it” — some say it’s about ego, be here as a soul, but not as an ego? But that’s dismissing the human part of the equation, the experiencer in all its shades of experience at all frequencies available to us, which were created by you? 

Yes, that’s right. You need not dismiss any of the frequencies as being “bad” or “dark” or such label, you came there to experience them all, the whole range or spectrum of frequencies available to you. It’s the work of a lifetime to do that, many lifetimes really, because you cannot experience all the various states of beingness in just one lifetime.

As Guy [Needler] told you, even masters like Jesus, Yogananda and others could only master about half of them in one lifetime. So imagine the people setting their life plan to focus on a few of them in one lifetime, that’s what they’re there to do, no more, no less. If they achieve more, such as recognizing themselves as part of me, recognizing themselves as creator entities with powers of their own, then so much the better, because they are advancing ahead of the rest in that lifetime and can help others do the same.

That’s why we send a lot of spiritual teachers in all flavors, sizes, shapes and configurations, because each will attract a different set of students or seekers that will benefit from their teachings, their examples, role modeling and such. They and you are not all the same.

Remember that I wish for you to experience diversity — diversity in the enlightenment process as well, not all doing the same thing, going through the same motions, going down the same track, because that only gives me information about that one track. We want to explore all the possible tracks there are, including the obstacles along the way. So that’s where the human side of things comes into play, the characters that you play. They contribute to my understanding in much the same way as the realization path does.

So is the ego an enemy of man? Or something more?

Well, you know from your studies that the ego is absolutely necessary for humans to retain their anchoring into the physical reality that you exist within. It is not bad in that sense, it is a necessary anchor, like a boat needs an anchor to stay put in a position on the lake or sea. The sea is the gross physical reality that you exist within, the anchor is your ego.

The ego changes as you evolve, as you go higher up in frequency. It changes from a purely human immersed experience with blinders on to seeing a bit more of the periphery, more of the scenery, more of the self, more of others, as you evolve. First you go through phases of self-observation, self-awareness, self-discipline, self-restraint, as you learn about yourself.

Then you go into phases of other observance. You witness how others behave around you, and that allows you to change your own reaction to them or even role model your behavior or learn from their behavior. That accelerates your and their learning, you see. That’s why interaction with others is important in life.

As you evolve and go higher up the frequencies, you will learn to cooperate more, to communicate more clearly, to commune with each other, amplifying the signals that you perceive individually and collectively. That is where higher functions start to come into play. You are given more skills and abilities, when you can be entrusted with wise use of them. 

You cannot give a box of matches to a child. They could hurt themselves and others, burn the house down, if left unattended. The same way, you cannot get access to higher functions with higher powers until you have learned about the right use of love, wisdom and power. That is the key here.

What about meditation then? What is the purpose of that really? 

It is a way for you to touch me in spirit, to detach yourself from the human self, the little self (the “you”) to touch your Higher Self (the “YOU”) and then subsequently me, your creator or Source. That is one side of the equation of being human or a human being.

It is not all that you are charged to do, because you are meant to interact with others, learn from the human experience itself, being a 3D incarnate entity, with linear time and a linear perspective on everything you encounter. That is part of your learning, too.

So the character your soul has chosen to use, to embody is just as important in terms of information to me, your creator, as the touching of your Higher Self and me in meditation or channeling. Both sides are of interest to all of us, you included in the spiritual side. It is all part of our learning, growth and evolution and progression as a whole.

Image from my new book: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships (2020)

For more information, please see:

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Matt Kahn: The Universe Always Has a Plan: The 10 Golden Rules of Letting Go: Matt Kahn: 9781401958091: Books & Matt Kahn All For Love – YouTube

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