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How Do We Reunite Science and Spirituality?

Last week I listened to a lot of talks at the “Reuniting Science and Spirituality” Summit. I would like to summarize some highlights in this post, entitled: “How do we reunite science and spirituality?

From: Discover New Paradigms in Consciousness & Healing | Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit 2019

Here are some highlights from the lectures given in the summit:

Rollin McCraty, PhD (HeartMath Institute) talked about “compassionate latitude.” What is that?

  • It is the combination of compassion (or understanding, fellow feeling, care and concern for the suffering of others, kindness, warm heartedness) with latitude (or giving people tolerance without having to agree or condone others’ actions, but seeing how they could come to those attitudes and how they are doing the best they can, according to their awareness, beliefs and stress overloads).
  • We can visualize replacing our judgments, angered responses, lack of tolerance and separation several times a day to anchor the new habit of compassionate latitude by practicing it with the people at home, at work, watching the news, etc. and radiating it to people all around the world, whose beliefs or polarizing views are creating separation, stress and chaos in our society. Try it! Our world needs it!

Several scientists talked about “Biofield Science.” What is that? We are starting to recognize that many biological processes are being controlled by a field of energy and information. We are shifting from a more biochemical view of how life works to a more informational point of view that sees energy fields distributed throughout the body (e.g. brain, heart, chakras, etc.).

  • While science has brought us progress with many technologies, we’re also starting to understand that there is a mind/body/spirit connection that goes beyond the body or material science. Physicists can’t describe the mind or the human experience. They can’t write an equation for the soul — it wouldn’t be an adequate description of it anyway.
  • We need the brain to give us the human experience, but we’re now switching from the brain to the mind, which is part of universal consciousness — it exists as a continuum, although we perceive the universe through the filters of our senses and the mind. That’s why science and spirituality need to be integrated through more transdisciplinary work.

Some of the most exciting news came in the area of cancer research. Dr. Lorenzo Cohen, MD ( said that most of us believe that cancer is due to something faulty in our genes, something we inherit or random bad luck. But he believes that most cancers are preventable by what he calls the “mix of six” lifestyle factors.

  • He ranked them in this order: social support, chronic stress reduction (by meditation, yoga, martial arts, other spiritual practices), adequate sleep, adequate exercise, improving your diet and reducing your exposure to environmental toxins. These factors act together in a synergistic fashion, so you can’t do just one thing and ignore the others.
  • He said social support is number one, because loneliness kills — its harmful effect is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. We can treat the body as a temple or a nightclub — alcohol is a Group 1 carcinogen that causes cancer in humans, as does tobacco, poor diet, being overweight, lack of physical activity, exposure to sunlight, toxins, certain viruses, etc.
  • His lab has demonstrated that a gifted energy healer could reduce the tumor size in a mouse model of cancer by 47%. The mechanism is unclear, but these results argue for further study of energy healing in humans and other mouse models.

Kelly Turner, PhD (“Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds”) researched 1,500 cancer patients, who overcame a dire prognosis after conventional and/or alternative or no cancer treatment. She discovered nine common healing factors in these miraculous cases.

  • Two factors were physical: change in diet and taking targeted, personalized herbs and supplements.
  • Seven factors were related to emotional changes: increasing your positive emotions, releasing suppressed emotions (like stress, fear), deepening your spirituality practice, following your intuition, increasing social support (love), having a purpose for living and empowering yourself (not feeling powerless).
  • The tenth factor is physical exercise (moving your body as soon as you’re able to do it physically). She said she’s not against cancer treatment, but found that allopathic medicine is solely focused on the body, whereas integrative healers provide mind/body healing, social support and add a spiritual component that floods the system with healing hormones that tell the immune system to get to work.

I chose to highlight the work of the above people, because they gave us very practical ways to become self-empowered and invested in our own health and well-being. There were a dozen other inspiring teachers and healers, whose lectures, websites or books are also worth taking a look at. The bigger point is that science and spirituality are converging or reuniting in many ways, as you can see. That’s a good thing!

How Do We Reunite Science and Spirituality?

It’s quite simple, as described by Archangel Gabriel in today’s message, which gives us more clarity and guidance in our lives.

From: Archangel Gabriel Daily Message – Wednesday, August 14, 2019 by Shelley Young

“Dear Ones, the greatest comfort you will experience will come by getting all parts of yourself in cooperation with your expansion and evolution. This means honouring and including both the head and the heart. How do you do that? By giving both jobs.

Allow your mind to create new broad intentions. Use it to see signs and synchronicities. Encourage it to notice things to be grateful for. Get your mind to formulate questions to ask the universe that can lead to wonderful new discoveries. All of these are wonderful uses of your mind and honour the human self.

Once your mind has done its job you can pass the baton from the head to the heart. The heart works through expansion, through love, through surrender, through flow. It supports empowered forward movement.

Do you see? The mind is the human operating system, the heart is the soul’s operating system.

As a human being having a spiritual experience, both are essential. By using the innate gifts of each you can, with your wisdom and guidance, harness the full depth of experience they can offer by working together.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Note: All images and emphasis are mine.

For more information, please see:

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse (Big Picture Questions): Ulla Sarmiento: 9781983061813: Books (Kindle & Paperback)

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife (Big Picture Questions – Book 2): Ulla Sarmiento: 9781099329203: Books (Kindle & Paperback)

Ulla Sarmiento: Guía Espiritual a Nuestro Multiverso (Spanish Edition): Ulla Maija Sarmiento: 9781983302916: Books (Kindle & Paperback)

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