Previously, we have talked about the purpose of religion and spirituality and the world cycles of consciousness that humanity evolves through. Now that we are shifting from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, we are changing the way we operate on this planet in many ways. What does the shift to the Aquarian Age mean?
What is meant by the Ages?
Various cultures have described “time” in either cyclical (e.g. Hindu, Mayan, Babylonian, Greek, etc.) or linear terms (e.g. Islamic, Judeo-Christian, modern western view, as described in What Are Human Root Races? – Big Picture That’s why there are so many different views about the Ages we evolve through.
- For example, some believe the Age of Aquarius arrived in the 1960s, when the musical “Hair” became popular along with the hippies, yippies and New Agers (despite the astrologically nonsensical lyrics).
- Others say the winter solstice of 2020 was one marker for the Age of Aquarius, which is more like an evolutionary wave, not just one event, astrological date or configuration.
Terry MacKinnell (“The Age of Aquarius for Dummies“) said the ages behave like waves that “overflow” into each other. Right now we are in the Age of Aquarius, but still feeling a strong influence from the overflow of the Age of Pisces, so we’re really in the Pisces-Aquarius Age cusp (below).
The Age of Aquarius runs from 1433 to 3581 AD, but with its overflow influence, the era is twice as long (as shown). Each Age has 12 sub-ages, each of which has 12 micro-ages that have 12 nano-ages. That’s how we get different archetypes repeated in smaller periods in each Age. The dates refer to a “3D” reality with linear time, but at higher levels, they are simply markers for events, since we exist in event space and go/flow from one possible event point to another (see How Do We Shift Realities? (Video) – Big Picture Questions).
What does the shift to the Aquarian Age mean?
“The Aquarian Age isn’t a random New Age concept or utopian ideal that we are trying to “transcend” our way into…it’s a genuine, tangible shift in the way we live on Earth that will touch almost everything we do, whether we “believe” in it or not. In fact, not placing blind belief in anything outside of ourselves is a fundamental shift in the Aquarian age.” – Rachel Lieberman (@puregenerators)
Here is a list summarizing the changes upon us, as we move into the Aquarian Age in greater numbers. It will happen naturally, as we rise in frequency into the Energy Age and start to blend our “3D” operating system with our “5D” operating system. That happens when we go from ego to soul activation, and when humanity shifts from a young soul age to a mature soul age across the globe. They all describe the same shift.
Let’s take a look at some changes, as we shift from the Pisces/Material Age into the Aquarius/Energy Age both individually and collectively as a wave (with pioneers at the leading edge and laggards at the trailing edge):
- Identity: Our identification with the ego and the physical body (or soul immersion) makes us feel separate, limited, abandoned and totally alone. We will shift to a less individualized ego with the integration of the heart and mind. The Aquarian human wants to be part of a soul family, a community, one human race, while honoring the individuality, eccentricity, diversity and unique contributions of every human being.
- Learning: We will shift from left brained, logic-based binary thinking to more holistic experiential learning. We will become more present and heart centered and allow our curiosity to lead us to new experiences and trust our intuition and the guidance from our guide and helpers to get us there. We will stay away from karma-inducing low frequency thought processes, such as conspiracy theories and other delusions.
- Energy body: Our chakras will evolve along with our consciousness. We will have one composite solar chakra that serves the gross physical body (instead of three lower chakras). Our “internal wiring” is also changing. Our energy channels will be “reconfigured” to make it easier for us to care and provide for others, to share our food and resources with others, according to Karen Curry (“The Quantum Human”).
- Eating foods: We will change the way we eat. The higher up the frequencies we go, the less physical food we will need to sustain our bodies. We will stop eating meat and animal products. At the higher 4th frequency, we will eat less food and less often, since our chakras pull in enough prana to feed the cells in our semi-physical body. We will have healthier and longer lifespans as a result.
- Sexuality: This area is also shifting to make sexuality and procreation a more conscious act using more energetic than physical connections. We will have more fluidity in genders, coupling and family settings. This upgrade will also help us create peaceful long-term agreements to bring more peace and less conflict into our relationships, communities and the world, according to Karen Curry (“The Quantum Human”).
- Social and economic justice: The age of bigotry, racism and “us vs. them” thinking will be over, when we shift from scarcity mentality to abundance mentality, or from fear of lack to sustainability of resources and the planet itself. There is no need to hoard resources, to fight or go to war, when we learn to create, share and distribute resources for the well-being of all. Billionaires and for profit corporations will cease to exist.
- Governance: We will shift from highly centralized, hierarchical or vertical leadership structures to more horizontal, decentralized, regional or self-governmental structures that better serve the needs of people. Democracy will spread across the world that understands the interdependence of all life on this planet. Conscious peaceful activism will replace misguided zealotry, insurrections or terrorist attacks on others.
- Belief systems: Religions with rigid beliefs, rules, rituals and traditions will be seen as outdated forms of mass manipulation and control. They will be replaced by spiritual practices, which focus on psycho-spiritual development of the self, connecting the small self to the Higher Self and Source itself. There is no need for external saviors, although we will have 12 avatars (“White children“) that are ascended master level beings to help the world shift to the Aquarian Age along with the newer spiritually advanced “hybrid” children.
- Outer technology: Since we are moving into the ascending Energy Age in the world cycle, we will see rapid technological and scientific advances and innovations, including new communication devices, free energy devices, bioengineered tissues or prosthetic body parts, artificial intelligence, robotics, transportation and local space travel (to interact with galactic civilizations and their knowledge, skills and experiences as well).
- Inner technology: We shift from trying to figure things out with logic, science or outer technology to using our higher intuitive functions, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience to develop ourselves and get guidance or “downloads” for the questions at hand. As a result, we will become more conscious creator entities that consider the needs of others and how our actions will impact the collective and all the other entities on the planet (see What Makes a Great Civilization? – Big Picture Questions).
Final Comments
This is a just quick overview of the changes we can expect to see in the future. The younger generations of human souls are born with a higher frequency starting point, so this worldview is more natural to them. The older generations, who grew up listening to “Hair” may be struggling with the change from the way things were to the way things need to be, because the old ways are simply unsustainable for the survival of humanity and other living entities (e.g. plants, animals, planet itself). We need some change in order to evolve.
“Mankind is on the cusp again, it has been here before, one where a great realization may be experienced. I hope you all see it and make the right decision and choose love and service to each other, for the alternative is to start again!” – Source (via Guy Needler, April 2020)
Here is the higher plan for humanity:
For more, please see: How To Bridge Science and Spirituality? – Big Picture