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How Do We Deal With Mass Manipulation?

Previously, we have talked about the Dark Agenda and the Illuminati and Evil Leaders, who perpetrate atrocities, wars and chaos amongst us. Now we’ll take a look at the methods they use to mind control and manipulate people. How do we deal with mass manipulation?

What are the methods of mass manipulation?

My previous post on How To Help the World See the Truth? – Big Picture Questions had a figure that listed 14 methods of mass manipulation or mind control. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

Here is my understanding of the methods based on my research and channeling:

  1. Obfuscation: This is a term to describe obscuring or hiding something or being deluded about something. It is a method used to mislead people, to confuse them with a smoke and mirrors game or gaslighting (using denial, misdirection, contradiction and lying to sow seeds of doubt in a person to make them question their own memory, perception, sanity and norms).
  2. Worldview poisoning: This refers to manipulating our worldview, human nature and self-value by those who benefit from conditioning us. This is to make you think that somebody else is creating your world, that you have no say in the matter, when the truth is that you are creating 100% of your reality with your own conscious intentions. Most of it is unconscious, like an iceberg under water, so you think it’s somebody else doing it for you. No, you are doing it, and you don’t need to drink the poison given to you by others.
  3. Primal fears (darkness, abandonment, chaos and predators): This refers to all the fears humans have about survival, security, health, self-worth, belonging, being outcast, being called less than, judged, criticized, condemned, persecuted or killed or hunted. Everybody has these fears in one form or another from childhood on, but some people are able to feel them and work with them to transmute them, to realize that all is well with Source.
  4. Divide and conquer: This highlights the perceived differences between people (e.g. racism, classism) and exploits them to create infighting, so they are easy to control and conquer. This is an age old method to split people into different factions that fight against each other. It’s the us vs. them mentality that keeps people or groups of people separate from each other, instead of seeing that we all are One and come from Source. We are equal as entities, just playing different roles here to experience, learn and evolve.
  5. Indoctrination: That is teaching something that is misleading or misguided to not allow someone to think for themselves. They adhere to some rigid rules or laws that make you feel obedient or compliant to those rules, that were created or invented by someone else, usually to have power over or control others.
  6. Controlled opposition: This is a device used by many governments to give the illusion of an opposition, which is acting with the government in power, just pretending to be in opposition, when they are not. They occur in all parties, in all countries, regardless of ideology. It is usually a “paid” [bribed] position, meaning they appeal to self-servers, who do not have any real opposition to the ruling power. It promotes artificial conflict resolution.
  7. Financial system: This is a monetary system of control. It is a big issue in that it is totally controlled by a few oligarchs, manipulated by those under them, and accepted or adopted by people around the world, only because it’s the only system they have ever known. In the past people did not use money at all. This is a relatively new invention to make you think that you need to work, to earn money, to buy basic goods and services in society. This is not the case at all. You can set up a different system, which may be bartering or an unconditional service based society.
  8. Control of mass media: If you can control the information that people get to see, hear and read, you control their perception of reality. This is the propaganda arm of the control system, which keeps repeating messages that put people into a negative mood, hopelessness, as if they are powerless, helpless, can’t do anything about their life or the way things are. This is the easiest way to control people in this day and age, because it is omnipresent, everywhere, from social media to internet to radio, TV, newspapers. It is something you have the power to turn off completely. You do not need to follow any of it to survive, to have a good life.
  9. “Food” and “Medicine”: Attack on the physical body relates to various techniques that are damaging to our consciousness. There are two big industries that are making people sicker, so that there is profit in making them “well” but dependent on drugs, processed or addictive foods, which keep them in a cycle for a life of chronic diseases, chronic abuse of the body with no way out unless you wake up out of it.
  10. Illusion of time: This is a fear-based technique to get people to regret the past or be anxious about the future. Time is a human invention. As you know, there is plenty of “time” or event space to do any possibility you have your heart set on, you are not limited.
  11. The Denial-Hassle-Ridicule factor: People are unwilling to seek change or take action for fear of these three responses. These are low acting behaviors done by a victim or victimizer. They work on those who have a low self-esteem, not on those, who know who they are (Higher Self) and where they come from (Source).
  12. Religion — Binding the right brain: This is the oldest and most effective method of mind control. Believers are given an exoteric version of something that was once esoteric or internal. It works by binding the right brain (to bypass our natural higher functions of Abstraction, Illumination of the Big Picture). Religion is a manmade organization used to control people with messages, which really come from people, not from Source. It is a way to wield power and shame, guilt and all sorts of self-serving activities by the powers behind the altar. It is not necessary to have middle men in this day and age, when you are all educated and can do things for yourself. You can lead your own lives without religious authorities telling you what to do or not to do.
  13. Subversive symbolism: Based on ancient sacred symbols used in government buildings, money, corporate sigils, promotional signs and documents. This method is used to give subliminal or subconscious messages to people with symbols. It could be the fleur-de-lis or the cross or any symbol that means something to some people. It varies from one culture or society to another, because Christians react to the cross, but Buddhists don’t, etc.
  14. Chaos sorcery: This is a form of ritual magic to create Problem-Reaction-Solution. Those in power create a chaotic situation (e.g. 9/11 terrorist attack) that elicits an extreme reaction of fear and chaos in people who demand “law and order” as a solution. This refers to black magic practiced by dark entities, who work with astral entities above us. They use black sorcery to influence events or people for their aims. This is not pure, it is harmful and needs to stop. Be your own spell caster. Use it for the good of all. Take your power back and become self-empowered, self-controlled and free.

After learning about all these methods of manipulation, you might think we’re screwed. Not at all. This is just naming the game.

How do we deal with mass manipulation?

Here is what Guy Needler said when I asked him how to break free of mind control. He explained:

We break free by choosing to not be affected by it. We don’t get involved with conspiracy theory, we don’t gossip on it. We don’t get attracted to the thought that somebody else is controlling us, we simply choose to reject it.

We work on ourselves. We create our own reality, so to speak. We do create our own reality, and that’s part of the some of the information in “The Curators.” And we’re able to create a collective reality that’s associated with it, as like minded people work together.

We break free of it, from ANY form of control, by simply refusing to be part of it, and we create our own reality.

We don’t get involved in it. We don’t see it. We don’t look at it on television. We don’t engage in communication or discourse or conversation with people, who go down that route. We simply choose to move away from this, so we’re in it, but not of it again. So from that perspective, we are free individuals.

Are you into conspiracy or are you into trying to look into the bigger picture? We become free and sovereign beings by working on ourselves, working with our own realities, rather than somebody else’s reality.

And so unless people become conscious of the fact, that they are living in somebody else’s reality, their minds are in somebody else’s reality, like David Icke’s reality and others like him.

So we have to think higher than that — think, behave and act higher than that — and that makes us become conscious of a greater reality, a higher level of functionality, and a higher frequential state as a result of it. We become higher frequency.

The more we start to think, behave and act in a higher frequency way, the higher up the frequencies we go, the more functions we get, the more intuitively connected we become. Our communicative ability with our True Energetic Self and Source becomes stronger, and we get higher functions and higher frequency again, so we spiral upwards, so look at it in this perspective.

So we should create an environment around ourselves, a reality around ourselves, where we can work on that, work with people of like mind, who aren’t interested in these conspiracies, or low frequency thoughts of this or that, or frightening or scare tactics. We move away from that.

So although we exist in a world that’s got it — it’s there. We accept that it’s there, but it’s like a TV channel that we don’t tune into, because we don’t want to. And then we work on another TV channel that we want to, because it’s creating what we want to do collectively, or individually, which makes us go higher up the frequencies.

So all of this is to do with us taking responsibility for ourselves, working on what we feel is right, and moving forwards with that feeling, creating our own reality, our own environment, and our own frequential progression. And not being stuck on or being linked into other people’s thoughts, behaviors and actions, because they pull us down to their levels. Or if you’re working with people of higher frequency, they pull us up to their levels.

How Do We Shift Realities? (Video) – Big Picture Questions

The Source has a word of encouragement for those on the spiritual path (“The Greater Reality Newsletter” February 2017):

The Earth’s incarnate population is currently in a continued downward trend (a dip being a normal function of overall ascension) in its frequencies and as a result spiritual people are finding that their ability to be spiritual in their thoughts, behaviors and actions are difficult to maintain. Also, the understanding of certain “strange” events or decisions occurring on the global stage are causing confusion. When considering all things that are thought to be bizarre and un-spiritual I say to you all:

Be firm in your spiritual beliefs, turn them into certainties and not possibilities.
Be calm, be in the physical and not of the physical.
Refuse to be drawn down by such low frequency actions and interactions and maintain your frequency in the process.

Choose detachment rather than attachment or interaction.
Know that you and your feelings are right and continue with your spiritual thoughts, behaviors and actions.

Practice what you preach and know that you will maintain your frequency, increase the frequencies of others and evolve as a result.” – Source

Acting in a consistently loving manner towards yourself creates stability and peace within which automatically helps anchor stability and peace in the world. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

For more information, please see:

Guy Needler: Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science (new website) & books: The History of GodBeyond the Source – Book 1Beyond the Source – Book 2Avoiding Karma, The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016, The Curators, 2019, Psycho-Spiritual Healing, 2020 (in publication)

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Relationships, 2020

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Afterlife, 2019

Ulla Sarmiento: Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse, 2018

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